
zuǒ piě zi
  • left-handed person;left-hander;lefty;mancinism
左撇子 [zuǒ piě zǐ]
  • [left-hander] 习惯用左手操作的人

左撇子[zuǒ piě zi]
  1. 今天,左撇子们仍感不便,但他们不再被迫顺应惯用右手的那些人的办法了。

    The left-handed person today is still inconvenienced , but he is no longer forced to conform to the right-handed world .

  2. 英国《每日邮报》9月27日报道:据最新研究显示,在脑袋上放置一块磁铁能将人暂时从“右撇子”变成“左撇子”。

    Placing a magnet on your head can temporarily turn you from a right-hander to a left-handed person , a new study suggests .

  3. 我是左撇子。

    I 'm left-handed .

  4. 左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。

    Left-handers have trouble using can-openers , scissors , and potato peelers .

  5. 伦敦有一个地方卖左撇子用品,几乎什么都有。

    There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people .

  6. 我想他的书写这么糟糕是因为他是左撇子。

    I think it 's due to being left handed that he 's got terrible writing .

  7. 我注意到她是个左撇子。

    I noticed she was left-handed

  8. 所以左撇子很难使用大多数工具。

    So it is difficult for left-handers to use most tools .

  9. 是什么让人们成为左撇子或右撇子呢?

    What causes people to be left handed or right handed ?

  10. 每十个人中就有一个是左撇子。

    One out of every ten people just is a left-hander .

  11. 在音乐领域中,路德维希·范·贝多芬也是一个左撇子。

    In music , Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed .

  12. 年轻的学生瞧不起左撇子同学。

    Young students looked down upon their left-handed classmates .

  13. 在艺术领域中,达芬奇和米开朗基罗都是左撇子。

    In art , both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed .

  14. 研究表明,左撇子具有创造性和艺术性。

    Research shows that left-handers are creative and artistic .

  15. 你是右撇子还是左撇子?

    Are You Right Handed or Left Handed ?

  16. 左撇子也很擅长网球和其他单项运动。

    The left-handed people are also really good at tennis and other single sports .

  17. 然而,许多研究者认为左撇子和右撇子在某些方面是不同的。

    However , many researchers think that left-handers and right-handers are different in some aspects .

  18. 许多著名的表演者,像金·凯瑞和保罗·麦卡特尼,都是左撇子。

    Many famous performers , like Jim Carrey and Paul McCartney , are left handed .

  19. 许多左撇子的视觉能力更强。

    Many left-handers learn better visually .

  20. 几乎在世界上的每一所学校里,左撇子学生都可以用左手写字。

    In almost every school in the world , left-handed students can use their left hand to write .

  21. 他们得出的结论是,左撇子和右撇子的形成原因相同。

    They concluded that left-handed people are left handed for the same reason that right-handed people are right handed .

  22. 每十个人中就有一个人是左撇子,但这是为什么呢?

    Around one in ten of us is left-handed - but why ?

  23. 他们发现了影响左撇子的四种基因指令。

    They found four genetic instructions that influenced left-handedness .

  24. 研究人员推测,这些发现可能证实左撇子拥有更强的语言能力。

    The researchers speculate the findings may give left-handed people greater verbal skills .

  25. 如果你用左手做大部分事情,你就是左撇子。

    If you do most things with your left hand , you are left-handed .

  26. 然后,他们通过一个基因“找不同”游戏对左撇子和习惯用右手的人进行了比较。

    They then compared lefties and righties in a giant game of genetic3 spot-the-difference .

  27. 扫描结果显示,左撇子的大脑中与语言有关的区域连接得更好,也更协调。

    Scans showed regions of the brain involved in language were better connected and more coordinated5 as a result .

  28. 此项研究还显示,左撇子患精神分裂症的风险略高,患帕金森病的风险略低。

    The study also showed slightly higher risks of schizophrenia and slightly lower risks of Parkinson 's disease in left-handed people .

  29. 指令参与构建复杂的“脚手架”,即细胞骨架,它组织我们体内的细胞,最终形成一个构造有别于惯用右手的人的左撇子大脑。

    They 're involved in building the intricate " scaffolding " , known as the cytoskeleton that organises the inside of our body 's cells and culminate4 in a brain that is wired differently in left-handed people .

  30. 墨尔本大学(universityofmelbourne)的研究人员发现,“左撇子孩子几乎所有的发展指标都明显更差”而且左撇子男孩甚至比女孩更糟糕。

    Researchers at the University of Melbourne have found that " left-handed children do significantly worse in nearly all measures of development " and left-handed boys do even worse than girls .