
  1. 在许多的写作时间之外,诗颂课程带来短暂的休息,并让我们能够藉著诗歌来歌颂神。

    Hymn sessions also gave a brief and welcome pause to work sessions where everyone could fellowship and praise God in song .

  2. 分析了屈原代表作《离骚》和雪莱的抒情诗《西风颂》所反映的积极浪漫主义精神的异同,认为这种异同的产生主要源于中西文化的差异和所处时代的不同。

    This paper presents an analysis of the similarities and differences between romantic spirit reflected in Shelley s lyric " Ode to the West Wind " and Qu Yuans masterpiece " Lisao " .

  3. 天使诗班歌唱,颂声喜乐洋洋。

    Sing , choirs of angels , Sing in exultation .

  4. 对于古希腊的了解,我只是在几年前拜读过《尼采悲惨的降临》这本著作,所以我想古希腊的音乐应该伴有唱诗班的吟颂。

    As my knowledge of Greek Antiquity is confined to reading Nietzsche 's'Birth of Tragedy'some years ago , I would have imagined that Ancient Greek music would have been accompanied by chorus chants .