
  • 网络shi ji zhuan;shijizhuan
  1. 本文以《诗集传》、《春秋集解》为主要研究对象,对苏辙的经学成就作初步的探讨。

    The author aimed at Shi Ji Zhuan and Chun Qiu JiJie to study the achievement of SuZhe .

  2. 《诗集传》有少量叶音跟《诗经》的某些通假字、异文等用字现象有关联。

    A few of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan are relative to some written phenomena including Tongjia-zi , Yiwen etc.

  3. 从《诗集传》看朱熹之妇女观

    Looks at view of women of the Zhu Xi from Poetry anthology Biography

  4. 苏辙《诗集传》的成书及版本考

    Completion and Versions of SU Zhe 's Commentary on THE BOOK OF SONGS

  5. 这些阐释方法的使用是《诗集传》能有如此显赫地位的重要原因之一。

    All these methods are one of the key reasons for the predomination of Shi Ji zhuan .

  6. 朱熹《诗集传》研究

    Study of Poetry Commentaries

  7. 前言介绍《诗集传》的作者、产生的背景和版本源流,确定了本文句读认定的规则,并按句型归纳其句法体系,分析了非主谓句和描写句。

    In the preface we introduces the author , background and edition , then , defines the principles of sentence and sums up the system of the syntax .

  8. 通过他在《诗集传》中对妇女的或褒或刺,朱熹阐明了他的妇女观:女性美的评判标准在于有德、重理、务家;

    Center either praises or the thorn through him in Poetry anthology Biography to the woman , Zhu Xi has expounded his view of women : Woman 's beautiful judgment standard lies in has Germany , the heavy principle , the service ;

  9. 著有诗集《河传》、《童话世界》、《春天的游戏》、《天梯》等。

    His poetry collections include Tales of Rivers , The World of Fairy Tales , Games in Spring and Stairs to Heaven .