
  • 网络standing timber;living trees
  1. 嘉汉林业向所谓的“授权中间商”销售活立木。

    Sino forest sells standing timber to so-called " authorised intermediaries " .

  2. 该委员会表示,该公司随后使用“欺骗性的文档编制办法”来对外显示“其所谓的购买、拥有和出售活立木的情况”。

    It then used a " deceitful documentation process " to show the " purported purchase , ownership and sale of standing timber " , it said .

  3. 据2002年湖南省森林资源统计年报,全省林业用地面积18343.2万亩,森林覆盖率53.13%,活立木蓄积量31352.34万m3。

    The statistical data annual reports of forest resources in Hunan are : forestry area 18.343 ? 2 million mu , forest cover rate 53.13 % , the growing stock volume 31.352 ?

  4. 河南省活立木交易市场探索

    Probe into the Trade Market of Living Woods in Henan Province

  5. 应力波用于木材和活立木无损检测的研究进展

    The Research Progress in Wood and Standing Tree Based on Stress Wave Method

  6. 本文的主要工作如下:1.活立木点云数据的采集和预处理。

    The collection and pre-processing of point cloud data .

  7. 培育活立木市场,建立森林资源评估机构,做好流转服务工作;

    Cultivating market of living trees ; establishing organizations for evaluating forest resources ;

  8. 国内木材市场呼唤活立木交易

    Domestic Timber Market Need More Dealing on Standing Wood

  9. 贮食微生境主要包括活立木、枯立木、倒木和倾斜地面。

    Caching microhabitat mainly included living wood , snag , dead log and slope .

  10. 试论活立木转让的市场条件

    Market Condition of Transfering Live Standing Tree

  11. 有些人把他们带回家过节锅里的活立木,然后将其放回野外。

    Some people bring a live tree in a pot into their home for the holidays and then put it back outdoors .

  12. 本文采用计算机视觉基本理论对活立木进行三维重建,恢复活立木枝干的三维信息的方法是行之有效的。

    The method on 3D reconstruction or getting the 3D information of the standing tree by using the principle of computer vision is valid .

  13. 本文在综合森林覆盖率、活立木蓄积量、单位面积森林蓄积量等传统林业评价指标的基础上,研究提出了一项新的指标&森林厚度。

    This paper analyzes the offect of forestry vegetation bestrewing rate change to inner drainage area runoff in the upper reach of Huma River in Daxinganling Area .

  14. 林木销售价法用于计算活立木理论流转收益。

    Another model was used to compare theoretic and actual forest management costs . The Forest Sale Price Method was applied to calculate theoretic benefit from transferring stumpage .

  15. 同时研究了林分活立木年龄与枯立木年龄之间的关系以及天然林的抚育问题。

    The relations between the age of standing trees and the age of the dead standing trees in the stands were studied , and the problems of tending natural stand were discussed .

  16. 文章在调查研究河南省内外活立木交易情况的基础上,针对全省林业发展现状,讨论了建立活立木交易市场的必要性和可行性;

    Based on the current situations of the living woods transaction inside and outside of Henan Province , the paper discussed the necessity and feasibility of establishment of the living woods transaction fair .

  17. 同时揭示出该县民营林业发展中存在的十个问题:一是民营林业承包拍卖、程序不规范;二是合同、司法公证、发证规范程度不够:三是活立木市场难形成;

    Reveal ten questions existing in the privately owned forestry 's development of this county at the same time : First , the privately owned forestry contracts and auctions , the procedure is unstandard ;

  18. 活立木交易是商品经济发展的产物,其实质是林地使用权和林木所有权的有偿转让或买卖。

    The trade of living woods is the outcomes of commodities economy , the essence of it is the transaction or transfer the possession of the ownership of forest or the woods by compensation .

  19. 论文提出了进行生态补偿、建立活立木市场、加强生态宣传等公共政策建议,以期提高退耕还林工程的实施效率。

    The author makes some public policy suggestions on developing ecological compensation , instituting live lot market , and enhancing ecological publicity efforts so as to improve the ecological efficiency of the cropland conversion program .

  20. 一定森林面积中现存各种活立木的材积总量称为木材蓄积量,它是衡量一个国家或地区林业经营效益的重要指标。

    The total volume of the existing variety of living trees were known as the forest volume in a certain forest area , it is an important indicator to measure the forestry management effectiveness of a national or regional .

  21. 活立木蓄积净增加3132760m3,增13%,森林资源消长比为1∶19,已达到年生长量大于消耗量的要求。在此基础上对森林资源发展趋势进行预测,并提出了加快森林分类经营改革;

    The volume of living tree increased by 13 % , and was 3 132 760 m 3 . The ratio of consumption to growth was 1 ∶ 1 9 . The development trend of forest resource is Simao city was estimated .

  22. 为了规范活立木交易的行为,应依法建立相应的交易市场,并在林业主管部门的监督指导下开展工作。

    In order to standard ( norm ) the transaction behaviour of the living woods , the corresponding transaction fair should be established according to the relevant laws , and carry out works under supervision and guidance by the forestry competent authorities .

  23. 本研究获得以下几点重要结论和创新点:1.提出了两种活立木图像分割方法,一种是基于粒子群算法的水平集活立木图像分割方法,另一种是基于数学形态学的树木图像分割方法。

    Following main conclusions are drawn : 1 . Two methods on standing tree image segmentation are proposed . One is level set method in standing tree image segmentation based on particle swarm optimization , the other is tree image segmentation based on mathmatical morphology .