
  • 网络FTL;faster-than-light;Faster Than Light;superluminal;superluminality
  1. 复活船正在启动超光速引擎。

    Resurrection ship 's firing up their FTL drives .

  2. 超光速研究的历史与若干进展

    History Notes and New Advances on FTL Researches

  3. 推导结果表明:新的变换关系满足相对性原理,变换关系允许超光速存在,通过合适地选择坐标的O、O′点及事件点P,可使变换得到简化。

    The conducted results show that : the new transforms satisfy the relativity principle , the transformation permits the existence of ultra-light-velocity .

  4. Bragg空芯光纤中的群速度超光速的理论探讨

    The Theory Anticipation of Super Velocity of Light in Hollow Bragg Fiber

  5. VLBI与视超光速源&(Ⅰ)观测手段与结果

    VLBI and Superluminal Sources (ⅰ) Observational Means and Results

  6. 超光速自由粒子的Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程

    Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation of a free particle moving at super-light-speed

  7. Bell悖论和其他形式的量子纠缠理论,在信息无法超光速传播的前提下确实创造了一些有趣的安全通信机制。

    The Bell Paradox and other forms of quantum entanglements , while not capable of faster-than-light communications , do create interesting mechanisms for secure communications .

  8. 在近简并的封闭三能级V系统中,一束弱激光探测场的群速度可以通过控制一单色驱动场的强度实现慢光速到超光速的转换。

    This paper reveals that the group velocity of a weak laser probe field can be manipulated by controlling the intensity of the driving field applied to a near-degenerate closed three-level V system .

  9. 在无超光速中微子的框架下,检验Lorentz对称破缺模型的方法主要集中在中微子混合矩阵元的能量依赖关系上。

    In the regime without the superluminal neutrinos , the method testing the Lorentz-violation models focuses on the energy-dependence of the mixing element of the neutrinos .

  10. 类星体和活动星系核结构的变化及其中的视超光速运动,被认为是用VLBI方法所揭示的最重大的天体物理现象之一。

    The structural variations and superluminal motion within some QSSs and AGNs are considered as one of the most important astrophysical phenomena revealed by VLBI .

  11. 结果表明,基于能量交换方程,能够确立既包含超光速运动,同时又融合Einstein狭义相对论及量子理论有关结论的一致性描述方法。

    As a result , it shows that a ( tentative ) theoretical frame which includes not only the superluminal-velocity motion but consists with Einstein special relativity and quantum theory can be established .

  12. 除了MINOS合作组与OPERA合作组的报道以外,目前各种中微子实验结果表明并不存在显著的中微子超光速事例。

    Except the MINOS experiment and the OPERA experiment , kinds of the neutrinos experiments by far reveal that there is no obvious event of the superluminal neutrinos .

  13. 在这些应用中,重点分析了我们感兴趣的LWI,慢光速和超光速现象。

    During the application , we focus on LWI , subluminal and superluminal , which we are interested in .

  14. 实验发现中微子的质量平方是负值.根据这一事实,对比Dirac方程和虚质量的Dirac方程,提出了一个超光速中微子的量子方程。

    Based on experimental discovery that the mass square of neutrino is negative , a quantum equation for superluminal neutrino is proposed in comparison with Dirac equation and Dirac equation with imaginary mass .

  15. 由质量的解析延拓mo→ims看出超光速粒子的存在,进而为超光速中微子建立一个三味振荡的最小模型,它可能解释最近发表的太阳中微子等实验结果。

    An analytical continuation mo → ims unveils the existence of superluminal particle ( tachyon ) . Then a minimal model for three-flavor oscillation of superluminal neutrino can be proposed to explain the recent data of solar neutrino experiment etc.

  16. 然而,由于Lorentz对称破缺的引入,不仅使得混合矩阵元是能量依赖的,同时中微子能量-动量色散关系也需要作出修正,即可能出现超光速中微子。

    However , because of the introduction of the Lorentz invariance violation , we should modify the dispersion relation of the neutrino besides the energy-dependence mixing element , which means there may be superluminal neutrinos .

