
zuǒ pài
  • the Left;the left wing;leftist
左派 [zuǒ pài]
  • (1) [the Left;leftist]

  • (2) 发表反对观点或主张变革,主张通过改良或革命改变现有秩序(尤指政治体制)的个人或团体

  • (3) 倡导这种观点的人占据的象征地位;不同于保守立场的激进立场

左派[zuǒ pài]
  1. 左派将此作品看成是为特权和所有权作的辩护。

    The left have seen the work as an apologia for privilege and property .

  2. 左派反对征新税。

    The left opposes the new taxes .

  3. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。

    Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists .

  4. 他的政治观点遭到左派的抨击。

    His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left .

  5. 该书对学界左派进行了抨击。

    The book is a diatribe against the academic left .

  6. 现在极右派比极左派威胁更大。

    The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left

  7. 政府的工业政策遭到了左派的猛烈抨击。

    The government 's industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left .

  8. 他们毫不掩饰自己对左派的同情。

    They make no secret of their leftist sympathies .

  9. 但是我们绝不应把契科夫看成是个左派人物,他更不是革命者。

    But we must not think of Chekhov as a leftist , much less a revolutionary .

  10. 我们发现,左派逐渐掌权并成为国际革命理想的代言人。

    We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution .

  11. 他属于该党左派的事实无法否认。

    There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party .

  12. 左派力量一直竭力声讨。

    The left has been vocally against .

  13. 投资教育一个从左派到右派的奇异的联盟正在建立起来成员有前服刑人员和财政保守派还有人权活动家和自由主义者年轻人走上大街去抗议那些暴力对待手无寸铁的黑人青少年的警察而年长的,

    This curious coalition37 is building from the right and the left , made up of former prisoners and fiscal38 conservatives , of civil rights activists39 and libertarians , of young people taking to the streets to protest police violence against unarmed black teenagers , and older ,

  14. 富有的人——有一些是我们这里的观众——也捐助了巨额资金到这些反监禁的活动中在严重分离的国会司法系统变革的工作也是唯一一个能让左派和右派走到一起的工作

    wealthier people -- some of you are here in the audience -- pumping big money into decarceration initiatives In a deeply divided Congress , the work of reforming our criminal justice system is just about the only thing that the right and the left are coming together on .

  15. 在他看来,新左派事实上是在同新自由主义争论,他并且建议说使用“批判性知识分子(criticalintellectual)”这个术语更为准确。

    In his view the new left is really debating neoliberalism , and he suggests the term " critical intellectual " is more precise .

  16. 最近德国社会学家沃尔夫冈施特雷克(wolfgangstreeck)在《新左派评论》(newleftreview)上撰文,对西方社会的问题作出了最有力的阐述。

    The most powerful description of what has gone wrong in Western societies was recently laid out by the German sociologist Wolfgang streeck in the New Left Review .

  17. NPR新闻的西尔维娅·伯格里报道梵蒂冈称指控源于一次左派反牧师运动。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the Vatican says the charges stem from a leftist anti-clerical campaign .

  18. 然而迄今为止,所有这些愤怒不管是左派的还是茶党(TeaParty)右派的都通过媒体或选票、而不是通过街头混乱而得到了表达。

    Yet , so far , all this rage – whether on the left or the Tea Party right – has been expressed in the media or at the ballot box , but not by disorder on the streets .

  19. 为了达到这个目的,萨科齐指派了左派人道主义拥护者伯纳德库希纳(bernardkouchner)成为了其外交部长。

    To this end , he made Bernard Kouchner , a left-wing former humanitarian champion , his foreign minister .

  20. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)面临着自社会主义终结以来所有中左派政治家都曾遭遇过的两难困境:阐明政府和市场之间一种新型的,不断进步的关系。

    Barack Obama faces the dilemma that has confronted all politicians of the centre left since the demise of Socialism : to articulate a new progressive account of the relationship between the state and the market .

  21. 资本主义批判者中的代表人物——切·格瓦拉(CheGuevara)、菲德尔·卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)、胡志明(HoChiMinh)——秉持了左派政治的蓄须传统。

    Iconic critics of capitalism - Che Guevara , Fidel Castro , Ho Chi Minh - kept alive the identification of facial hair with leftist politics .

  22. 以安德森(PerryAnderson)、奈恩(TomNairn)为代表的英国第二代新左派接受了欧洲大陆理论并竭力把它移植入英国,这一举动遭到汤普森的强烈反对。

    The second generation of English New Left represented by Perry Anderson and Tom Nairn accepted Europe mainland theory and endeavoured to bring it into Britain , which was strongly against by Thompson .

  23. 于是他建议演奏《第三交响曲》,但那首是“英雄”(Eroica),而左派说那是“关于”拿破仑(Napoleon)的。〔

    So then he suggested the Third , but that was the " Eroica , " which the leftists said was " about " Napoleon .

  24. 印孚瑟斯(Infosys)的联合创始人纳拉亚纳·穆尔萨(NarayanaMurthy)曾经是站在保加利亚警方反方的左派。

    Narayana Murthy , the co-founder of Infosys , was a former leftist who found himself on the wrong side of the Bulgarian police .

  25. 但是现代欧洲左派的软弱性有着更深的根源,这在很大程度上解释了为何意大利出现了由前欧盟委员会委员马里奥蒙蒂(mariomonti)为首的技术官僚政府。

    But the weakness of the modern European left has deeper roots . To a large extent it explains the emergence of the technocratic government in Italy led by Mario Monti , the former EU commissioner .

  26. FSLN是“一个左派政党,但也是一个非常现实主义的政党,”根据BayardoArce的说法,一个革命的司令官他现在是总统的经济顾问。

    The FSLN is " a party of the left , but a very realist party ," according to Bayardo Arce , a revolutionary comandante who is now the president 's economic adviser .

  27. 好几个反对派的领导人与其他几百名群众在5月6日的游行中或游行后被逮捕,包括左派领导人SergeiUdaltsov和反腐博客写手AlexeiNavalny。

    Several top opposition figures were among the hundreds of people arrested during and after the May 6th demonstration , including Left-Front Leader Sergei Udaltsov and anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny . Both men were jailed for 15 days for disobeying police orders and remain in custody .

  28. 旁边的Collett’s或许曾是左派最为青睐的书店,但如今却是Foyles书店至今仍延用着三位一体的苏式排队系统:顾客先排队取便条,然后到爱德华七世风格的收银台付账,最后再回到最初排队的地方取书。

    Nearby Collett 's might have been the left 's favoured bookshop but it was Foyles that retained the extraordinary Moscow-style triple queueing system : customers had to line up to receive a chit , then again to pay at an Edwardian-style till , then once more to collect the book from where they had started .

  29. 左派进步分子占三分之一,他们代表小资产阶级。

    One-third to the left progressives , representing the petty bourgeoisie .

  30. 道德和革命:英国新左派中的伦理论争

    Morality and Revolution : Ethical Debates in the British New Left