
  • 网络National identity;state identity
  1. 儒学的传入与云南少数民族国家认同感的形成

    Confucianism in Yunnan and the Formation of Minority Peoples ' National Identity

  2. 试析维吾尔民众的国家认同、民族认同与宗教认同

    On National Identity , Ethnic Identity and Religious Identity of Uygur People

  3. 朔伊布勒观点的核心与未成定论的欧洲货币基金组织(EMU)无关&即使欧元区国家认同并建立EMU,它也不可能改变欧元区内部巨大的宏观经济失衡所产生的压力。

    The core of Mr Sch ä uble 's argument was not about the mooted European Monetary Fund , which could not , even if agreed and implemented , alter the pressures created by the huge macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone .

  4. 国民意识强,国家认同程度高的民族自然忠诚于自己的国家,与国内其他民族的关系往往也是良性的。

    The ethnic with high citizen consciousness is loyal to the country .

  5. 少数民族大学生国家认同教育创新初探

    A Study of Innovation of National Identity Education among Ethnic College Students

  6. 伦理文化认同是国家认同的根基。

    The cultural identity of ethics is the foundation of national identity .

  7. 抗战对中国民众现代国家认同的建构

    The War of Anti-Japanese Construct the Modern Nation Identity of Chinese Masses

  8. 族群建构与国家认同

    Construction of Ethnic Group and Identity of Nation State

  9. 论欧洲集体认同与民族国家认同的冲突与统一

    The Conflict and Unification of the European Collective Identity and the Nation-state Identity

  10. 让所有的国家认同统一的规则是非常困难的。

    It will be difficult to get countries to agree on uniform regulations .

  11. 民族问题的核心是国家认同问题。

    The core of ethnic issue is national identity .

  12. 它包含了人们国家认同意识、民族团结意识。

    It contains consciousness of one national identity and consciousness of national unity .

  13. 回、汉族高中生的民族认同、国家认同和自尊存在显著的正相关;

    The correlation among ethnic identity , national identity , and self-esteem are significant .

  14. 宗教比国家认同更加重要么?

    Is religion more important than national identity ?

  15. 沈从文:民族身份与国家认同

    Shen Congwen : Nationality and National Identity

  16. 民族历史记忆可以说是民族-国家认同的前提,因为只有通过历史,一个民族才能完全意识到自己。

    Because only through the history , can a nation be aware of itself thoroughly .

  17. 当代中国电影与民族国家认同是一个具有深远意义的研究课题。

    The contemporary Chinese films and the nation-state identities is a research topic offar-reaching significance .

  18. 国内各民族之间的整体认同,是国家认同的基本表现。

    The whole identity among each ethnic groups is a fundamental expression of national identity .

  19. 弘扬少数民族文化中的国家认同传统本文主要从三方面来进行分析。

    Promote minority cultures in the concept of national identity three aspects to this analysis .

  20. 这种认同既不是民族认同,也有别于国家认同,我将它称之为一种归属认同。

    The feeling is neither ethnic nor national identification , but a sense of belonging .

  21. 国家认同更多的归属于政治认同,民族认同更多的归属于文化认同。

    The state identification mostly belongs to political identification while the ethnic identification to cultural identification .

  22. 从认同的基本特性看族群认同与国家认同的关系

    Relationship between Ethnic Identity and State Identity : A Perspective from the Fundamental Characteristics of Identity

  23. 这些国家认同我们面临的危险,却不认可我们解决它的方法。

    These governments share our assessment of the danger , but not our resolve to meet it .

  24. 本文认为,矛盾冲突并非族群认同与国家认同之间关系的固有属性和全部内容。

    The paper holds that conflict is not the connatural attribute or all contents of the relationship .

  25. 创制族群和国家认同的过程实际上构成了同一历史过程的重要部分。

    The processes that create ethnic and national identities are part and parcel of the same historical process .

  26. 主权问题超越了对党的支持,触及到国家认同的核心。

    The issue of sovereignty goes beyond support for the party and touches the core of national identity .

  27. 本篇论文意在探讨美国国家认同观念的演变及其对美国语言的影响。

    This thesis is intended to explore the transformations of American national identity and its effect on American Languages .

  28. 首先,我们要澄清一个问题,民族国家认同和欧洲集体认同之间的关系不是非此即彼的零和对立关系。

    At the beginning , we must clarify the relationship between the nation-state identity and the European collective identity .

  29. 统一的政治-文化空间和大一统的国家认同是更重要的因素。

    The more important factors are to identify with the country of the unitive political-cultural space and great unification .

  30. 种族根源与国家认同之间的明显矛盾,却是更基本课题。

    The other issue , far more fundamental , is the apparent dilemma between ethnic rootedness and national identity .