
  • 网络Left pulmonary artery;LPA
  1. 螺旋CT增强扫描及MRI检查显示主肺动脉明显扩张,主肺动脉根部向右后延伸为右肺动脉,而左肺动脉起源于右肺动脉,紧贴左主支气管后壁向外延伸;

    Contrast-enhanced spiral CT and MRI showed marked dilatation of main pulmonary artery ( MPA ) and the root of MPA extended backward to become right pulmonary artery ( RPA ), the left pulmonary artery ( LPA ) arose from the RPA directly .

  2. 溶栓治疗后24h行CT血管造影(CTA)复查的8例患者中1例左肺动脉干栓塞加重,1例左下肺后基底段新出现栓塞;

    Twenty-four hours after thrombolytic therapy , 1 of 8 cases presented enlarging embolism area in left pulmonary artery trunk , and fresh thrombosis was found in the posterior basal branch of the left pulmonary artery in another case .

  3. 结论左肺动脉狭窄、肺动脉瓣反流和右心室扩大是TOF术后常见的并发症。

    Conclusion Left pulmonary stenosis , pulmonary regurgitation and right ventricular enlargement are common complications after surgery for TOF .

  4. 目的对法洛四联症患者的肺动脉(PA)、左肺动脉(LPA)和右肺动脉(RPA)分支进行量化分析,探讨其临床意义。

    Objective To investigate the clinical significance of quantitative analysis of pulmonary artery ( PA ), left pulmonary artery ( LPA ), right pulmonary artery ( RPA ) in total correction of tetralogy of Fallot .

  5. 先天性迷走左肺动脉的影像学诊断

    The imaging diagnosis of congenital aberrant left pulmonary artery

  6. 气管后左肺动脉(法国)

    Retro-tracheal left pulmonary artery ( Fren )

  7. 测量升主动脉和降主动脉压力以及左肺动脉和肺动脉干压力变化情况。

    The pressure of ascending and descending aorta , left pulmonary artery and pulmonary trunk was measured .

  8. 目的分析先天性迷走左肺动脉的影像学特点,以便加深对该病的认识。

    Objective To strengthen the understanding of the imaging features in congenital aberrant left pulmonary artery ( CALPA ) .

  9. 11只兔进行从降主动脉至左肺动脉的分流手术,观察三个月后形成了左侧肺动脉高压。

    Left pulmonary arterial hypertension developed in eleven rabbits three months after anastomosis of left pulmonary artery with the descending aorta .

  10. 合并多发心血管畸形7例,其中合并复杂畸形3例,均为男性儿童和左肺动脉缺如;

    Male children with coexisting complex congenital abnormality had unilateral absence of the left pulmonary artery and 4 patients coexisted other simple cardiovascular anomaly .

  11. 另一种为左肺动脉异常起源升主动脉,此种类型少见,又可根据肺动脉起源离主动脉瓣及无名动脉的距离分近端型及远端型二种亚型。

    There are two types : anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta and anomalous origin of left pulmonary artery from ascending aorta .

  12. 血液流入肺动脉,肺动脉于心房前方上行,并分为右肺动脉和左肺动脉。

    The blood flows in the pulmonary artery which rises over the front of the atria and divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries .

  13. 左肺动脉压力高于右肺,右肺小动脉的病理改变亦较左肺为轻。

    The left pulmonary arterial pressure was higher than that of right pulmonary arterial pressure and the pathological changes were less evident in the right pulmonary arteriole .

  14. 在27例(61.4%)断层标本上,左肺动脉与前段动脉一起呈鱼钩状勾绕左上肺静脉。

    On the sections of 27 cadavers ( 61.4 % ), left pulmonary artery and anterior segmental artery which together like a fishhook drew left superior pulmonary vein .

  15. 3例为左肺动脉异常起源于升主动脉,1例属近端型,2例远端型。

    In the remaining 3 cases , the left pulmonary artery was abnormally originated from ascending aorta , of which one was proximal type and 2 were distal type .

  16. 中心肺动脉治疗后40.21%的栓子溶解,左肺动脉较右肺动脉溶解率高。

    40 . 12 % of the center pulmonary arteries thrombus completely disappeared after therapy . The dissolution rate in left pulmonary arteries was higher than in right pulmonary arteries .

  17. 老年组同时累及右肺动脉主支或左肺动脉主支者与非老年组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The pulmonary embolism incidence of both the main right and left pulmonary artery at the same time was no significant difference in the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 在肺动脉杈层面上,左肺动脉发出尖后段动脉和前段动脉,其外侧可见尖后段支气管和前段支气管。

    On the section through bifurcation of pulmonary trunk , apicoposterior and anterior segmental arteries arised from left pulmonary artery . The apicoposterior and anterior segmental bronchi lay on the lateral side of left pulmonary artery .

  19. 结论(1)儿童时期明确诊断的一侧肺动脉缺如多合并有心血管畸形,且左肺动脉缺如多见,成年人明确诊断的单发一侧肺动脉缺如多为右肺动脉缺如。

    Conclusion UAPA diagnosed in childhood usually has unilateral absence of the left pulmonary artery and associated congenital cardiovascular anomaly , while UAPA diagnosed in adult usually has UAPA on the right side without associated congenital anomaly .

  20. 结论肺动脉吊索诊断不困难,一经诊断即应手术以防吊索压迫气管,治疗核心为左肺动脉重建及狭窄气管整形。

    Conclusion The outcome of surgical treatment of pulmonary sling is acceptable and surgical interfering should be done as soon as diagnose is made . The surgical techniques include left pulmonary artery reconstruction and enlargement of stenotic tracheal .

  21. 3例于术后症状、体征消失,1例由于存在肝静脉阻塞,其症状仅部分缓解;1例支架由上腔静脉脱落并移位至肺动脉主干内及左肺动脉。

    The main symptoms and physical signs disappeared in 3 patients , partially alleviated in one because of concomitant hepatic vein obstruction , In one case , the spiral Z stent migrated from superior vena cana into the pulmonary trunk .

  22. 【结果】术后观察1~3个月,分流兔的左肺动脉高压形成率为867%,其中3个月组全形成左肺动脉高压并有肺小动脉的病理形态学变化。

    Results The left PH model was established in 86.7 % of the shunting rabbits 1 to 3 months post operation , and the left PH was formed in all shunting rabbits 3 months post operation with pathological changes on pulmonary arteriole .

  23. 作者测量了145名维吾尔族、110名哈萨克族健康青年胸片的25项参数,测量的项目包括右肺门角、肺门高度比值、肺门宽度比值、左肺动脉弓高等。

    The authors measured 25 items including the right hilar angle , hilar height ratio , hilar width ratio , , width of left pulmonary arch , arid so on , in normal chest films of 145 Uygurs and 110 Kazaks of healthy youth .

  24. 主要合并畸形有:房间隔膨出瘤1例,全肺静脉异位引流心上型1例,左肺动脉缺如1例及肺动脉狭窄4例。

    MRI still provided anatomic information of associated anomalies including mainly aneurysms of atrial septum ( 1 case ), total anomalous pulmonary venous drainge into superior vena cava ( 1 case ), absent left pulmonary artery ( 1 case ) and pulmonary stenosis ( 4 cases ) .

  25. 动脉韧带的主动脉端附着于主动脉弓(80%)或降主动脉(20%),肺动脉端附着于左肺动脉,6例肺动脉端位于心包内。

    The aortic ends of the arterial ligaments attach the aortic archs ( 80 % ) or the descending aortas ( 20 % ) . The end connecting the pulmonary artery attachs the left pulmonary artery , 6 ends connecting pulmonary artery are in the pericardial cavity .

  26. 分流犬左下肺动脉PCNA阳性信号表达明显多于右肺动脉,而右肺动脉及左上肺动脉仅有少量表达;

    The positive expression of PCNA in left lower pulmonary arteries was more than that of right lung and upper left lobe .

  27. 心脏高度增大,星球形,右房巨大,左心缘肺动脉段下方有小突起。结果:小肠是盐酸贝那普利的吸收最佳部位。

    There was a small convexity below the pulmonary segment . RESULTS It was shown that the small intestine was the best absorption segment .

  28. 结果分流犬左下肺动脉中膜α-actin免疫组化染色呈强阳性表达,右下肺动脉弱阳性,而对照组均呈阴性;

    The positive cells of PCNA and α actin were recorded and the percentage was calculated . RESULTS Expression of α actin in left lower pulmonary artery was strong positive and right pulmonary artery milder than that in left pulmonary , and control group was negative .

  29. 心电图P波和QRS波时限、振幅与二尖瓣狭窄患者左房和肺动脉压力的相关分析

    Assessement of left atrial and pulmonary artery pressure respectively by P wave and QRS complex duration and amplitude in patients with mitral stenosis

  30. 提示:6个肢体导联P波时限总和与QRS波振幅总和是估价左房与肺动脉压力较为可靠的指标。

    This suggested that the ECG P wave duration and QRS complex amplitude 26 leads can be used to assess left atrial and pulmonary artery pressure .