
yán hǎi ɡuó
  • coastal state;coastal country;littoral state;littoral country
  1. 沿海国可以对侵犯EEZ安全利益的行为进行立法,这是沿海国在其EEZ的主权权利,同时也是国际法的发展为这类剩余权利提供的解决方向。

    The coastal State can conduct legislation upon the activities that violate the security interests of EEZ . This is the sovereignty right of the coastal State in its EEZ , and the solution direction provided by the development of the international norms for these residual rights .

  2. 几乎所有国家对仅为通过EEZ而进行的航行和飞越这一问题上的赞同立场都比较一致,而对于海空军事侦察、军事测量和军事演习等军事用途,沿海国与海洋大国存在着巨大分歧。

    Almost all States hold consistent approvals on navigation and overflight conducted only for passing through EEZ . However , tremendous differences are existing between the coastal and large marine States on the military purposes of naval and air military reconnaissance , military survey and exercises , etc. .

  3. 沿海国对船舶的管辖权

    Jurisdiction to Ship of Coastal State

  4. 试论沿海国对专属经济区的管辖与其他国家的自由关系

    On the Relationship between Maritime Countries ' Management to the Exclusive Economic Zones and other Countries ' Freedom

  5. 沿海国可以对大陆架主张权利已经得到了国际法的承认。

    The rules of the international law have admitted the rights of the coast countries on its continental shelf .

  6. 同时,近年来诸多的冲突已经说明,沿海国和海洋国家在海上安全利益方面的脆弱平衡已经被打破了。

    Meanwhile , many conflicts in recent years have indicated that the " fragile balance " between the coastal and ocean States upon interests in marine security has been broken .

  7. 沿海国、港口国对公海海域的船舶污染得进行干预,不再受限于传统的船旗国管辖原则。

    The Coastal Statesand Port States have the right of interference to the vessel-source pollution on the HighSeas , and would not be restricted by traditional Flag States Jurisdiction Principle .

  8. 大陆架界限委员会的主要职能是在审议沿海国提交的划界案的基础上,就有关划定外大陆架外部界限的事项向沿海国提出建议。

    The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf ( CLCS ) may table a proposal to the coastal state based on it 's consideration on the Submission of the coastal state .

  9. 它是由国家主权引申出来的一项国家属地管辖权,是沿海国管辖权在领海以外的扩大和延伸,是公海自由的一种例外。

    It is a national territorial jurisdiction extended out from national sovereignty , it is expansion and extension of coastal states territorial jurisdiction beyond territorial waters , it is an exception of high seas freedom principle .

  10. 1982年《联合国海洋法公约》确立了专属经济区制度,规定了沿海国对200海里专属经济区享有公约规定的主权权利和管辖权。

    The EEZ has been established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , the 1982 UN Convention has also stipulated that the coastal states have the stipulated sovereign rights and jurisdictions in 200 nautical miles EEZ .

  11. 1994年生效的《联合国海洋法公约》为人类开发和利用海洋提供了最基本的法律根据,也为各国特别是沿海国维护其海洋权益提供了法律保障。

    《 United Nation Conventions On the law of the sea 》 which went into effect in 1994 give the legal basis for the development and using the sea and the legal safeguard for coastal states to protect the interests on the sea .

  12. 《海洋法公约》规定,沿海国为防止各种污染源发生的污染,应当考虑到国际上议定的规则、标准和所建议的办法和程序,制定本国的法律规章。

    Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulated that the coastal State , for the purpose of preventing pollutions caused by various pollution sources , shall consider the rules and standards agreed internationally , and the practices and procedures recommended when develops its domestic legal regulations .

  13. 该制度的建立使沿海国拥有了广阔的海域并成为其开发、利用和保护海洋环境和资源的自留地,实现了海洋强国与沿海国海洋资源的合理分配。

    With the system established , costal states own the broad sea , where becomes their " Private plots " of utilizing and protecting the environmental and natural resource economics . In the meantime , The EEZ system realizes reasonable allocation on marine resources between maritime powers and coastal states .

