
  • 网络debt ratio;Debt rate;debt-to-GDP ratio;Foreign Debt Ratio
  1. 现在西方饱受衰退的困扰,中国的债务率低于任何G7中的国家。

    And now as the West stumbles out of recession , China 's debts are lower than those of any G7 economy .

  2. 债务率为90%,偿债率为10%,均在国际警戒线之内;

    Debt rate is 90 % and repaying rate is 10 % , are all under the international alerting line ;

  3. 根据楼继伟所说,仍有约100座城市,400个区县债务率超过100%。

    But still , there are around 100 cities and 400 counties with ratios over 100 percent , according to Lou .

  4. 在发达国家步入危机之际,一些国家的公共债务率创下了没有重大战争时期的最高水平。

    Advanced countries entered the crisis with some of the highest public debt ratios ever reached in the absence of a major war .

  5. 衡量的指标有:负债率、债务率、偿债率及第三方机构认证衡量的标准信用违约互换和信用评级。

    Measure indicators are : debt ratio , debt ratio , debt ratio and the three party certification institutions to provide credit rating .

  6. 同时,短期分析表明政府花费增加可以减少初始投资率,增加政府债务率水平;

    Short run analysis shows that an initial increase in government expenditure leads to reduction in investment , and a rise in government bonds .

  7. 莱因哈特教授和罗格夫教授以房地产泡沫和高债务率为特征辨别“系统性金融危机”。

    Profs Reinhart and Rogoff distinguish a " systemic financial crisis " as one characterised by a real estate bubble and high levels of debt .

  8. 但是,经济复苏仍面临较大下行风险,许多发达经济体失业率和债务率高企令人担忧,增长依然脆弱。

    Significant downside risks to this recovery remain , however . Unemployment and debt levels are worryingly high and growth remains weak in many advanced economies .

  9. 本文通过对各国之间年度财政赤字差异影响因素的分析来解释各国之间政府债务率的差异。

    This paper tries to explain the differences of government debt rate between countries by analyzing the influencing factors of differences between countries annual budget deficit .

  10. 论证和说明中国现阶段的赤字率和债务率及其警戒线,是本文展开分析的主题。

    To analyze and explain the deficit rate and debt rate and their boundaries in China 's current development stage is the main subject of this paper .

  11. 此外,本文还采用了多因素模型,对公司的盈利能力、现金股利分配和增长机会与公司债务率的相关性进行回归分析。

    Then I will go on with the Multi-factor model , make regressive analysis with profits , growth , cash dividends , and the debt rate of the company .

  12. 12月,全国地方债务率约86%,低于100%警戒线。

    The ratio of total outstanding local government debt to annual income stood at around 86 percent in December , which is still lower than the red line of 100 percent .

  13. 其中上期政府债务率、经济增长率、实际利率和政府连续执政时间对政府财政年度赤字率有负的影响,政府财政支出则有正的影响。

    Government debt rate of the previous year , the rate of economic growth , real interest rates and the government ruling the government fiscal year deficit rate have a negative impact , and the government expenditure may have a positive impact .

  14. 债务融资率与市场价值之间存在显著的负相关关系;

    There are remarkable negative relevant relations between debt financing rate and market value ;

  15. 印度存在着巨额财政赤字,公共债务展期率也很高。

    India has high fiscal deficits and a high rollover rate for public debts .

  16. 结果表明,股权再融资率与债务融资率之间存在显著的正相关关系;

    Result indicates that stock re financing rate and debt financing rate have remarkable positive correlation ;

  17. 政府债务收益率保持在低位的时间越长,就越有可能增加投资级企业债券的息差压力。

    The longer government yields remain low , the more likely spreads will compress on investment-grade corporate bonds .

  18. 这让投资级企业的债务股本率达到了85%,而2010年的这一比例是72%。

    That has pushed the investment grade debt-to-equity ratio to 85 per cent , compared with 72 per cent in 2010 .

  19. 目前,中国联通总资产达1133.4亿元,债务资本率为31.5%。

    At present , the total assets of China Unicom reached RMB 113.34 billion , and the debt to capital ratio was 31.5 % .

  20. 本文建立了以债务融资率、股权再融资率和市场价值为系统内生变量的结构方程,对我国上市公司的数据进行实证分析。

    This article set up a simultaneous equation with debt financing rate , stock re financing rate and market value as system endogenous variables .

  21. 正是这个时候,希腊的外债问题渐渐浮出水面,债务收益率飙升,从而蔓延到整个欧元区。

    It was during this period that the Greek sovereign debt problems surfaced , sending yields on Greek government bonds rocketing , and threatening contagion across the euro zone .

  22. 深谙此道,投资者纷纷将主权债作为一个僻难所,美国主权债务收益率在降级之后回落下来。

    As if to underline the point , yields on US Treasury bonds actually fell in the days after the downgrade , as investors fled to them as a haven .

  23. 股票、信贷指数与大宗商品价格全面反弹,欧元区主权债务收益率大幅下降,欧元兑美元汇率从11周低点回升。

    Equity , credit indices and commodity prices rallied across the board , eurozone sovereign debt yields fell sharply and the euro rebounded from an 11-week low against the dollar .

  24. 这将对美国联邦债务收益率产生持久的巨大下行压力足以使抑制政府过度支出的市场规律无法发挥作用。

    That would generate a large and persistent downward pressure on US federal debt yields big enough to preclude the discipline otherwise imposed by the market to rein in excessive government expenditure .

  25. 首先,目前的悲观情绪并没有蔓延到债券市场,一些新兴市场国家的主权债务收益率已降至极低的水平,显示债券市场可能存在泡沫。

    For a start , the current pessimism does not extend to bond markets where yields on some emerging market sovereign debt have been driven down to levels that smack of a bubble .

  26. 财政赤字占国内生产总值的比重从2009年的2.8%降到去年的1.5%左右,赤字率和债务负担率保持在安全水平。

    As a result , the government deficit dropped from 2.8 % of GDP in 2009 to about 1.5 % last year , and both deficit-to-GDP and debt-to-GDP ratios remained at a safe level .

  27. 欧元区各国多数出现财政状况恶化,政府财政赤字率和政府债务负担率不断上升,其中尤以希腊、爱尔兰、葡萄牙、意大利和西班牙等国最为严重。

    Most euro area members are experiencing awful financial situation , with increasing government deficit ratios and government debt ratios , among which countries like Greece , Ireland , Portugal , Italy and Spain are most serious .

  28. 表明即使从总体来说债务融资率的增加抑制了公司业绩的增长,但是其中还是存在一个能够促进公司业绩增长的债务融资比例。

    Even the increase of debt financing rate restrains the growth of firm performance , there is still an interval of debt financing ratio in which the firm performance presents a positive correlation with the rate of debt financing .

  29. 在研究结论方面,本文认为技术效率与债务负担率并非单纯的线性关系,在不同阶段,技术效率会对债务负担率产生不同影响,从而产生不同的主权债务风险。

    Firstly , the relationship between technical efficiency and debt-to-GDP ratio is not a simple linear one . In different stage , the former will have different effect to the latter . As a result , different levels of sovereign debt risk could be created accordingly .

  30. 2001-2004年,区县政府平均债务余额增长率与GDP增长率之比为165.08%,处于危机区。

    The ratio of average debt growth rate and GDP growth rate is 165.08 % in the crisis region .