
shī jù
  • poetic drama;drama in verse
诗剧 [shī jù]
  • [poetic drama] 对白为诗的戏剧

诗剧[shī jù]
  1. 我们的诗剧,亨利博克创始人乔治出生在费城。

    The creator of our poetic drama , George Henry Boker was born in Philadelphia .

  2. 但歌剧的主题与诗剧主题有着很大的差别。

    The theme of the opera varies greatly from that of Faustus , the poetic drama .

  3. 相形之下,诗剧方面的实验却显得贫弱。

    By contrast , experiments at verse drama have looked anaemic .

  4. 论莎士比亚诗剧汉译的文体选择

    A Choice of Literary Forms in Translating Shakespeare 's Poetic Dramas

  5. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《理性假面具》是一部诗剧作品。

    A Masque of Reason is a poetic drama of Robert Frost .

  6. 论五四时期诗剧的内容特征

    Discussing the Characteristics of the Poetic Dramas in the " May 4th " Period

  7. 穆旦与《圣经》&兼论穆旦的三部诗剧

    Mu Dan and the Bible & Also on the Three Poetic Plays of Mu Dan

  8. 他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。

    He produced the verse drama Manfred , the first two cantos of Don Juan .

  9. 圣经对《浮士德》的影响不仅表现在作者对素材的提炼上,也表现在诗剧的主题上。

    The influence of Bible on Faust is manifested in both the extraction of the original material and the theme of the poetic drama .

  10. 文章用整合的眼光探讨《浮士德》的多层意蕴:从诗剧的显性层面,看诗人的现实思考和批判精神,以及浮士德的进取精神;

    Interpreting Faust from an integrative point of view , this article probes into the poet 's realistic thought and his spirit of criticism .

  11. 在马达可诗剧的末了,亚当绝望地正准备跳崖自尽,却惊鸿一瞥地见到救赎。

    At the end of Madach 's poem , Adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair , when he glimpses redemption .

  12. 诗剧肯定了生命活力对于人的重要意义,表现了人的情欲的巨大力量,肯定了人之躯体的物质性。

    The poetic drama affirms the significance of the vitality to human beings by expressing the great power of sexual passion and affirming the materiality of human body .

  13. 事实上,正是由于迦梨陀娑匠心独具的艺术构造,才使诗剧获得了一种永恒独特的魅力,这匠心独具的艺术构造便是“诅咒”与“遗忘”手法的出色运用。

    This article argues that the everlasting charm of the poetic drama is its artistic composition , that is , the use of techniques of cursing and forgetting .

  14. 中国现代诗剧孤寂的生存状态及其构因史诗剧场与残酷戏剧:现代剧场政体的意识形态批判

    The Lonely Survival Condition and Its Construction Elements of Chinese Modern Poetic Drama ; The Epic Theatre and The Theatre of Cruelty : The Ideological Criticize of the Mo dern Theatre System

  15. 兹从诗与剧的交叉点切入深入探讨了中国现代诗剧的三大重要审美特征:诗情与剧情的平衡、意象与形象的平衡和诗语与剧语的平衡。

    Actually , modern poem and drama have three important aesthetic characteristics : the balance between plots and emotions , the balance between images and forms and the balance between poem language and drama language .

  16. 这部现在仍是匈牙利文学基石的诗剧,描述了亚当如何与夏娃一起被逐出伊甸园,和上帝断绝关系并决心通过自己的努力再造伊甸园。

    The verse drama , still a cornerstone of Hungarian literature , describes how Adam is cast out of the Garden with Eve , renounces God and determines to recreate Eden through his own efforts .

  17. 德雷顿:创作了各种体裁的作品包括十四行诗、诗剧、讽刺诗与田园诗,如思想,牧羊人的花环(1593年)。

    Drayton : English poet who produced a wide range of works , including sonnets , dramas , satires , and eclogues , such as those in Idea , The Shepherd 's Garland ( 1593 ) .

  18. 诗剧通过浮士德一生的探索追求,艺术地概括和表现了资产阶级上升时期的知识分子形象,表现了资产阶级思想的发展历程。

    The latter , by the narration of the lifelong exploration and pursuit of Faustus , artistically epitomes and embodies the image of intellectuals when the bourgeois was on its raise and it also describes the development of bourgeois thoughts .

  19. 歌剧《浮士德》是古诺最具代表性的歌剧作品之一,它选用歌德诗剧《浮士德》第一部中的第二部分&浮士德与玛格丽特的爱情悲剧进行音乐描绘。

    The opera " Faust " is one piece of representative work in all of Gounod 's operas , the plot in which about a tragic love story between Faust and Margarita was from parts of Goethe 's drama " Faust " .

  20. 对这些问题的把握,将有助于认识现代诗剧的历史贡献和不足,总结其艺术创造的经验教训,以期促进当代戏剧创作及发展。

    The answers to these questions will be helpful to the understanding of the historical contribution and the insufficiency of modern poetic drama , to the summary of its artistic creation experience and lesson , with the aim of promoting of the contemporary play creation and development .

  21. 中国现代诗剧在其短暂的发展历程中,创造性地融汇西方诗剧与传统剧诗长久建构起来的诗剧的审美机制,艺术创造逐步走向成熟。

    In its short development course , the Chinese modern poetic drama creatively blends itself together with the poetic drama aesthetic mechanism which is constructed by the western poetic drama and the traditional " dramatic poem " for a long time , the artistic creation gradually moving towards maturity .