
  • 网络U.S. House of Representatives;The House of Representatives;United States House of Representatives;The House
  1. 但今年,美国众议院(houseofrepresentatives)拨款委员会甚至更进一步,超出了人们可能的预期。

    But this year the house of Representatives appropriations committee went further than might have been expected .

  2. 就在最近,美国众议院(HouseofRepresentatives)在气候变化与节能法案中加入了贸易保护主义条款,今年早些时候出台的经济刺激计划也包括类似条款。

    Very recently , the House of Representatives included trade protectionist provisions in the climate change and energy conservation bill , while earlier this year such provisions were added to the economic stimulus package .

  3. 这位美国众议院金融服务委员会(HouseFinancialServicesCommittee)主席素来持有大政府论调,他的这番乐观的言论对华尔街来说可不是什么好消息。

    For anyone on Wall Street , that cheery forecast from the proudly big-government chairman of the House Financial Services Committee was not good news .

  4. 科米和库克下周将在美国众议院司法委员会(Housejudiciarycommittee)就加密、隐私和安全问题作证。

    Mr Comey and Mr Cook will testify before the House judiciary committee next week about encryption , privacy and security .

  5. 在美国众议院上上周以微弱优势通过上述法案后,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统警告称,开征碳关税可能会发出一种保护主义信号。

    After the passage of the House bill by a narrow vote last week , President Barack Obama warned imposing carbon border taxes might send a protectionist signal .

  6. 2012年10月的一份美国众议院情报委员会(HouseIntelligenceCommittee)报告极力主张美国通信服务商不要与华为和中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTECorp.,简称:中兴通讯)进行商业合作(中兴通讯是中国另一家设备生产商)。

    In October 2012 , a U.S. House Intelligence Committee Report urged U.S. telecom providers not to do business with Huawei and ZTE Corp. , another Chinese equipment manufacturer .

  7. 美国众议院金融服务委员会(housefinancialservicescommittee)主席巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)表示,如果一家国际金融服务集团将总部设在规避监管的国家,就应该被排除在美国市场之外。

    International financial services groups should be excluded from the US market if they are based in countries that are havens from regulation , according to the head of a US congressional committee .

  8. 美国众议院尚未接受这项法案;众议院议长、俄亥俄州共和党议员博纳(JOHNBOEHNER)称这项法案是危险的。

    The House has yet to take up the bill ; House Speaker John Boehner ( R. , Ohio ) has called it ' dangerous . '

  9. 但各方在周日仍保持谨慎,因为参议院拿出的任何协议仍须得到美国众议院投票通过,然后由巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统签署成为法律。

    But all parties remained cautious on Sunday , as any deal would still have to be passed by the house of Representatives before President Barack Obama can sign it into law .

  10. 在美国众议院和参议院通过提高债务上限的法案,且巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统签署之前,美国的财政紧急状况不会结束。

    The United States ' fiscal emergency will not be over until a bill to raise the debt ceiling has passed both House and Senate and President Barack Obama has signed it .

  11. 美国众议院迅速通过了一项非强制性决议,要求美国外国投资委员会(committeeonforeigninvestment)迅速就中海油要约收购优尼科一事展开调查,并称该交易“可能危及美国国家安全”。

    The house of Representatives quickly passed a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate investigation by the Committee on foreign investments in the United States ( CFIUS ) , saying the deal " would threaten to impair the national security of the United States " .

  12. 美国众议院货币政策小组委员会副主席、共和党人比尔胡伊赞加(BillHuizenga)正致力于一项更广泛的美联储改革议案。

    Bill Huizenga , the Republican vice-chairman of a House subcommittee on monetary policy , is working on a broader bill to reform the Fed .

  13. 为了平息公众在漏油事件上对bp的怒火,唐熙华向美国众议院能源委员会表示,他对于这场灾难“深感歉意”,并再次保证bp将承担起自己的所有责任。

    Seeking to assuage public anger at BP over the spill , Mr Hayward told a house energy Sub-Committee that he was " deeply sorry " for the catastrophe , and again vowed that the British company would live up to all its obligations .

  14. 在回答美国众议院监督委员会主席沃克斯曼(HenryWaxman)的问题时,美联储前主席表示,他从自己的思路中发现了一个缺陷。

    Questioned by Henry Waxman , chairman of the House of Representatives oversight committee , the former Fed chief said he had found a flaw in his thinking .

