
  • 网络LIVING STONES;Live Rock;living rock
  1. 我们是活石,必须建造在一起。

    We are living stones , and need to be build up together .

  2. 你们也就成了活石,建成一座属神的殿宇,成为一班圣洁的司祭,以奉献因耶稣基督而中悦天主的属神的祭品。

    Be you also as living stones built up , a spiritual house , a holy priesthood , to offer up spiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ .

  3. 沿珊瑚礁的差别所在所搁放的台子儿被用来安设活石。

    At various locations along the reef , platforms were created to hold live rock .

  4. 你们来到他这为人所弃绝,却为神所拣选所宝贵的活石跟前。

    Coming to Him , a living stone , rejected by men but with God chosen and precious .

  5. 主乃活石,固然是被人所弃的,却是被神所拣选、所宝贵的。

    Coming to Him as to a living stone , rejected indeed by men , but chosen by God and precious .

  6. 彼前二5也就像活石,被建造成为属灵的殿,成为圣别的祭司体系,藉著耶稣基督献上神所悦纳的属灵祭物。

    Pet . 2:5 You yourselves also , as living stones , are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ .