
  • 网络debt relief;discharge of debt
  1. 论债务免除的性质

    On the Nature of Debt Relief

  2. 债务免除的性质向来有单方行为和契约两说。

    As to the nature of debt relief there are unilateral act theory and contract theory .

  3. 全球大规模的债务免除和退税还在起步阶段。

    Global debt forgiveness and massive tax refunds are only the start .

  4. 记者:但究竟是什么让你们想到将债务免除与森林保护联系起来?

    REPORTER : But why exactly are you tying in the debt relief to forest conservation ?

  5. 八国集团新的债务免除建议为若干国家提供了一个机会,向HIV/艾滋病重新分配大量资源。

    The new G-8 debt relief proposal provides an opportunity for several countries to reallocate significant resources to HIV / AIDS .

  6. 有一天希腊政府可能会说,这套计划是不切实际的,应以包含债务免除的计划取代它。

    At some point , the Greek government could argue that it is unrealistic and should be replaced by one that includes debt forgiveness .

  7. 要让欧洲重回增长通道,必须进行永久性的债务免除,将外围经济体的债务负担降至更可控的水平。

    To really get Europe back on track , it would need to be combined with permanent debt write-offs designed to bring the financial burdens of the periphery countries down to more manageable levels .

  8. 不可免除的权利主张通常促成债务的免除,除非可能的债务是由离婚而引起的。

    Non-discharge actions generally favor the discharge of the debt except perhaps debts arising from divorce .

  9. 作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。

    The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system . Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings , the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility .

  10. 当合同陷入困境不能依约履行时,法律应当给当事人提供相应的制度从这个合同中摆脱出来,使其交易自由得以回复,相关债务得以免除,这对整个社会的总体利益也是有利的。

    When a contract Unable to fulfill , law shall offer some method for parties to the contract to get out of this contract , free trade as he wanted and exempt from the debt which will benefit the entire society .

  11. 问题就在于根据禁止令,科瓦克斯的债务是否属于免除的债务。

    The issue was whether Kovacs ' obligation under the injunction was a " debt " subject to discharge .

  12. 国家领导们终于结束了财政边缘政策上的荒唐而不负责任的争斗,同意提高联邦债务上限,免除了发生金融世界大战的风险。

    The country 's leaders at last ended a ludicrously irresponsible bout of fiscal brinkmanship , removing the threat of global financial Armageddon by agreeing to raise the federal debt ceiling .

  13. 履行偿付债务的义务他免除支付债款的义务。

    Performance obligations He was relieved of the obligation to pay his debt .