
duō yǔ
  • multilingual;polyglot
  1. 一些研究者提出了基于Web的双语或多语平行语料库自动挖掘方法,为双语或多语平行语料库的自动构建提出了有效的解决途径。

    Some researchers have proposed several effective solutions of Web-based bilingual or multilingual parallel corpora automatically mining for building the bilingual or multilingual parallel corpus .

  2. 多语言识别实验分为训练多语种语料库和语种识别两个阶段,训练和测试文本均来自于开放式目录工程(OpenDirectoryProject)。

    The speech recognition experiments were divided into two stages of training of multilingual corpus and testing of language recognition , the texts of training and testing came from the Open Directory Project .

  3. P组苏醒期躁动和兴奋多语的发生率分别为34%及31%,PR组未发生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    Group P had restlessness and hyperphasia during reanimation stage , accounting for 34 % and 31 % respectively , while group PR had nothing occurred ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. Hudson认为,在两个或多个语言有接触的情况下,必然会出现双语或多语现象。在双语或多语现象中,语码转换又是不可避免的结果。

    Code-switching , as an inevitable consequence of bilingualism which is an inevitable consequence of language contact , dutifully exerts impacts on both languages involved .

  5. 如果你能回答“si”、“oui”或者“是的”,而且能看懂这个英文短片,那么你就跟世界上很多人一样、具备双语能力或是多语能力。

    If you answered " si , " " oui " or " hui " and you are watching this in English , chances are you belong to the world bilingual and multilingual majority .

  6. 其次,探讨面向专业机器翻译的术语词典研究的几个重要方面,包括通用领域本体的设计、专业术语的描述和向本体的映射、双语或多语MT专业词库的组织和应用等;

    Some important aspects of specialty MT-oriented technical lexicons are then studied , including the design of general-purpose specialty ontology , the description of technical terms and their mapping to specialty ontology , the organization and application of bilingual or multilingual MT domain-specific lexicons .

  7. 本文讨论了国际电子商务的几个主要发展趋势,包括其占全球贸易总额的比重逐年递增、B2C模式的重要性、网络用户多语种化、网站多语种化、门户网站的兴起与发展等。

    In this paper major trends in international electronic commerce are discussed , which include its increasing share in global trade , the importance of B2C e-commerce , language diversity of Internet users , multi-lingual Websites , and the rise of " portals " .

  8. 是用精灵语字母写的魔多语

    It 's the language of Mordor written in Elvish script .

  9. 瑞士联邦多语制刍议

    Survey on the multi-linguistic system in the Commonwealth of Switzerland

  10. 关于多语教育的哲学思考

    Thoughts on the Multilingual Education from the Perspective of Philosophy

  11. 语篇结构中多语类混合现象初探

    A Preliminary Investigation into the Multi-Genre Phenomenon in Text Structure

  12. 多语信息交流平台的中间语言系统及支撑环境设计

    The Design of a Multi-Lingual Communication Platform Based on Interlingua

  13. 一种以世界语和伊多语为基础的人工语。

    An artificial language based on Esperanto and Ido .

  14. 多语词典、短语集、版本等

    A multilingual dictionary , phrasebook , edition , etc

  15. 澳门是个多语多言的社会。

    Macao has been a multi-languages and multi-dialects society .

  16. 基于变因素集和多语义粒度的用户满意度评价方法研究

    Research on method of multi-semantic granularity and variable factor set based customer satisfaction evaluation

  17. 语言意识形态和语言秩序:全球化与美中两国的多语(教育)战略

    Language Ideology and Order : Globalization and Multilingual Education in the US and China

  18. 超文本多语式的社会符号学分析

    A social semiotic analysis of hypertext 's multimodality

  19. 带多语使用说明的电气商品。

    Electrical goods sold with multilingual operating instructions .

  20. 太平洋地区的多语现象是很突出的。

    In the area of the Pacific Ocean , the multi-language phenomenon is obvious .

  21. 汉日韩-英多语机译系统的通用英语生成器

    Universal English Generator in Chinese-Japanese-Korean-English Multilingual MT System

  22. 多语教育的理论与个案研究

    The Theoretical and Case Research of Multilingual Education

  23. 构建双语和谐的多语社会

    Establishing Bilingual Harmony in a Multilingual Society

  24. 教育的全球化呼唤着双语教学甚至多语教学。

    The globalization of education calls for a bilingual education or even more language teaching .

  25. 卫奇塔人说的卡多语。

    How old is this tower ? the Caddoan language spoken by the Wichita people .

  26. 多语世界的单一罗马化&我国街道名称译写规范的法理依据

    " Single-Romanization " in a Multilingual World & Standardization in Romanizing Street Names in China

  27. 新加坡、欧美的双语(多语)教育&比较与语言学透析

    Bilingual ( Multilingual ) Education in Singapore , Europe and America : Comparative and Linguistic Perspectives

  28. 多语的发生率分别为0.97%和2.62%(P<0.01)。

    The incidence of restlessness was 0.975 and 2.62 % ( P < 0.01 ), respectively .

  29. 该节日成立于1999年,其目的是要促进语言和文化的多元性,以及多语种化。

    It started in 1999 with the purpose of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism .

  30. 地理数据的多语义性、多时空性、多尺度给系统集成带来了困难。

    The geographical data with characteristics of multi-semantics , multi-space-times , multi-scales makes system integration difficult .