
ɡuó mín yì huì
  • national council
  1. 但是在启程返回华盛顿之前在伦敦召开的新闻发布会上,国务卿希拉里·克林顿表示,利比亚反对派过渡国民议会(TransitionalNationalCouncil)可以期待获得外国经济援助。

    But at a London news conference before Washington , the secretary of state said Libya 's opposition Transitional National Council can expect foreign financial assistance .

  2. 根据1962年的宪法,亲王可以和国民议会(议会)共同行驶权力。

    Under the 1962 constitution , the prince shares his power with the unicameral National Council ( parliament ) .

  3. 国民议会已表决通过预算。

    The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget .

  4. 该协议以495票对61票在法国国民议会顺利通过。

    The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61 .

  5. 国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一个首相。

    The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority .

  6. 国民议会承诺向所有想要反抗武装压迫的人提供武装支持。

    The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression .

  7. 由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。

    Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly

  8. 拥有200个席位的国民议会(generalnationalcongress)将负责组建新政府,直至一个制宪会议起草新的国家宪法。

    The 200-seat General National Congress will be tasked with forming a government until a constituent assembly drafts a new national charter .

  9. 更为激进的方式是效仿法国的做法,即任何接受任命进入政府的议员都必须辞去在国民议会(nationalassembly)中的职务。

    More radically , we could follow French practice , which requires any Deputy appointed to the government to stand down from the national assembly .

  10. 法国国民议会(nationalassembly)的议员们一度中断了下午的会议,以便在奥运火炬经过议会大厦之际,让部分议员离开房间去参加抗议。

    Deputies in the National Assembly briefly suspended their afternoon session to allow some members to leave the chamber and join the protest as the torch passed in front of Parliament .

  11. 法国总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)在法国国民议会(NationalAssembly)发言称,目前还不能排除任何假设。

    Speaking at the French National Assembly , Manuel Valls , the prime minister , said that no hypothesis could be ruled out .

  12. 他们到新加坡出差,结果却从印度达卡(Dhaka,India)的孟加拉国民议会大楼里走出来。

    On a business trip to Singapore they ended up checking out the Louis Kahn National Assembly Building of Bangladesh in Dhaka , India .

  13. 希拉里访问伦敦之初会见了利比亚反对派人物贾布里勒(MahmoudJibril)和过渡国民议会其他成员。

    Clinton began her London visit by meeting with Libyan opposition figure Mahmoud Jibril and other members of the transitional council .

  14. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯恩报道,卡尔扎伊今天在喀布尔举行的大国民议会上致闭幕词时表明了他的最新立场。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry reports Karzai issued his latest position while addressing the closing session of the Loya Jirga or Grand Assembly in Kabul today .

  15. 最近才成立的参议院可以阻挠国民议会通过的法案。

    The newly created Senate can block legislation passed by Parliament .

  16. 组成的两院制立法机构的100名议员组成的参议院和一个342人组成的国民议会。

    The bicameral legislature comprises a100-member Senate and a342-member National Assembly .

  17. 大国民议会每5年选举一次。

    The Grand National Assembly is elected every five years .

  18. 巴基斯坦国民议会选举最后的结果还没有公布。国民议会一共有268个议席。

    Final results in the national assembly election are still not in .

  19. 总统由大国民议会选举产生,任期7年。

    A president is elected every seven years by the Grand National Assembly .

  20. 海地将于周日举行选举,选出新的总统和国民议会。

    Haiti holds elections on Sunday for a new president and National Assembly .

  21. 而下议院和国民议会已经通过了退休制度改革的议案。

    The lower house , the National Assembly has already approved the package .

  22. 法国国民议会昨天开始讨论打击的提议。

    The French National Assembly started debating the idea of a strike yesterday .

  23. 马里国民议会议长即将访问中国。

    Malian National Assembly president to visit China .

  24. 两院制的斯洛文尼亚议会由国民议会和国民协商会组成。

    The bicameral Slovenian parliament consists of the National Assembly and the National Council .

  25. 这样,早上六点,胜利的国民议会休会了。

    And so , at six in the morning , a victorious Convention adjourns .

  26. 三月底,委内瑞拉最高法院取缔了国民议会的权力。

    In late March , Venezuela 's supreme court the National Assembly 's powers .

  27. 肯尼亚国民议会预计下星期四开会,批准这些措施。

    Parliament is to convene next week ( Thursday ) to enact the measures .

  28. 预计国民议会将选举劳尔?卡斯特罗继承他的哥哥费德尔的职务。

    The national assembly is expected to elect Raul Castro to succeed his brother fidel .

  29. 国民议会的正式选举可望在明年年底进行。

    Elections for a permanent national assembly are expected by the end of next year .

  30. 委内瑞拉政府的立法机构是委内瑞拉国民议会。

    Venezuela 's government has one legislative branch . It 's called the National Assembly .