
  • 网络multispectral imager
  1. 无人机载小型多光谱成像仪的设计

    Design of Compact Multispectral Imager for UAV

  2. 多光谱成像仪是一种有效的对地观测工具,航空机载多光谱成像仪在遥感领域得到广泛的应用。

    As a valued instrument for ocean or land observation , multispectral imager is used widely in remote sensing field .

  3. 根据这一思路,本文利用Landsat-7ETM图像进行了真彩色合成实验:首先,用搭载在卫星Landsat-7上的多光谱成像仪ETM记录的来自地气系统的辐亮度光谱图像,反演地物反射率光谱。

    According to this thought , I had the experiment of true color synthesis image using Landsat-7 ETM : first , Images of spectral radiance from ground-atmosphere system recorded by the multi-spectral imager ETM which is boarded on Landsat-7 sensor can retrieve the ground reflectivity spectrum .