
  • 网络household wealth;family wealth;family fortunes
  1. 我们使用了集中指数(CI)来评估9个妇幼保健指标组在家庭财富指数中的分布。

    We used a concentration index ( CI ) to assess distribution of nine MCH indicator groups across the household wealth index .

  2. 这种状况十分危险,因为中国的家庭财富与房地产挂钩的比例高得离谱,根据美国德克萨斯州农工大学(TexasA&MUniversity)经济学家甘犁的估计,房屋价值占中国家庭财富的比例高达三分之二左右。

    This is a danger because an unusually high percentage of Chinese household wealth is tied up in real estate -- about two-thirds , estimates economist Li Gan at Texas A & M University .

  3. 换句话说,即便年度GDP增速放缓至4%至5%,实际家庭财富的年增长率也可能会达到5%至6%,这是一件让家庭感到高兴的事情。

    Even if annual GDP growth slows to 4-5 per cent , in other words , real household wealth can grow at the 5-6 per cent a year that will keep households happy .

  4. 正如NPR新闻的珍妮·赫博斯特报道的政府表示美国家庭财富在第四季度取得了很大的进展。

    As NPR 's Jeanine Herbst reports the government says U.S.household wealth made great strides in the fourth quarter .

  5. 凯恩斯(Keynes)的门徒他们关注总需求将家庭财富增加等同于就业增加,因为他们认为这增加了消费者需求。

    Disciples of Keynes , who focus on aggregate demand , view any increase in household wealth as raising employment because they say it adds to consumer demand .

  6. JP摩根私人银行家庭财富中心的主管艾米布拉登(AmyBraden)表示:客户们确实对目前所发生的事情很感兴趣。

    Clients are really interested in what is going on right now , says Amy Braden , who heads the Family Wealth Centre at JPMorgan Private Bank .

  7. 政策制定者可以出售资产或转移资产,并将所得直接或间接地用于增加家庭财富,或者像日本一样,北京也可以干脆允许债务负担以远超GDP的速度增长,二者必居其一。

    Policymakers can sell or transfer assets and use the proceeds directly or indirectly to boost household wealth , or , like Japan , Beijing can simply allow its debt burden to rise much faster than GDP . One or the other must happen .

  8. 家庭财富减少,自然导致家庭消费下降。

    Lower household wealth , of course , means lower household consumption .

  9. 家庭财富观:一种社会学视角

    The Idea of Family Wealth : A Sociological Perspective

  10. 对于美国来说,房产也是家庭财富的重要组成部分。

    As to America , real estate is the important part of the family property .

  11. 因此就有了两种不同的国家资本概念:实物资产和家庭财富。

    So there are two different concepts of national capital : physical assets and household wealth .

  12. 运用家庭财富和集中指数对避孕中与财富有关的不平等进行了计算。

    Wealth-related inequities in the use of contraception were calculated using household wealth and concentration indices .

  13. 这样一来,儿童接受学校教育的多少最终取决于家庭财富。

    Thus the amount of schooling a child received was in the last analysis determined by wealth .

  14. 最后,一些我们认为的家庭财富其实是对未来收益的主张。

    Finally , some of what we regard as household wealth is a claim on future earnings .

  15. 由于房价大幅上涨,实际家庭财富较1987年增长了116%。

    Real household wealth rose by 116 per cent since 1987 boosted by big increases in property prices .

  16. 该报告显示了家庭财富在2012年第四季度达到66.1万亿美元。

    The report shows household wealth came at a 66.1 trillion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2012 .

  17. 例如,一些国家资产被外国人持有,而本国居民在境外也拥有家庭财富。

    For example , some national assets are owned by foreigners , and some household wealth is held overseas .

  18. 但鉴于家庭财富蒸发和较高的债务水平,储蓄率很可能进一步上升。

    But it is likely to move higher , given the destruction of household wealth and high debt levels .

  19. 家庭财富超过17万亿美元的家庭财富在我们所继承的大衰退中丧失。

    Household wealth & over $ 17 trillion in household wealth was lost in the Great Recession we inherited .

  20. 家庭财富和其重要组成部分,金融资产和房产价格作为家庭财富的主要组成部分,算在第一组里。

    Household wealth and its main components , financial-asset prices and property prices , are in the first group .

  21. 股价上涨已使家庭财富增加了1.4万亿美元,这将刺激支出。

    Higher share prices have raised household wealth by some $ 1.4 trillion , which will spur some spending .

  22. 然而,关于移交家庭财富的实质性讨论,可能要等到孩子们足够成熟之后。

    Substantive discussions about the passage of familial wealth , however , might wait until the children are mature enough .

  23. 随着中国经济的增长,居民收入水平在不断提高,对于日益增长的家庭财富,人们有了理财的需要。

    With the increase of the economy in China , the level of the resident income is becoming higher and higher .

  24. 所有这些国家在艾滋病毒流行程度和家庭财富五分位数之间的关系上,并没有显示出一致性。

    The relationship between the prevalence of HIV infection and household wealth quintile did not show consistent trends in all countries .

  25. 首先他得从循环讲座中把家庭财富挣回来,而这多亏了他的博学和智慧。

    First he had to restore the family fortune on the lecture circuit , which well rewarded his erudition and wit .

  26. 通过降低企业盈利、分红和资本利得的税率,资产价值和家庭财富会立即上升。

    By lowering tax rates on corporate profits , dividends and capital gains , equity values and household wealth will rise immediately .

  27. 基于具有误导性的家庭财富指标和宽松的信贷环境,英国消费者逐渐习惯于不可持续的支出。

    British consumers became habituated to unsustainable spending , based on misleading indicators of household wealth as well as lax credit conditions .

  28. 而且,在决定给予多少资助时,哈佛的工作人员将不用再考虑家庭财富这个因素。

    Also , Harvard officials will no longer consider the value of a family 's home when deciding how much aid to give .

  29. 他从观众那里获得了数百万美元的捐款,不过近几年来,他一直处于家庭财富丑闻的漩涡中。

    He made millions in donations from viewers , but in recent year , endured his several scandals over his family 's wealth .

  30. 如果物价过度回落,会对家庭财富带来破坏,进而阻碍消费,但不会被债务淹没。

    If prices fell heavily , the damage to households " wealth might dampen spending . But they would not be submerged in debt .