
  • 网络scientific establishment;scientific institution
  1. 正是当时的科学机构所认同的结论。

    The conclusion of the scientific establishment of that time .

  2. 科学机构认为科学家和活体解剖反对论者是两种互不相容的身份。

    The scientific establishment says being a scientist and an anti-vivisectionist are incompatible positions .

  3. 科学机构一直不愿作出更正。

    Scientific institutions have been reluctant to take corrective action

  4. 今年4月,主要联邦科学机构的负责人出席了参议院拨款委员会(SenateAppropriationsCommittee)的听证会。会上,陈晓伟的例子引起了关注。

    Mr. Chen 's case gained attention in April during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing with the heads of the major federal science agencies .

  5. 辛格说,包括印度理工学院(IIT)在内的印度科学机构必须改变它们的心态,从而促进一种创新文化。

    Indian scientific establishments , including the Indian Institutes of Technology ( IIT ), must change their mindsets to promote an innovation culture , said Singh .

  6. 澳大利亚国家科学机构的研究科学家丹尼斯•哈德斯蒂(DeniseHardesty)说,洋流经常会使海面上漂浮的垃圾聚集在一起,目前的搜寻区域可能就属于这样一块区域。

    Denise Hardesty , a research scientist at Australia 's national science agency , which is advising the search teams , said it is likely the area being searched is one where currents frequently bring floating garbage together .

  7. 并为英国的科学机构和企业寻找互惠互利的商业机遇。

    We work to identify mutually beneficial commercial opportunities for UK science organisations and companies .

  8. 地震资料有助结构工程师设计建筑物,本地及海外科学机构也会采用这些资料。

    Seismic data are used by structural engineers in building design , and by local and overseas scientific institutions .

  9. 这一点明显体可以这些现代科学机构在全面了解传统药物知识时做的有限而又肤浅的努力上看出来。

    This becomes clear from the limited and superficial efforts of these modern scientific institutions to understand traditional knowledge comprehensively .

  10. 这些原则是由独立科学机构在定期、全面的科学研究评估基础上制定的。

    The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies .

  11. 该公司的首位客户很可能是科学机构,比如美国宇航局,以及私人研究机构。

    Planetary Resources ' first customers are likely to be science agencies , such as NASA , as well as private research institutes .

  12. 中国的科学机构经常会评估其科学家使用发表他们论文的期刊的影响因子的产出。

    China 's science institutions often evaluate the outputs of their scientists using the impact factors of the journals where they publish their papers .

  13. 他在一家科学机构工作,在那里有语言学家,文学学者,历史学家,社会学家,经济学家和其他学者探讨一切有关侏儒的事。

    He works at a scientific institute where linguists , literature scholars , historians , sociologists , economists , and other scholars investigate everything that has to do with gnomes .

  14. 同样,在联合国机构将此标准作为评估和监测儿童生长的标尺的同时,许多科学机构也支持使用世卫组织生长标准。

    Similarly , many scientific bodies have endorsed the use of the WHO growth standards , while United Nations agencies use them as the common yardstick to assess and monitor child growth .

  15. 政府间气候变化专门委员会是由世界各国政府任命的人组成的科学机构,其作用是给各国政府就全球气候变暖的原因和影响、以及可能的解决方案出主意。

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a scientific body appointed by the world 's governments to advise them on the causes and effects of global warming , and potential solutions .

  16. 上海东海大桥基础工程混凝土承台结构施工地震资料有助结构工程师设计建筑物,本地及海外科学机构也会采用这些资料。

    Construction of Concrete Structure for Bearing Platforms of Piers for Donghai Bridge in Shanghai Seismic data are used by structural engineers in building design , and by local and overseas scientific institutions .

  17. 她写道,更加重要的是,印度科学机构必须录用更多青年和女性科学家,他们的“渴望和奋斗”将会促进印度以及世界其它地方的气候科学。

    Most importantly , she says , the establishment must take on more young and female scientists , whose " impatience and desperation " will strengthen India 's and the world 's climate science .

  18. 西部的森林大火,海湾的飓风以及来自我们顶级科学机构的信息,气候变化已经到来,而且还在继续恶化。

    Wildfires in the west , hurricanes in the gulf and the information that has been coming out of our top science bodies that climate change is here and it is continuing to get worse .

  19. 澳大利亚的国家科学机构正在协助海事安全局展开搜寻,提供复杂的海洋建模数据,用来核查海上搜救队的发现。

    Australia 's national science agency is helping the nation 's maritime safety authority undertake the search , offering its sophisticated ocean-modelling data to be checked against the findings of rescue teams hunting for scattered debris on the ocean 's surface .

  20. 对此欧盟委员会已投入400万欧元,此外科学机构及合作伙伴也投入了180万欧元。德国宇航中心致力于在三年内用这些资金指定出一个测试任务的计划。

    With an investment of some 4 million by the European Commission and an extra 1.8 million coming from scientific institutions and partners , the German Aerospace Center aims to have a plan for a test mission drafted within three years .

  21. 借鉴G管理模式加强科研管理创新促进医院科学研究机构发展

    Improving the Innovation of Scientific Research Management to Promote the Hospital 's Research Institution By Using G Management Mode for Reference

  22. 国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)是一个由国际社会资助的、非盈利性的科学研究机构和培训机构。

    International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ( CIMMYT ) is an internationally funded , nonprofit , scientific research and training organization .

  23. 几周后,在另一场精英会议上,盖茨对“可汉学院”(KahnAcademy)不吝溢美之词(可汉学院是非营利性的网络数学和科学辅导机构)。

    A few weeks later , speaking at yet another conference for a different set of elite he showered praise on the not-for-profit online math and science tutoring operation " Kahn Academy " .

  24. 与此同时Sulston博士在曼彻斯特大学建立了一家科学伦理机构。

    Dr Sulston , meanwhile , has started a scientific-ethics institute at Manchester University and Dr Collins has bagged one of the top prizes in American science .

  25. 农业研究院是美国农业部主要内部科学研究机构。

    ARS is the USDA 's principal intramural scientific research agency .

  26. 首先,在发展中国家,没有几个有组织的科学新闻机构。

    Firstly , there are very few organised outlets of science news .

  27. 浅议地方社会科学研究机构的对策研究

    Comments on Policy Research by Local Social Science Academies

  28. 创立一个科学研究机构。

    A scientific research institution was brought into existence .

  29. 软科学研究机构在政府决策中的功效、困境及对策研究

    Functions , Dilemma and Countermeasures of Soft Science Research Organizations in Government Decision-Making

  30. 我们必须强化科学研究机构的作用。

    We must attach great importance to the role of scientific research institutes .