
duō yuán
  • multielement;polybasic;multivariant;many entity
多元 [duō yuán]
  • [many entity] 三个以上的整体或实体

多元[duō yuán]
  1. 大面积多元PbS探测器均匀度研究

    The uniformity of a multielement PbS detector

  2. 用于高含水原油的RAK-5多元复配破乳剂

    RAK-5 Multielement Complex Demulsifying Agents Used on High Water Cut Crude

  3. 她已经付了2000多元罚金。

    She has already paid over $ 2 000 in fines .

  4. 这部电影轻易赚了3亿多元。

    The movie raked in more than $ 300 million .

  5. 这个估计差了100多元。

    The estimate was out by more than $ 100 .

  6. 我们生活在一个多元文化的社会中。

    We live in a multicultural society .

  7. 英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。

    Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates

  8. 他的政府已承诺要推动本国朝着多元民主的方向发展。

    His government has pledged to move the country towards a plural democracy .

  9. 这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。

    The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum .

  10. 我想,出现了某种向类似多元体系转变的趋势。

    There is movement towards , I think , something in the nature of a pluralistic system

  11. 他们一顿饭就造了一千多元。

    They laid out more than a thousand yuan on a dinner .

  12. 甚至散文都是离奇得无厘头:那是一生都在35000英尺高空的全球贵宾们的多元文化暗语。

    Even the prose is weirdly rootless : the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at35,000 feet .

  13. 如今,该领域正处于转型期,从专注于本科生参与的实验室研究转向更多元人群一起研究的更复杂真实的情景。

    Today , the field is in transition , moving away from a focus on laboratory studies with undergraduate participants towards more complex , real-world situations studied with more diverse groups of people .

  14. “比方说,这是我带过的最好的学生,”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区的社会科学家、多元融合战略师凯海琳·达特说。

    " Say , you know , this is the best student I 've ever had , " says Kuheli Dutt , a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University 's Lamont campus .

  15. 12天之内,他们赚了1500多元。

    Within 12 days , they made more than 1,500 yuan .

  16. 一贯传承的线条,倾注的是多元的艺术格调。

    What the traditional lines concentrate on is the variedly artistic styles .

  17. 在多元文化社会中长大的孩子们。

    Children growing up in a multicultural society .

  18. 教师的角色宜视教学情境脉络做弹性及多元的转换

    Science teacher 's role should change elastically and multiply depending on the instruction context .

  19. 中国和中东欧国家都坚信开放创造机遇、包容成就多元,这也是中国-中东欧国家合作保持旺盛生命力的根本所在。

    China and CEE countries share the conviction that openness brings opportunities and inclusiveness ensures diversity .

  20. 澳大利亚,这片神奇的大陆,有着优美独特的风光、蓬勃发展的经济、富于活力的人民、多元共生的文化,深深吸引着世界的目光。

    The magnificent land of Australia has attracted worldwide attention with its exotic , charming landscape , dynamic economy , vibrant1 people and diversified2 culture .

  21. 微机多元数据分析BASIC语言通用程序包

    The basic general purpose program package of multivariate data analysis

  22. Fuzzy卡氏积与多元扩展原理

    Fuzzy Cartesian product and multi extension principle

  23. 利用XML实现多元关系数据模式

    Multi-relational data model based on XML

  24. 多元工序能力指数C(pm)

    Multivariate Process Capability Index C_ ( pm )

  25. 陶瓷胎中Al2O3、Fe2O3作用的多元统计分析

    Multi-Variate Statistic Analysis of Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3 Effect in Pottery and Porcelain

  26. 热塑性聚氨酯弹性体主要由含OH的低聚物多元醇、小分子扩链剂和异氰酸酯等原料聚合而成。

    Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers are prepared with polyol ester containing OH , isocyanate and a chain extender .

  27. LPS多元硅钻井液提高二界面胶结强度的研究

    LPS polyatomic silicon-based drilling fluid improves the cementation strength between interfaces

  28. 多元醇法制备和表征Sb2Se3纳米线

    Polyol Process Preparation and Characterization of Sb_2Se_3 Nanowires

  29. Twitter在声明中称,公司致力于创造多元且为员工提供支持的工作环境。

    Twitter said in a statement that it was committed to a diverse and supportive workplace .

  30. 用VISUALBASIC6.0开发出缔合体系精馏模拟软件,同时软件也包括了一般体系的多元复杂精馏模拟。

    The software for simulating distillation process of association system was programmed using Visual Basic 6.0.The software was also used to simulate distillation process of general systems .