  14. 东部沿海是我国最为发达的经济带,在我国经济发展中占有极其重要的战略意义。

    The eastern coastal part of China becomes the most developed economics band of the nation , which makes it strategically important to China 's economy development .

  15. 闽东南沿海是我国人口密集、经济发展迅速的地区之一,近三十年来的经济改革和工业化发展,直接或间接排入近岸海域的污染物越来越多,由此带来的环境问题日渐突出。

    Southeastern coast of Fujian province is one of thickly populated and fast economic developing district in China . After nearly three decades of economic reform and industrial development , a tremendous amount of waste was discharged to the coast , which resulted in serious environmental problems .

  16. 广西沿海港口是我国南端的重要出海通道和对外门户,其战略地位突出。

    Guangxi coastal ports in southern sea channel have the prominent strategic position .

  17. 杭州市地处浙江东北部沿海,是我国大风灾害的重要影响区域。

    Hangzhou which is located in the northeast coast of Zhejiang is one of the most serious Strong wind disaster areas in China .

  18. 东南沿海地区作为我国经济较发达区域,老年旅游市场具有市场开发的潜力,银发潮为该地区旅游业的发展带来了新的机遇。

    As a developed economic area , China 's southeast coastal region faces new opportunities in its tourist industry brought about by the aging trend .

  19. 厦门地处东南沿海,是我国最早设立的经济特区之一,经济相对较为发达。

    Xiamen , which is located in southeast littoral , is the earliest one of SEZ setting up of our country , economy is relatively comparatively developed .

  20. 沿海地区既是我国人口、经济和社会发展的重要区域和集聚中心,也是自然灾害易发和频发区域。

    Coastal area not only the important center of population , economic and society development of our country , but also the area where natural disaster happen frequently .

  21. 中国明对虾主要分布于我国黄渤海和朝鲜西部沿海,是我国最具经济价值和营养价值的海产品之一。

    Chinese shrimp ( Fenneropenaeus chinensis ) was mainly distributed in Yellow and Bo sea of China and western coast of Korean Peninsula as an economically and nutritionally important shrimp .

  22. 沿海地区是我国参与国际产业竞争的主力军,是我国经济实现全面、协调、可持续发展的重要力量。

    Coastal areas are the main force for China to take part in international industrial competition as well as the important drive for Chinese economy to realize comprehensive , harmonious and sustainable development .

  23. 相对于东部沿海地区,我国中西部地区社会经济发展具有得天独厚的资源优势,同时也面临着巨大的生态压力。

    Compared to the Eastern part of china , the Middle and western part has particular resources advantage in its social and economic development , but it is under much pressure in its ecology .

  24. 摘要沿海地区是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要地区,又处于大陆与海洋交汇地带,地质环境比较脆弱。

    China coastal area is an important area for national economy and social development in our nation , coastal area is in joint zone of continent and sea , so geological environment is very weak .

  25. 江苏沿海地区位于我国沿海经济带的中部,经济发展相对滞后,但有广阔的发展前景。

    The coastal areas of Jiangsu province lies in the middle part of the coastal economic belt of China and its economical development lags behind relatively other areas of this province , but shows a broad prospects .

  26. 沿海地区是我国经济最发达、城市化进程最快、人口最稠密的地区,在我国国民经济和社会发展的全局中有着举足轻重的地位和作用。

    The coastal area in our country is the most developed , the most urbanized as well as the most inhabited and it plays an important role performing great status and enormous importance in civil economy and social development .

  27. 东海沿海地区是我国经济最发达人口最稠密的地区,但目前尚缺少精细的海啸数值模拟研究,一旦遭遇海啸袭击后果不堪设想。

    However , the East China Sea coastal area is the most economically developed and most densely populated areas , it is still a lack of precise numerical simulation of the tsunami , once the tsunami hit this area , the consequences would be unthinkable .