
huó dònɡ cénɡ
  • active layer
  1. 土壤湿度廓线表明:土壤水分活动层厚度约为10m;

    It is shown that in soil moisture profiles , the depth of the soil moisture active layer is about 10 cm and soil moisture inversion is the main feature in the shallow layer during the wet stage .

  2. 非定常边界多年冻土活动层温度的积分渐近计算

    Asymptotic Evaluation of Temperature in the Permafrost Active Layer with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions

  3. 湿空气对流活动层仅能达到500hPa至600hPa之间。

    The top of moist convection air can only attain between 600 hPa and 500 hPa levels .

  4. 用冠层温度定量诊断作物根系活动层

    Quantitative Diagnosis of Crop Root Zone according to Canopy Temperature

  5. 土壤-植被系统趋于更薄的活动层。

    Soil-plant system went to a thinner active horizon .

  6. 屏幕流可以用于使用者层或人工活动层。

    Screenflow could be used in the consumer layer and human activity layer .

  7. 选择“火花”层,以便它是活动层。

    Select the " sparkles " layer so that it is the active layer .

  8. 冲积河流混合活动层内床沙级配变化的动力学基本方程

    Basic equation for variation of bed material composition in active layer of alluvial river

  9. 浅层土壤温度的变化可以指示活动层厚度变化。

    Changes of shallow layer ground temperature can indicate the changes in active layer thickness .

  10. 人员活动层,屏幕流。

    Human activity layer , screenflow .

  11. 下垫面条件对风沙活动层气流紊动性影响的风洞模拟

    Wind Tunnel Simulation to Determine the Effect of Underlying Sand-laden Layer Surface Characteristics on Air Current Turbulence

  12. 活动层架展示。

    Activities layer wearing display .

  13. 这种操作代价会比较高,但至少在活动层可以自动执行。

    This is an expensive operation , but at least it can be automated at the activity level .

  14. 第三,社会资本并非直接作用于新企业初期绩效,而是嵌入到活动层面对创业绩效发生作用。

    Fourthly , the different dimensions of social capital play different roles in different stage of entrepreneurial process .

  15. 土壤墒情是指农作物主要根系活动层内的土壤水分状况。

    The soil moisture refers to the soil water status in the main root system activity layer of crops .

  16. 土壤水分动态变化主要受降雨及多年冻土活动层融化的影响明显。

    The dynamic rule of the soil quality-moisture content is mainly affected of the rainfall and the local frozen-thawing soil .

  17. 自动化活动层中的服务从较高层中的详细步骤标识。

    Services in the automated activities layer are identified from the detailed steps within the processes in the higher layers .

  18. 温度位移和多年冻土顶板温度是活动层研究和冻土环境研究中重要的能量指标。

    The thermal offset and permafrost table temperature are important energy indexes in studying permafrost active layers and frost soil environment .

  19. 季节性稳定积雪对冻土的温度状况和活动层的变化有重要影响。

    Seasonal stable snow cover has significant influence on the temperature regime of frozen ground and the variation in the active layer .

  20. 不论垂向衔接多年冻土还是垂向不衔接多年冻土,冻土活动层都存在一个向下发展变化的冻融界面。

    In despite of vertical connected permafrost or vertical detachment of frozen soil , activity layer exist a frost-thawing interface that develops downwards .

  21. 已有的研究表明,积雪和有机质可影响冻土活动层的变化,然而,其机制和机理还有待于进一步研究。

    Existed researches indicate that snow cover and organic material existed in surface soil can render the change of frozen soil active layer .

  22. 除气候变化原因外,区域生态环境因素也可影响冻土活动层的热状况。

    Except for climatic change , the diversities of region ecological environment can affect the thermal regime of the soil frozen active layer .

  23. 人员活动层代表编排的长时间运行的流程(或工作流流程)内由某个人员执行的活动。

    Human activities is the layer representing activities within orchestrated long-running processes ( or workflow processes ) that are performed by a single person .

  24. 有机质土壤较普通矿物质土壤高的热容量和低的热传导率使其能够对冻土活动层的温度状况产生影响。

    More soil thermal capacity and lower thermal conductivity than common mineral substance , the organic soil can affect thermal regime of frozen soil active layer .

  25. 此层包括在支持业务活动层的IT操作环境中运行的所有应用程序资产,不管它们是自定义构建的,还是成品。

    This layer includes all application assets running in an IT operating environment that supports business activi-ties , whether they are custom built or off the shelf .

  26. 同时,与多年冻土层相比,活动层受到的环境波动更大,从而引起活动层和冻土微生物群落组成结构的差异。

    The larger environmental fluctuations occurring in the active layer soil as compared with the permafrost might also have caused some of the differences observed in community composition .

  27. 由此可见,气流的紊动性是决定风沙活动层沙颗粒浓度分布的主要指标,也是治理沙害的一个很重要的判据。

    Thus , air current turbulence can be considered as an index to determine the distribution of sand in the sand-laden layer and an important criterion determining impacts of movement .

  28. 用数值模型方法计算了渤海海峡区潮流引起的最大和平均底应力,以及相应的活动层厚度的空间分布,并根据沉积物参数计算了沉积物临界起动切应力。

    A 2 D horizontal numerical model is used to simulate maximum and mean tidally induce near bed shear stresses and the corresponding mobile layer thicknesses in the Bohai Strait region .

  29. 丘间低地土壤水分变化特征表现为:水分变化频繁活动层,水分潜在供应层,水分相对稳定层。

    The changing features of the soil water in the lowland around by sand dune are : the frequent changing layer , the potential supplying layer and the relatively stable layer .

  30. 随着全球变暖,冻土活动层深度正在逐渐加深,冻土退化成为近年来寒区环境变化的重要特征之一。

    With global consistent warming , the frozen soil active layer depth has been gradually deepening and it is frozen soil degeneration that is significant feature of cold regions environmental change .