
  • 网络Green Zone;Midori;Midori-ku;Midori Ward
  1. 在绿区外,外交车队是反叛者、武装人员和雇佣绑架者的主要袭击目标。

    Outside the Green Zone , diplomatic convoys are prime targets for insurgents , militiamen and freelance kidnappers .

  2. 伊拉克总理穆斯塔法·卡迪米谴责了一群武装民兵接近巴格达中部戒备森严的“绿区”的行为。

    Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has denounced a group of armed militia for approaching the heavily fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad .

  3. “绿区”周边和安检入口的士兵们接到命令要严格执行禁令。

    Iraqi guards on the zone 's perimeter and at various checkpoints inside have been told to enforce the ban .

  4. 他在巴格达的胜利宫会见了伊拉克领导人,由于沙漠风暴的原因原本前往绿区的行程被取消。

    He and Iraqi leaders met at in Baghdad . A visit into the had to be because of a sandstorm .

  5. 市郊绿区的工厂是计算机设计的,从机器人的运作到油漆的流动,再到喷雾器。

    Greenfield factories are computer designed , right down to the operations of the robots and the flow of paint to the spray cans .

  6. 她说美国人必须为绿区内的安全负责,但是没有人敢为这个袭击承担责任。

    He said the Americans are in charge of the security in the green zone , but no one dares to hold the responsible for the attack .

  7. 街上的建筑饱受战火,伤痕累累,街渠几乎通到了美军绿区要塞的大门口,这里浓缩了巴格达最近的暴力史。萨达姆年轻时,曾在此地避难;

    Its long gully of battle-scarred buildings , leading almost to the gates of America 's fortified Green Zone , encapsulates the city 's violent recent history .

  8. 在巴格达时,他们居住在守卫严密的“绿区”、或郊外的集装箱房屋(由集装箱改造而成)内。

    When in Baghdad , they live in the heavily guarded Green Zone , or in containerised housing units converted shipping containers on the outskirts of the city .

  9. 在新一轮巴格达军事打击进入第九周时,大批驻伊美军和伊拉克军队在街上巡逻,绿区内的安全防范也不断得到加强。

    S.and Iraqi soldiers are on the streets in the ninth week of a security crackdown in the capital and security measures inside the Green Zone have been significantly hardened .

  10. 在巴格达戒备森严的“绿区”里,马立基总理参加的新闻发布会上,这只鞋子飞过了蹲下的布什头顶。

    Bush ducked , and the shoes , flung one at a time , sailed past his head during the news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in his palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone .

  11. 肉眼观:左上角的脑组织梗死表现为液化性坏死。最终坏死组织被清除后留下空洞。褪绿区坏死,组织死亡,叶片干枯。

    As this infarct in the brain is organizing and being resolved , the liquefactive necrosis leads to resolution with cystic spaces . The chlorotic areas become necrotic . The issue dies and leaves dry up .

  12. 鸭绿江城区沿江游览带绿化设计构思

    On Conception of the Green Design for Tourist Belt along the Yalu River of City Proper

  13. 恶劣的自然条件,如持续干旱、大风天气、丰富的沙源、植被稀疏、滥用水、土地以及植物资源等,导致了河西绿州区沙尘暴的频频发生。

    The poor natural condition such as durative drought , strong wind and rich sand sources and sparse vegetation , and irrational use of water , land and plant resources are major causes for leading to sand storm in Hexi Region .

  14. 绿:居住区的文明内涵

    Green : the Implications of Civilization in the Residential Quarters

  15. 鸭绿江河口区鱼虾群落研究

    Studies on the communities of fish and shrimp in the estuary of Yalu River

  16. 但绿化指标总体上说还不够全面,应该引入绿化覆盖率、绿量、居住区人均绿地面积来补充绿化指标体系;

    The greening indexes is insufficient in all , and " the afforested coverage fraction ", " the green quantity " and " the residential area 's average per person green space area " should be the complement of the greening indexes system ;