  15. 美国众议院少数党领袖、俄亥俄州共和党众议员博纳(JohnBoehner)对CBS表示,在一个经济前景极不确定的时期,最不应该做的就是加税。

    ' At a time of great economic uncertainty , the last thing we want to do is raise taxes on anyone , 'House Minority Leader John Boehner ( R. , Ohio ) told CBS .

  16. 该计划呼应上月(最近的争吵爆发之前)美国众议院国土安全委员会(Househomelandsecuritycommittee)主席迈克尔麦克考尔(MichaelMcCaul)和参议院情报委员会(Senateintelligencecommittee)成员马克茠纳(MarkWarner)提出的类似商谈建议。

    The plan echoes a similar proposal for talks last month , before the latest row began , from Michael McCaul , chairman of the House homeland security committee , and Mark Warner , a member of the Senate intelligence committee .

  17. 这股怒火在一周前达到高点,当美国众议院为90%的奖金税是否该支付给臭名昭著的AIG高官。

    The anger over bankers'pay hit new levels just over a week ago when the US House of Representatives voted for a90 % tax on bonuses paid to senior staff at failed insurer AIG .

  18. 美国众议院议长佩洛西(NancyPelosi)说,虽然她希望帮助美国汽车工业,但也暗示说能否帮得成主要取决于对三大汽车公司扭亏计划的评估结果。

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ( D. , Calif. ) said she hoped to help the industry , but suggested much will depend on the assessments made of the industry plans .

  19. 这是很现实的问题,无论美国众议院是否能通过7000亿美元的救市方案来建立问题资产救援计划(TARP)。

    This was true whether or not America 's House of Representatives approved the proposed $ 700 billion mortgage-rescue bill to create the Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) .

  20. 美国众议院筹款委员会(waysandmeanscommittee)主席戴维坎普(davecamp)指责奥巴马政府在美中投资协定方面“缺乏行动”,称“这既令人困惑又损害美国企业和工人的利益”。

    Dave camp , chairman of the house ways and Means Committee , accused the administration of a " lack of action " on the China investment treaty , saying it was " as confusing as it is damaging to the interests of US businesses and their workers " .

  21. 在此之前,美国众议院在上上周末通过了一项“限量及交易”(cap-and-trade)法案,该法案含有开征碳排放关税的严厉条款,以确保美国企业不会丧失竞争优势。

    The warning follows the passage of a cap-and-trade bill in the US House of Representatives last weekend , which contained tough provisions to impose carbon tariffs to ensure that American companies would not lose competitive advantage .

  22. 我第一次在车展上遇到克莱斯勒-菲亚特(chrysler-fiat)首席执行官马尔基翁内时,他正在向美国众议院发言人南希佩洛西(nancypelosi)展示菲亚特500,周围都是摄影师。

    When I first came across the chief executive of Chrysler and Fiat at the auto show , he was surrounded by photographers and was showing off a Fiat 500 to Nancy Pelosi , speaker of the house of Representatives .

  23. 众议院中的“非美裔运动委员会”(简称HUAC或HCUA)(1938年到1975年)是美国众议院的一个调查委员会。

    House Committee on Un-American Activities ( HUAC or HCUA )( 1938 – 1975 ) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives .

  24. 这位美国众议院前发言人还谈论起对伊朗开战。

    The former speaker is also talking about war with Iran .

  25. 工资:174000美元/年(美国众议院和参议院的议员)

    Salary : $ 174000 ( U.S. House and Senate Members )

  26. 美国众议院去年在一次不具约束力的投票中支持类似立法。

    The House backed similar legislation in a non-binding vote last year .

  27. 美国众议院通信及技术委员会也将在星期四召开听证会。

    The House communications and Technology Subcommittee convenes its own hearing Thursday .

  28. 最近,我们看到美国众议院的许多代表提出保护主义措施。

    Recently we have seen many US house representatives proposing protectionism measures .

  29. 美国众议院在去年12月通过了类似的改革议案。

    The House of Representatives passed a similar reform bill in December .

  30. 首先是一场在美国众议院的听证会。

    First up , a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives .