
  • 网络Multiparticle system;QSINP
  1. 核物质是由大量核子组成的多粒子系统。

    Nuclear matter is a system contains a large number of nucleons .

  2. 两个多粒子系统的散射理论

    Scattering theory of two complex systems

  3. 这些方法都很好推进了对自然界和社会中许多非平衡态多粒子系统的研究。

    These methods have promoted remarkably the study of many non-equilibrium multi-particles systems in nature and society .

  4. 采用一种非线性的优化方法,研究了处于硬壁限制势下二维带电多粒子系统的基态,分析不同形状边界对系统基态构型的影响。

    A nonlinear optimizing method is applied to study the ground state configurations of a two-dimensional charged particle system in a hard-wall confining potential .

  5. 自驱动多粒子系统是我们这篇文章的主要内容,一般情况下不能用平衡态统计力学来描述。

    Systems of the self-driven kind , which are the main focus of this work , cannot be described by equilibrium statistical mechanics in general .

  6. 很长时间以来,考察无序和长程相互作用对多粒子系统特征行为的组合影响一直是非常活跃的研究领域。

    The combined influence of disorder and long-range interaction on the properties of many particles system has been a subject of great interest for a long time .

  7. 强耦合等离子体是一个广泛研究的课题,人们对其持续甚至增加的兴趣来自所有的长程库仑相互作用多粒子系统有许多需要解决的基本理论问题以及来自各种应用方面的需求。

    Strongly coupled plasmas are subject of intense research . The continuous and even growing interest originates from fundamental theoretical problem that have to be solved for all many-particle systems with long-range Coulomb interaction and from diverse applications .

  8. 固体是由大量的原子组成,每个原子又有原子核和电子,原则上说,直接求解这个多粒子系统的方程是不现实的,必须采用一些近似和简化。

    Solids are composed of numerous atoms and each atom has a nucleus and some electrons . Generally , it is not practical to solve the equation of a many-particle system like this directly and we must make some simplifications and approximations .

  9. 探讨了多粒子系统的几何相位中的分形现象,建立了几何相位与分形的联系,并计算了分形曲线的盒子维数,从而,在理论上拓展了人们对几何相位的认识。

    The fractal phenomenon of geometric phase in an entangled multi-particle system is also explored , and the box-counting dimensions of the fractal-like curves of the evolution of geometric phases are calculated . The results of the thesis are helpful to extend the understanding of geometric phase .

  10. 为此,本文针对几种多粒子非平衡系统,从更切它们的物理实际出发,改进和发展新的模型,开展数值模拟和理论分析研究。

    In this paper , we have researched a few multi-particles systems from the physical significance , developed some new models and carried out numerical simulations and theoretical analysis .

  11. 量子纠缠是存在于多粒子系量子系统的一种奇妙现象,即对一个子系统的测量结果无法独立于其它子系统的测量参数。

    Quantum entanglement is an interesting phenomenon which occurs among multitude particles , that is to say , the measuring outcome to one particle cannot be independent of the measurement parameter of the others .

  12. 为此,我们通过对三个一维NFM的饱和指数、相空间的Hurst指数以及三维NFM标度特性之间的关系的研究,提出了高能碰撞多粒子末态相空间系统分形特性的一般性判据。

    After research on the three saturation exponents of the one-dimensional NFM , the Hurst exponent , and the three-dimensional NFM scaling feature , we propose a criteria to determine the fractal feature in the high energy collision multiparticle final state phase space .

  13. 试验表明当每次转移多个粒子时,系统生成元的定义域在试验函数空间是稠密的,系统的生成元是适定的。

    Results indicate that when particles are moving , the domain of generator is dense in the test function space and the generator of the system is well defined .