
  • 网络supernova remnant;SNR;SNRS
  1. 实验室模拟研究超新星遗迹演化动力学过程

    Laboratory study of hydrodynamic processes during the evolution of supernova remnants

  2. 超新星遗迹与银河系旋臂结构

    Supernova remnants and spiral structure of the galaxy

  3. 研究了这19个伴有OH1720MHz脉泽发射的混合形态超新星遗迹的X射线特征。

    The X-ray characteristics have been studied .

  4. 这个模型的重要点是从超新星遗迹来的X射线促使产生OH分子。

    An important ingredient of this model is that X-ray emission from the remnant enhances the production of OH molecules .

  5. 屏保中暗红的点表示已知的超新星遗迹。一类壳型超新星遗迹非热辐射含时模型的研究与应用

    Study and Application of a Temporal Model on the Multiwavelength Non-thermal Emission from Shell-type Supernova Remnants

  6. 天球上标识出了脉冲星和和超新星遗迹,因为科学家们相信它们都会发射出引力波。

    Pulsars and Supernovae are shown on the sky because scientists believe they emit gravitational waves .

  7. 超新星遗迹中可能还存留有脉冲星或自旋中子星,而这些都会产生引力波。

    Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves .

  8. 纤维结构见于仙后座A、第谷、开普勒等超新星遗迹中。

    These filaments are seen in other supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A , Tycho and Kepler .

  9. 脉冲星的起源&脉冲星和超新星遗迹的关系

    The Origin of Pulsars

  10. 超新星遗迹:超重星体爆炸后所剩下的残迹。

    Of , relating to , or constituting a vestige . Supernova remnants : What is left after a heavy star violently explodes .

  11. 廉署表示警员贪污问题未有恶化迹象。屏保中暗红的点表示已知的超新星遗迹。

    The ICAC noted there had not been any worsening of corruption among police . Dark red dots mark the locations of supernova remnants .

  12. 本文在扼要综述了这类天体的基本性质、分类、粒子的加速以及高能辐射的基础上,开展了壳型超新星遗迹多波段非热辐射性质研究。

    In this thesis , after briefly reviewing the basic properties , classification , particle acceleration , and radiation mechanisms of the SNRs . the multi-band non-thermal radiation features of the SNRs are investigated .

  13. 与蟹状星云和船帆座超新星遗迹中被磁化电子云(脉冲星风星云)环绕的高速自转中子星不同,这颗中子星安静而虚弱,目前为止,没有显示脉冲辐射的迹象。

    Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation .

  14. 实际上,现在我们知道蟹状星云是超新星爆发的遗迹,即一个巨大恒星死亡后爆炸的残屑云。

    In fact , the cosmic Crab is now known to be a supernova remnant , an expanding cloud of debris from the death explosion of a massive star .

  15. 现在,脉冲星被普遍认为是在超新星爆发中产生的中子星,本文就此观点综述了超新星遗迹和脉冲星关系的研究状况。

    This paper reviews the general study made on the relationship between pulsars ( PSRs ) and supernova remnants ( SNRs ) as the pulsars are widely believed to be neutron stars born only in supernova explosions .