
  • 网络Automotive fuel;motor fuels;car fuel;motor vehicle fuel;CNG
  1. 煤制甲醇清洁汽车燃料发展前景浅析

    Prospects Analysis of Clean Car Fuel Carbinol Made from Coal

  2. 碳罐是防止汽车燃料挥发排放到大气的一道安全屏障。

    Carbon canister is the safety shield that can prevent car fuel to pour to the air .

  3. LPG汽车燃料装灌供应系统浅析

    Analysis on Fuel Filling System of LPG Vehicle

  4. LNG(液化天然气)作为绿色汽车燃料,可以减少汽车尾气排放造成的空气污染。

    Air pollution arisen by auto exhaust gas will decrease when LNG ( Liquefied Natural Gas ) is used as the vehicle fuel .

  5. LNG用做优质绿色汽车燃料的同时,还具有大量的冷能,该冷能可回收用于汽车制冷。

    LNG can provide plenty of cold energy when it is used as the fuel . The cold energy can be recovered and utilized in vehicle refrigeration .

  6. 应用所开发的ACES软件系统对汽车燃料汽油的替代品LPG的道路运输进行了最大事故后果分析评价,并提出了建议和对策。

    By applying ACES software system developed , the maximum accident consequence caused by the gasoline substitute , LPG on road transportation is analyzed and evaluated and relevant countermeasures and suggestions are made .

  7. 介绍了ISO/TC193提出的一项新工作提案&用作汽车燃料的压缩天然气质量指标。主要包括对压缩天然气的组成要求和性能要求。

    The new proposal of ISO / TC193 - quality designation for natural gas used as a compressed gaseous fuel for vehicles is introduced in this paper , it mainly conjoins the requirements of sas composition and gas property for compressed natural gas .

  8. 另一些有着热带气候的发展中国家例如,印度,菲律宾,甚至是古巴,都能通过生产糖类FLPA乙醇,出售给有钱的美国人当汽车燃料来发财致富。

    Other developing countries with tropical climates , such as India , the Philippines and even Cuba , could prosper by producing sugar FLPA ethanol and selling it to rich Americans to fuel their cars .

  9. 生命周期方法在天然气基汽车燃料评价中的运用

    A application of LCA to four natural gas based automotive fuels

  10. 增湿天然气用作天然气汽车燃料的探讨

    A discussion on wetted natural gas used as fuel of NGV

  11. 乙醇是一种很有吸引力的燃料电池电动汽车燃料。

    Ethanol is an attractive fuel for fuel cell electric vehicles .

  12. DME&新一代低污染汽车燃料

    DME & A New Generation of Low Pollution Fuel for Automobile

  13. 基于生命周期的替代汽车燃料方案的综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment of Alternative Vehicle Fuel Scenarios Based on Life Cycle

  14. 他们正试图找一种更干净的汽车燃料。

    They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for cars .

  15. 影响汽车燃料经济性试验结果的因素

    Factors Affecting Test Results of Automobile 's Fuel Economy Test

  16. 环境保护与清洁汽车燃料生产的必要性

    Necessity of production of environmental protection and clean automobile fuel

  17. 基于生命周期的天然气基汽车燃料的分析

    A Life Cycle Analysis of Natural Gas Based Automotive Fuels

  18. 液化石油气汽车燃料供给系统的灰色预测控制

    The Grey Forecasting Control for the Fuel Supply System of LPG Automobile

  19. 天然气汽车燃料喷射器的结构分析与探讨

    Discussion on Fuel Ejector Structure of Natural Gas Based Automotive

  20. 汽油/天然气两用燃料汽车燃料转换控制原理及检修

    Principle and Inspection of Fuel Switch Control on Gasoline / CNG Vehicle

  21. 天然气汽车燃料加注的几个问题

    Some Problems Concerning the Refueling of the Natural Gas Vehicles

  22. 对现行轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法的思考

    Thinking about Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for Light-duty Vehicles in Use

  23. 合理使用汽车燃料改善城市大气污染

    Rationally utilize automobile fuel to reduce urban air pollution

  24. 汽车燃料&清洁汽油的应用与发展

    Automotive Fuel & Applilation and Development of Clean Gasoline

  25. 电动汽车燃料电池发展研究

    Research on Development of Fuel Battery of Electric Automobile

  26. 天然气作为汽车燃料的利用形式评价指标体系研究

    The Study for Evaluative System of Natural Gas Form Used as Vehicle Fuel

  27. 谈我国第一个汽车燃料消耗量限值国家标准

    On the First National Standard on Limits of Fuel Consumption for Passenger Cars

  28. 天然气基汽车燃料的经济评价

    Economic assessment of motor fuels based on natural gas

  29. 汽车燃料质量发展新趋势

    New tendencies in the development of automobile fuel quality

  30. 他连汽车燃料这一必需品都给忘了!

    One of the basic needs he forgot was fuel for the car !