
  • 网络leafy greens
  1. 绿叶菜和低碳水化合物蔬菜。

    Leafy greens and low-carb vegetables .

  2. Bancroft小学的孩子们在给她们收获的绿叶菜称重。

    Kids from the Bancroft school weigh some leafy greens .

  3. 研究人员认为这可能源于绿叶菜中含有大量维生素E,一种抗氧化剂,据信能帮助抗击人体内产生的能破坏细胞的化学物质。

    The researchers said that may be because they contain healthy amounts of vitamin E , an antioxidant that is believed to help fight chemicals produced by the body that can damage cells .

  4. 而维生素K是增强骨骼的一种关键成分,菜籽油和橄榄油是摄取这种重要营养物质的第二主要来源,仅次于绿叶菜。

    But vitamin K is essential for strong bones , and vegetable oils such as canola and olive oil are the second-best dietary source of this key nutrient , after green leafy vegetables .

  5. 有关研究表明,不管何时烹饪绿叶菜,其中的维他命B和其它水溶性维他命都会有所流失,而营养流失量取决于食物的烹饪时长以及火候。比如,用微波蒸花椰菜90秒与生生蒸上5分钟就有很大区别。

    Research on this topic shows that whenever you cook greens , some of the B vitamins and other water-soluble vitamins are lost . The amount you lose depends on the duration and rigor in which the food is cooked - steaming broccoli in the microwave for 90 seconds is a lot different than nuking it for five minutes .

  6. 所以买绿叶菜要挑深色的。

    So buy green leafy vegetables to choose dark .

  7. 适合在色拉中生吃的绿叶菜。

    Greens suitable for eating uncooked as in salads .

  8. 目前抽样的食品范围已经从原先的河鲜海鲜扩大到了绿叶菜以及乳制品。

    The food being checked has been broadened from aquatic products to green-leaf vegetables and dairy products .

  9. 拿什么替代:向大力水手学习,吃绿叶菜能让你变得强壮。

    What to eat instead : Popeye got it right ; you get strong by eating greens .

  10. 一道蔬菜的量相当于半碗切碎的绿叶菜,例如菠菜,或一碗未经加工的绿叶菜。

    A vegetable serving equaled about a half-cup chopped or one cup if the vegetable was a raw leafy green like spinach .

  11. 日本消费者高价购买这些绿叶菜、长叶生菜、茼蒿等种植厂的蔬菜。

    The vegetables from plant factories which include green leaf , romaine lettuce and garland chrysanthemum are sold at a premium to Japanese shoppers .

  12. 第四,注意饮食。在晚餐或者夜宵中最好选用含有氨基酸的食物,如奶制品、豆类、花生、家禽肉或绿叶菜。

    Choose food that contains amino acids for your dinner and supper , such as dairy products , beans , peanuts , poultry or greens .

  13. 不敢相信我居然要说这话,但是与其是“有牛仔裤需要卷边”“有绿叶菜需要蒸好”岂不是更好?

    I can 't believe I 'm even saying this , but instead of " Hem your jeans , " could it be " Steam your greens " ?

  14. 孩子们虽然并不太喜欢卷心菜、羽衣甘蓝、菠菜等绿叶菜,但它们却对儿童以及成年人的大脑有极大的益处。

    Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage , kale , spinach , and others , while not very well-liked by children , are excellent for the brain of children and adults alike .

  15. 蔬菜受不同程度硝酸盐污染,以根菜类污染最严重,其次是白菜类和绿叶菜类,轻中度污染的是葱蒜类、甘蓝类和豆类蔬菜;

    The root vegetables were the worst , and the cabbage and green leaf vegetables were worse than other vegetables , and the onion garlic , kale and Legume vegetables were polluted by nitrate .

  16. 我点的沙拉用料新鲜,口感仿佛刚刚从地里直接采摘回来的一般,里面还用到了一些罕见的食材,例如番石榴叶、红毛榴莲叶等绿叶菜。

    My salad was so fresh it tasted as if I were picking it directly from the earth , and with some surprising ingredients , with greens like leaves of both guava and soursop .

  17. 早餐她和沃尔德斯通常吃黑面包(杂粮)和果酱,中午吃瘦肉或者意大利面配以花园里的种植的一些时令蔬果,晚餐则是鸡汤和一些绿叶菜。

    For breakfast she and Wolders often had brown bread with jam ; for lunch , a lean meat or pasta with produce fresh from their garden ; and for dinner , they had chicken soup with veggies .

  18. 一般来讲,叶菜类和根菜类蔬菜积累的硝酸盐高于茄果类蔬菜.本文通过田间试验,探讨了氮素化肥不同施量对6种绿叶菜及根茎菜体内硝酸盐积累量的影响。

    Generally , the content of nitrate in leafy and root vegetables is higher than that in eggplants . This paper deals with the effect of application of N fertilizer on the accumulation of nitrate in 6 green and root vegetables in vivo .

  19. 绿叶菜类和根茎类重金属含量普遍高于瓜果类,8种蔬菜中重金属含量均未超出无公害蔬菜限量标准。

    The heavy metal contents in the greenery and rootstalk vegetables were higher than those in the melon and fruit , but the contents of lead , cadmium , copper and zinc in 8 kinds of vegetables were all below the sanitary standard for pollution , free vegetables .

  20. 有些人喜欢晚餐中用生菜沙拉或者其他绿叶蔬菜做开胃菜。

    Some people like to start their dinner with a salad of lettuce or other leafy greens .