
fù zú lèi dònɡ wù
  • gastropod
  1. 青岛潮间带腹足类动物分布和习性

    Distribution and habit of tideland gastropod in Qingdao

  2. 具有螺旋状的螺转体的,塔楼状的,如某些有高螺旋圆锥体的腹足类动物的壳。

    Having the shape or form of a turret , as certain long-spired gastropod shells .

  3. 它们会互相争夺食物,开始捕食像螃蟹,腹足类动物,海星和海生蠕虫了。

    They 're competing for food and going after prey like crab , gastropods , starfish and marine worms .

  4. 关于腹足类软体动物精子和精子发生的超微结构,国内研究甚少,国外研究较多;

    Many foreign scholars and a few Chinese scholars have studied the ultrastructure of the mature sperm and Spermatogenesis of gastropod ;