
  • 网络Car logo;auto mark;Automobile flags;ford
  1. 本文提出基于SIFT特征的车标辨识算法,并结合模板匹配和特征匹配,大大提高了汽车标志辨识的准确率。

    This paper proposed the logo recognition algorithm which based on the SIFT features , and combined the template matching and feature matching . It greatly improved the recognition accuracy rate of the vehicle logo .

  2. 基于边缘直方图的快速汽车标志识别方法

    Mark Design The Fast Method in VLR Based on Edge Directions

  3. 汽车标志作为标志设计的一个分支,其本身的变动不可避免的影响了我国标志设计发展与变化。

    The changing of car logo inevitably affects the development and change of our national logo design .

  4. 提出了基于边缘直方图的一种快速识别方法,对汽车标志可以进行高准确度的识别。

    An improved method of feature extraction based on edge directions is proposed and applied in Vehicle Logo Recognition ( VLR ) .

  5. 文章创新主要在于:中国汽车标志的传统文化特色体现了中国传统的设计思想;提出中国汽车标志如何与中国传统图案及汉字相融合,体现了中国传统文化对现代汽车标志设计潜移默化的影响。

    Presented how China Automobile Logos and Chinese characters and traditional patterns to inosculate and reflected the imperceptible influence of Chinese traditional culture on modern Automobile Logos design in this paper .

  6. 本文对车型识别技术进行了系统的研究,侧重对汽车标志的精确定位以及车标识别方法研究,提出了解决以上技术中相应问题的理论方法,并在实验中验证了其有效性。

    It focused on the accurate positioning of the vehicle logo and the analysis of vehicle recognition . It proposed the theory methods to solve the relative questions in the above technology . It also verified the validity through the experiment .

  7. 对托尼来说,拥有辆梅塞德斯牌汽车就标志着成功。

    For tony , owning a Mercedes was a badge of success .

  8. 汽车这个标志着财富、由和动力的商品与中国女性的生活越来越密切相关了。

    And the car , a symbol of prosperity , personal freedom and mobility , is becoming more and more important to the lives and lifestyles of Chinese women .

  9. 如今,在欧洲现代标志设计领域,有许多运用了狮纹元素的优秀案例,比如标致汽车的标志,切尔西足球俱乐部会徽标志等。

    Today , there are many excellent cases using the heraldic lion pattern elements in European modern logo design , such as the Peugeot logo and the emblem of Chelsea football club .

  10. 良好的平顺性和低噪声是现代汽车的重要标志。

    Good ride and low noise are important symbols of modern cars .

  11. 车徽是汽车的品牌标志,包含了汽车的重要信息。

    The car emblem is a label of the car and contains important information about the car .

  12. 尽管安然可以说曾经是一家受到尊敬的企业,但其历史并不长,而大众却拥有78年历史,并且是德国最重要的汽车行业的标志。

    And whereas Enron was a young , though admittedly admired company , Volkswagen is the 78-year-old centrepiece of Germany 's most important industry .

  13. 塞克斯应邀为劳斯莱斯汽车公司设计标志时,深深印在他脑海中的女神像立刻使他产生创作灵感。

    Sussex were invited to design for the Rolls-Royce Motors signs , etched in his mind like a goddess in the immediate inspiration for his produce .

  14. 为了提醒自己不要忘记那些出卖自己,把自己抛弃在黑暗中的人,千斤顶用一个被划破的汽车人的标志作为他的霸天虎标志。

    To eternally remind him of the betrayal that sent him on his dark road , Wheeljack wears a crossed-out Autobot symbol alongside his Decepticon badge .

  15. 作为蓝本,可以较为快速的实现行进汽车中的交通标志识别。

    A new Road Sign Recognition system is designed to support quick survey of traffic signs .

  16. 我国用引进技术形成汽车生产基地,标志着我国汽车工业发展进入新的阶段。

    The founding of automobile production bases in our country has marked a new step of development of automobile industry .

  17. 正当他准备接受奖牌之际,奥运会官员获悉洛尔斯被发现坐汽车通过了半程标志点。

    Just as Lorz was about to accept his medal , officials learned that Lorz had been spotted passing the halfway mark in an automobile .

  18. GB/T17676-1999天然气汽车和液化石油气汽车标志

    Natural gas vehicle and liquefied petroleum gas vehicle Identification marks

  19. 通用汽车公司与大宇汽车公司的交易标志着一个甚至更长和更痛苦的过程的结束。

    GM 's deal with Daewoo Motor marks the end of an even longer and more painful process .

  20. 该咨询公司指出,较长期来看,新的汽车技术(例如插电式混合动力汽车)可能标志着我们所知的碳氢化合物时代的结束,我们将进入电气化交通时代。

    Longer term , the consultancy notes that new auto technologies , such as plug-in hybrids , may mark the end of the hydrocarbon era as we know it and usher in the era of electrified transportation ' ' .

  21. 中国汽车制造商比亚迪股份有限公司(BYDCo.)获准在北京和上海销售电动汽车,标志着这家受巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)支持的公司在启动其“绿色车辆”业务方面取得了突破。

    Chinese car maker BYD Co. has gotten approval to sell its electric vehicles in Beijing and Shanghai , marking a breakthrough for the Warren Buffett-backed company in efforts to kick-start its fledgling ' green cars ' business .

  22. 当汽车制造商AndréCitroën(雪铁龙)得知这一计划之后,准备出资赞助这一工程,不过条件是要用灯光组成其汽车公司的标志。

    When car manufacturers Andr é Citro ë n ( Citroen ) that the plan , ready to sponsor the project , but on condition that the composition of their car lights to use company logo .