
  • 网络Poetry Festivals
  1. 他在1970年创办了剑桥国际诗歌节。

    In the1970 's , he founded and ran the international Cambridge Poetry Festival .

  2. 那天正好是诗歌节,我非常兴奋。

    It was the day of the poetry festival , and I was excited .

  3. 这次,我为爱迪生诗歌节写的诗是关于我爸爸的。

    The poem I wrote for the Edison Roetry Festival was about my dad .

  4. 一年中他们有称之为“艺术年会”的讴歌、跳舞、诗歌节。

    Throughout the year they have festivals of song and dance and poetry called Eisteddfodau .

  5. 每年威尔士人都要举行威尔士音乐诗歌节,这个一年一度的节日被称为爱诗特德赋。

    Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an " Eisteddfod " .

  6. 有一次,他去阿富汗参加在喀布尔洲际酒店举行的诗歌节,朗诵了一首关于和平的诗。

    Once he visited Afghanistan for a poetry festival at the Kabul Intercontinental Hotel , where he read a poem about peace .

  7. 两年前,当莉斯&一个满头的小麻花辫像瀑布一样垂在前额的年轻黑人妇女,在第一届诗歌节上朗读自己的诗时,她正怀着孩子。

    Two years ago , when she read her texts at the first festival , Liz , a young Black woman with small braids cascading down her forehead , was pregnant .

  8. 他自从当年在北京大学与一位冰岛留学生同住一间宿舍,就与这个国家结下了渊源。去年因赞助一个诗歌节而首次造访那个地方时,他一下子就爱上了那里。

    He has had ties to the country since sharing a room with an Icelandic student at Peking university and he fell in love with the place when visiting for the first time last year to sponsor a poetry festival .

  9. 第四届年度剑桥徐志摩诗歌艺术节近日举行,英国剑桥市首座百分百的中式花园在艺术节期间正式对外开放。

    The first formal Chinese garden in the English city of Cambridge was officially open during the fourth-annual Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival .

  10. 波利纳斯诗人Berlandt还生产17诗歌,电影节和一个诗歌,摇滚音乐节和第15本诗集。

    Bolinas poet Berlandt is also producer of17 poetry-film festivals and one poetry-rock festival and15 poetry collections .

  11. 今年,国际诗歌中心举办诗歌比赛,庆祝诗歌节!

    This year , the International Poetry Centre is holding a poetry competition to celebrate the festival !