
  • 网络family drama;domestic drama;home drama
  1. 激励她走上导演之路的电影中,有一部是罗伯特·雷德福(RobertRedford)的导演处女作、家庭剧《普通人》(OrdinaryPeople)。

    One of the films that made her want to direct was Robert Redford 's directorial debut , the family drama " Ordinary People . "

  2. 《美国谍梦》(TheAmericans),FX,1月28日播出。这部剧精彩地将冷战间谍惊悚剧与家庭剧融为一体,第三季一开始,潜伏在华盛顿的克格勃小队感受到了苏联的阿富汗战争的压力。

    THE AMERICANS ( FX , Jan. 28 ) Season 3 of this terrific blend of Cold War spy thriller and family drama begins with Washington 's K.G.B. contingent feeling the weight of the Soviet war in Afghanistan .

  3. 这是一部好的家庭剧。

    It is a good family film .

  4. 她是英国的最佳女演员,擅长演喜剧和家庭剧。

    She was the finest actress in england , a mistress of comedy and domestic drama .

  5. 现实的失落与历史的追寻&家庭剧对父性表现的双重视野

    Loss in Reality and Tracing of History & Representation of paternity in family drama from double perspectives

  6. 浅谈《金瓶梅》女性人物描写元杂剧家庭剧旦本研究

    The Study of Opera Script Focusing on Female Characters and Family Life in the Dramas in the Yuan Dynasty

  7. 她将与霍利。亨特及安妮。班克罗夫特一道为自己的公司执导家庭剧全家度假去。

    She will be directing the family drama home for the holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne bancroft .

  8. 现存元杂剧中的家庭剧占全部现存剧作的三分之二强,家庭母题和家庭叙事在元代正式形成。

    Family dramas occupy over 2 / 3 of all existing Yuan dramas . Family motive and family narrative took their shape in Yuan Dynasty .

  9. 专擅于拍摄家庭剧的麦克·伦敦战较着擅擅于拍摄爆炸场景的乔·西我沃便是比去接管如此慷慨援助的人。

    Michael London , who specialises in making family dramas , and Joel Silver , who is notably good at blowing things up , are among the recent recipients of such largesse .

  10. 许多家庭剧人物设置、故事情节高度雷同,植入广告泛滥,严重影响了观众的审美需求。

    A lot of family drama character set , the story is a high degree of similarity , product placement flooding , a serious impact on the aesthetic needs of the audience .

  11. 但是首先这是一部有关情感与生命的电影——集爱情片、家庭剧、喜剧于一身,同时也是一部超级英雄电影。

    But first and foremost the film is concerned with emotions and lives - it 's a romance and a family drama and a comedy , as much as it 's a superhero film .

  12. 在爱情剧、社会及家庭剧、历史剧、神仙道化剧及公案剧等不同类型的作品中,反封建、反压迫是杂剧女角的主导精神;

    In the different type dramas such as affectional drama , social and family drama , historical drama , immortal drama and legal case drama , leading spirit of the female is against the feudalism and oppression ;

  13. 无论是以灰姑娘模式为主线的爱情剧,还是或多或少的穿插有灰姑娘情节的家庭剧或历史剧,都能看到韩剧对于此模式的钟爱。

    No matter it is the romantic comedy with " Cinderella " as the main story , or the family drama or history drama with " Cinderella " plot much or less , it reflects the preference of Korean Producers upon this mode .

  14. 本研究将对这&问题做一重点论述;三、韩国家庭剧在中国的热播,一直是中国社会普遍关注的现象,这一现象的背后有其更深层次的伦理文化动因。

    This research on this problem will do a emphatically discusses ; Third , the south Korea-based family drama in China , the Chinese had been collecting social attention in the phenomenon ; this phenomenon has its deeper behind the ethical culture reason .

  15. 《每日镜报》(TheDailyMirror)的评论家说,“很难相信观众愿意每周花两天时间,忍受这样一部乏味的家庭琐事剧。”

    A critic for The Daily Mirror found it " hard to believe that viewers will want to put up with continuous slice-of-life domestic drudgery two evenings a week . " The show is still on the air .

  16. 温莎城堡(WindsorCastle)的展览将于2016年9月举办,展出二战时期伊丽莎白公主出演家庭童话剧时所穿的剧服。此次展览还会展出女王令人炫目的晚礼服和干练的正装。

    The fancy dress costumes worn by the young Princess Elizabeth at wartime family pantomimes will be on show at Windsor Castle from September 2016 alongside dazzling evening gowns and smart official clothes .

  17. 新时期家庭伦理剧的历史和发展

    The History and Development of the Family Ethics Play in the New Era

  18. 中国家庭伦理剧作为当今荧屏的宠儿,曾产生过诸多颇具影响力的作品。

    Chinese family ethics drama has been the darling of the modern screen .

  19. 元代家庭伦理剧研究

    On the Family Ethics Opera of Yuan Dynasty

  20. 该影片是一部有益的家庭娱乐剧。

    This film is good wholesome family entertainment .

  21. 韩国家庭伦理剧之解读

    The Analysis on Korean Family Ethics TV Plays

  22. 家庭伦理剧的变迁,可分为三个阶段:起步期、繁荣期、成熟期。

    The transition can be divided into three stages : preliminary period , prosperous period , and mature period .

  23. 引言中主要考察了家庭伦理剧研究的历史和现状;

    The preface mainly focuses on the history and current situation of research about " the Family Ethics Opera " .

  24. 家庭伦理剧是以家庭生活为主要背景,讲述家庭成员之间的伦理道德和情感纠葛为主要内容的电视连续剧。

    The dramas are with family life as the main background , about the ethical and emotional entanglements among family members .

  25. 家庭伦理剧一直是电视荧屏的宠儿,占据着电视荧屏的大片江山。

    The family ethics play has been the darling of the television screen , dominated the television screens of large tracts of land .

  26. 同时梳理了中国家庭伦理剧概念、发展历程及家庭伦理剧中男性形象的建构。

    At the same time , combing the construction of Chinese family ethics drama concept , development history and family ethics drama male image .

  27. 近年来,家庭伦理剧作为较受人们关注和喜爱的电视剧剧种之一。

    In recent years , the family ethics drama , as one of the most popular dramas , has been of focus by the mass people .

  28. 家庭伦理剧从90年起步,在二十年发展过程中实现两次大的转折,其原因较为复杂。

    The family ethics TV play starts at 1990 , in the process of 20 years , it accomplishes twice transitions , and the reason is complicated .

  29. 通过性别建构的各种策略,家庭伦理剧复制了男女两性的性别“神话”、表达着吸纳了情感自由伦理的传统责任伦理。

    The present study holds that family-ethics teleplay not only expresses a " myth " of conjugal relation , but also constructs traditional ethics which absorb liberal ethics .

  30. 在诸多类型当中,家庭伦理剧,以其贴近生活,还原生活的特点受到了广大观众的欢迎,是我国主要电视频道黄金时段的主打题材。

    Among the many types of family ethics drama , the ones which close to life restore the life characteristics have been welcomed by the majority of the audience .