
  • 【法】defect of declaration
  1. 意思表示瑕疵合同的效力

    Validity of a Contract Which Has Flaw of Meaning of Mind

  2. 论网络环境下的意思表示瑕疵

    Concerning the defects of meaning expression in the network environment

  3. 与大陆法系国家不同的是,缺席判决的救济理由规定了颇具特色的意思表示瑕疵诉讼行为。

    Unlike those in countries of continental law system , the remedy reasons of default judgment provides the rather special statement flaw action .

  4. 从本质上说,不正当影响规则属于法律行为学说中的意思表示瑕疵救济制度,是英美法系所独有的一个意思表示瑕疵救济制度,为大陆法系所缺失。

    In essence , undue influence belongs to meaning representation flaw relief system in legal act theories . This is a system unique to Common law , for which we are lack in .

  5. 证据契约的瑕疵包括程序瑕疵和意思表示瑕疵,程序瑕疵可以予以补正,若当事人不予以补正,法院可以无视该行为。

    Evidence of defects including program contract mean bugs and blemishes , program shall be corrected flaws can , if the parties shall not be corrected , the court can ignore this behavior .

  6. 意思表示无瑕疵;

    Expression of will without flaw ;

  7. 对意思表示及其瑕疵的含义进行了阐释,进而论述了网络中的意思表示的新特点、表现形式和法律规制,以期对网络交易安全和网络秩序有所裨益。

    Making some explanation about the meaning expression and its defects , fatherly expounding the new features , forms , and laws and regulations of it , hoping that it does some good to the network trade security and network order .