  17. 隧穿时间和横向位移存在Hartman效应,使得光子隧穿过程具有超光速性质。

    On account of the Hartman effect of the tunneling time and the lateral shift , the photon tunneling shows the superluminal property .

  18. 介绍近年来探测到的视超光速源之一&类星体3C454.3的VLBI多频段,多历元观测及其主要结果。

    The multi-frequency and multi-epoch VLBI observations of a quasar 3C 454.3 and their results are introduced . The quasar is one of the superluminal sources revealed recently and probably a new kind of superluminal source .

  19. 论述了SommerfeldBrillouin经典波速理论的意义及存在的问题。介绍了某些“群速超光速”和“负群速”实验。

    In the article , we demonstrate the importance and insufficients of the classical Sommerfeld-Brillouin theory on wave velocity , and we introduce some experiments about " superlaminal group velocily " and " negative group velocity " .

  20. 本文中利用K-K色散关系,从吸收的角度直观地对慢光和超光速现象进行了解释。

    In our work , taking use of the K-K relation , we gave the visual explanation on slow and fast light founded on absorption firstly .

  21. 随后通过建立真空物质能量状态的二个假设,及基于等效Binet方程,给出了与Einstein狭义相对论有关结论相融合的物质粒子以光速及超光速运动的质量及能量方程;

    Subsequently , by forming two hypotheses about the energy state of vacuum matter , and basing on the equivalent Binet equation , the mass equations and the energy equations of the partial moving with light-velocity or superluminal-velocity motion fusing with the results of Einstein special relativity are expressed .

  22. 量子相干和干涉产生了很多有趣而又有意义的结果,如相干布居迁移(CPTR),相干布居囚禁(CPTP),无反转放大(AWI),以及超光速(Superluminal)等等。

    Quantum coherent and interference have led to many interesting and significative consequences such as coherent population transfer ( CPTR ), coherent population trapping ( CPTP ), amplification without population inversion ( AWI ) and superluminal , etc.

  23. 通过讨论已有质速关系的方程形式,给出质速关系的等效极坐标方程及其Binet方程,进而给出质速关系及质能关系的几个较为具体的方程形式,包括超光速运动形式。

    By discussing the existent equations of mass-velocity relation , the equivalent polar coordinate equation and its Binet equation of the mass-velocity relation are given , and the expressions of the mass-velocity relation and mass-energy relation are given too , which include the forms of superluminal motion .

  24. EGRET空间望远镜已检测到66颗高置信度的γ射线活动星系核.这些活动星系核都是射电强的,具有很高的光度,迅速的光学变化,有相当的比例是机超光速源。

    Active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) with high-confidence level have been detected by EGRET identification . All these AGNs are the radio bright , with the dramatic peak of the luminosity spectra at γ - ray frequencies , rapid optical variability , and the high fraction of superluminal sources .

  25. 穆斯克接着聊起了超光速太空旅行、火星移民等太空计划,以及一个名为Hyperloop的高速交通系统。这个系统的速度将是高速列车的三到四倍,不会撞车,而且不受气候的影响。

    Musk went on to consider bending space to allow for faster-than-light travel , Mars settlements , and a rapid transit system called a Hyperloop that is three or four times faster than a bullet train , would never crash , and is immune to weather .

  26. 本文讨论了杨学恒等同志于1974年提出的关于基本粒子结构的快子(超光速粒子)模型在类时子空间中的非线性快子场方程

    In this paper we discuss the nonlinear field equation of tachyon

  27. 你的人是否把千年鹰号的超光速器给破坏了?

    Did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the Millennium falcon ?

  28. 超光速粒子是一种比光还要快的亚原子。

    Tachyon is a subatomic particle that travels faster than light .

  29. 超光速研究的40年&回顾与展望

    Forty Years of the Faster-than-Light Research & Review and Prospects

  30. 视超光速运动中核固定与视超光速的统一

    Unified phenomena of fixed nucleus and superluminal velocity in relativistic superluminal model