
  1. 建设绿色宝库,促进生态环境可持续发展

    Construct the Green Grass Pool and Promote the Sustainable Development of Ecological Environment

  2. 关于陕北绿色宝库建设中的几个林业经济管理问题

    Some problems of forestry economic management in the development of green treasury in the North Shaanxi

  3. 五指山林区是一个蕴藏着无数百年不朽良树的绿色宝库。

    Mountain is a forest there are many hundred years everlasting good tree green treasure house .

  4. 为了合理利用土壤资源,必须保护现有的原始次生林,制止乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒和毁林种药,大力植树造林,积极发展珍贵树种,以使这块绿色宝库能够永续利用。

    For rational utilization of soil resourses , we must conserve the secondary forests now still existing , prevent deforestation for arable cultivation and medicinal herbs planting , take active steps in afforestation and develop valuable tree species , so that this " green treasure-house " will maintain sustained yield .