
  • 网络national wealth;wealth of nation;the wealth of nations
  1. 为此国际上提出绿色GDP的概念,即扣除环境破坏之后的国民财富。

    Therefore , the concept of GREEN GDP , namely national wealth after deduction of damage to environment , has been proposed in international community .

  2. 假如上述估计是准确的,那么,此次地震造成的损失将相当于日本国内生产总值(gdp)的4%,占国民财富的比例不到1%。

    If this sum were to be correct , the cost would be 4 per cent of gross domestic product and less than 1 per cent of national wealth .

  3. 绿色GDP和真实储蓄率则可以更真实地反映出一国的国民财富,并衡量国家和地区经济可持续性。

    On the contrary , green GDP and genuine saving can evaluate the national welfare more exactly , and they can also describe the sustainable development of nations or regions .

  4. 绿色GDP是由科学发展观所催生的核算体系,它的建立将对我国国民财富的积累产生重大影响,使政府对国民经济运行过程的测度更重视经济流量与经济存量的有机结合。

    " Green GDP " is a new calculating system in compliance with the opinion of scientific development , and its establishment will has great influence on national assets accumulation and make the government consider more about the combination of economic stocks and flows during the operation of national economy .

  5. 国民财富的性质和原因之研究

    An Inquiry into Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

  6. 作者认为今后中国经济增长模式将从数量型转向质量型,即以提高经济增长质量、提高真实国民财富为目标。

    Author proposes that China continue to improve the quality of growth .

  7. 国民财富的积累与流失:基于能值视角的探讨

    Accumulation and Outflow of National Wealth : Discussion Based on Energy Value

  8. 国民财富与个人财富新视角

    A New View on the Wealth of Nations and the Wealth of Individuals

  9. 因此,公债不能计作国民财富的一部分。

    Funded property therefore cannot be counted as part of the national wealth .

  10. 国民财富的再分配要求人人参加,无一遗漏。

    The redistribution of national wealth requires that no one should escape the net .

  11. 看看几乎任何一个国民财富排行榜,小国都占优势。

    Look at almost any league table of national welfare and small countries dominate .

  12. 国民财富的性质和原因的研究(一)

    An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations ( 1 )

  13. 2008年汶川地震灾害则导致了大约27750亿元的国民财富损失,是直接经济损失的2.36倍。

    The Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 Led to about 2.775 trillion Yuan loss of national wealth .

  14. 如果让美元不断的贬值,对中国国民财富也不是一个好消息吧。

    If the dollar continues to devalue , the China national wealth is not a good news .

  15. 随着我国国民财富的增长和经济运行机制的市场化,私募基金的发展势头在我国势不可挡。

    The private-offered funds are to be rapidly developed with the wealth of the people increasing in our country .

  16. 经验观察显示,寡头垄断企业已经成为国民财富的源泉和世界经济增长的发动机。

    Empirical perspectives show that oligopolistic enterprises have become the source of national wealth and the engine of world economy .

  17. 在中国,港脚贸易不仅破坏了广州的贸易管理制度、而且大量的鸦片走私导致国民财富减少,人民生活贫苦。

    In China , British country trade not only damaged trade management system in Canton but also reduced national wealth .

  18. 经济增长提高了许多国家的收入,但国民财富增加本身并不一定会增进国民健康。

    Economic growth is raising incomes in many countries but increasing national wealth alone does not necessarily increase national health .

  19. 随着国民财富的增加,购买基金成为越来越多投资者的选择。

    With the increase of national wealth , buying funds has become more and more investor ' schoice to do the investment .

  20. 公有产权下,为达到国民财富的最大化积累,价格管制更是一种有力的制度工具。

    Under public ownership , in order to achieve the maximization of national wealth accumulation , price regulation is a powerful tool .

  21. 作为资产的最主要组成部分,股票和房地产资产已经成为我国国民财富的重要构成。

    As the main part of the assets , stocks and real estate assets have become an important component of our national wealth .

  22. 中小企业不仅给我国提供了大量的就业机会,而且也创造了大量的国民财富。

    A large number of employment opportunities are provided small and medium-sized enterprises in China , and they also create a lot of national wealth .

  23. 经济增长问题备受瞩目,经济学界一直以来都把推进社会生产力进步与国民财富增长作为研究的热点问题。

    Economic growth high-profile economic circles promote the social productive forces progress and growth of national wealth has always been regarded as a hot research topic .

  24. 中小企业的重要性不仅体现在数量上的绝对优势,而且体现在其提供的就业机会和所创造的国民财富上。

    The significance of SMEs is not only embodied in the incomparable quantity , but also in the job opportunities and national wealth created by SMEs .

  25. 马克思在《资本论》中指出,对于资本主义制度来说,国民财富和人民贫困是一回事。从而在资本主义制度下,效率即国民财富与公平即人民不贫困,是直接对立的。

    Under the system of capitalism , efficiency and fairness are opposites as viewed from THE CAPITAL , there the efficiency is only for the few .

  26. 经济增长是宏观经济分析的核心,经济学家努力的研究探索就是为了找寻国民财富和经济增长的本质。

    Economic growth is the core of macroeconomic analysis , the efforts of economists to exploring is to looking for national wealth and economic growth in nature .

  27. 在这一部分,我们首先对国民财富的概念与衡量进行了回顾和总结,并着重总结了国民财富与国民核算问题。

    In this part , we firstly rethought the concept of national wealth and how to weigh it . Then we reviewed the problems of national accounts .

  28. 创新型国家是主要相对于资源型国家及依附型国家而言的,资源型国家是指主要依靠自身丰富的自然资源增加国民财富的国家,如中东产油国家。

    The resource-based country is rely mainly on its own abundant natural resources to increase national wealth countries , such as the Middle East oil-producing countries home .

  29. 但是,我国在对外开放,参与国际经济技术合作的过程中,国民财富流失的问题也在不断加剧。

    However , in the process of opening-up and participating in international economic and technological cooperation , the problem of Chinas national wealth outflow has worsened continuously .

  30. 人们意识到,国民财富合理而有效地向中产阶级流动,是事关维稳的社会当务之急。

    The people realize , the national wealth to the middle class or the flowing , is the critical time Uygur steady society urgent matter effectively reasonably and .