
  • 网络Dorset;David J. Dorsett
  1. 我们在多塞特熙熙攘攘的郡首府多切斯特相遇。

    We met in Dorchester , Dorset 's bustling county town .

  2. 这些再循环方案在多塞特郡的农村地区首先试用。

    The recycling scheme gets its first try-out in rural Dorset .

  3. 多塞特还未遭到大批游客的破坏。

    Dorset is as yet unspoilt by coachloads of tourists .

  4. 国民托管组织已颁布禁令,禁止在多塞特、德文与康沃尔地区使用水上摩托艇。

    The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset , Devon and Cornwall .

  5. 孩子们独立生活后,他和妻子搬到多塞特的茅草屋去住了。

    When their children had flown the nest , he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset .

  6. 保罗泰保将伦敦中心与多塞特(dorset)和康瓦尔内(cornwall)非常热门的城市相比较发现,当地人已经买不起房了。

    Tabor compares prime London to some of the most sought-after country hotspots in Dorset and Cornwall , where the locals can no longer afford to buy their own properties .

  7. 但我的同事史蒂文•斯普瑞尔(StevenSpurrier),却正在与香槟省的DuvalLeroy商讨在他妻子位于多塞特的绵羊农场建合资企业的可能性。

    But my colleague Steven Spurrier is discussing the possibility of a joint venture with Duval Leroy of Champagne on his wife 's sheep farm in Dorset .

  8. 快车会直达多塞特,中途不停靠站。

    The express train goes straight to Dorsett without stopping .

  9. 多塞特角可能是最有名的版画创作之乡了。

    Cape Dorset is probably the best known of the printmaking communities .

  10. 千奇百怪的飞禽是多塞特角的艺术家所钟爱的又一个题材。

    Strange species of birds are another favourite subject of the Cape Dorsetartists .

  11. 我最好的朋友是多塞特郡的一个牧羊人。

    My best friend is a Dorset shepherd .

  12. 波恩茅斯是多塞特郡最大的城市。

    Bournemouth is the largest town in Dorset .

  13. 多塞特:等一下——这一年真的是男演员过得更好么?

    Douthat : Wait - has this really been a better year for actors ?

  14. 多塞特:等一下&这一年真的是男演员过得更好么?

    Douthat : Wait & has this really been a better year for actors ?

  15. 一个清新灿烂的早晨,我站在多塞特布满岩石的荒芜海滩上。

    A dazzlingly clear morning and I am standing on a rock-strewn , deserted beach in Dorset .

  16. 最后,他们同多塞特与威尔特郡的火警救援队取得联系而获救。

    Eventually , they contacted Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue team , who took them to safety .

  17. 英国小说家、人托马斯·代生于多塞特郡一个石匠家庭。

    Thomas Hardy , English novelist and poet , was born in Dorset , the son of a stonemason .

  18. 英格兰狂风咆哮的多塞特郡海岸看起来不像是开设退休计划课程的地方,可实际上没有比这里更理想的地方了。

    England 's blustery Dorset coast seems an unlikely setting for retirement planning lessons , but actually it 's perfect .

  19. 无角多塞特肉羊与蒙古羊自然感染球虫的感染规律及免疫指标比较研究

    Studies on the Infective Rule and Immunity Parameters When the Poll Dorset and Mongolia Sheep Were Infected by the Coccidian Naturally

  20. 谢谢没想到你也在我以为你会在多塞特郡过圣诞

    Here you are . Thank you . I wasn 't expecting to see you . I thought you were in Dorset for Christmas ?

  21. 查尔斯·图尔特·尔斯,飞机师、尔斯-罗伊斯工程公司的创建人之一,在多塞特郡死于空难。

    Charles Stewart Rolls , aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce , was killed in an air crash in Dorset .

  22. 海拉·戈也兹自从1959年多塞特角的爱斯基摩人开始创作版画以来,他们的作品一直为全世界的艺术爱好者所喜闻乐见。

    Since the Eskimos of Cape Dorset began making prints in 1959 , their graphics have continued to delight art lovers around the world .

  23. 蒙古羊与多塞特羊体内氧化和抗氧化系统与消化道线虫感染关系的研究

    Studies on Infective Regularity of Edlworms in Alimentary Tract and Relationship between It and the System of Oxidation and Anti-oxidation in Mongolia and Dorset Sheep

  24. 拉塞尔现在在多塞特郡养鹿,妻子是园艺专家、电视节目主持人阿里。拉塞尔拒绝对照片做出评论。

    Mr Russell , who is now a deer farmer in Dorset and married to gardening expert and TV presenter Ali , declined to comment .

  25. 翻遍当年报道这场战争的《多塞特回声报》,一个几乎难以辨认的国家重回视线。

    Trawl through archive copies of the local newspaper , the Dorset Evening Echo , covering the period of that conflict , and a barely-recognisable country swims into view .

  26. 一方面,他的小说以威塞克斯农村(以多塞特郡为原型)作为统一的背景,其中的环境和人物都有鲜明的乡土色彩;

    On one hand , the environment and the character in his novels are distinctly characteristic of country color under the united background Wessex , whose prototype is Hardy 's hometown Dorset .

  27. 当时驻多塞特角的北部事务行政官詹姆斯·豪斯顿,本人就是一位艺术家,他指导爱斯基摩艺人初试其道,后来他们逐步建立起了一家合作性质的版画店。

    James Houston , then Northern Affairs Administrator at Cape Dorset , and himself an artist , guided the Eskimo artists in their first experiment , and gradually a cooperative print shop was established .

  28. 原来,他的朋友哈维尔上校给他写来一封信,好不容易才转到他的手里,告诉他哈维尔上校一家搬到了莱姆(多塞特郡的海滨城市),准备在那儿过冬。

    A letter from his friend , Captain Harville , having found him out at last , had brought intelligence of Captain Harville 's being settled with his family at Lyme for the winter ;

  29. 今年稍早,英国多塞特生态与水文中心的彼得考克斯警告,如果悬浮微粒的冷却效果证明是更剧烈的话,这可能会造成更快速的全球暖化。

    Earlier this year , Peter Cox at the centre for ecology and hydrology in winfrith , dorset , warned that if the cooling effect of aerosols turned out to be greater , it could trigger faster global warming .

  30. 理查德在英国东南部的多塞特郡长大,接受的都是中产阶级白人男孩的教育方式,但4年的穆斯林生涯就令他因参与准备恐怖主义活动被判入狱6年。

    And just four years , Richard , who was brought up as a white , white middle-class boy from Dorset in the southeast of England was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism and sentenced to six years in prison .