
  • 网络Automotive industry;The Automobile Industry
  1. WTO对中国汽车产业影响的一般均衡分析

    A General Equilibrium Analysis on Impact Produced by WTO Entry to China 's Automobile Industry

  2. 加入WTO会对中国的汽车产业带来一系列的冲击,然而机遇大于风险;

    China 's entrance into rm will bring more chances than risks to automobile industry in China .

  3. 中国某家汽车产业协会周四公布的数据显示,2月份中国汽车交易年同比下降0.9%,成交量158万辆。中国是世界上最大的汽车交易市场。

    Auto sales in China , the world 's biggest auto market , fell 0.9 percent year on year to 1.58 million units in February , data from an industry association showed Thursday .

  4. 加入WTO中国汽车产业发展战略思考

    Consideration for Developing Strategy of China Automotive Industry after China Entering into WTO

  5. 基于ASP的汽车产业链协作模式、技术、平台研究

    Research on ASP Based Collaborative Modes , Techniques and Platform of Automotive Industry Chain

  6. ASP模式的汽车产业链协同售后服务系统的设计与实现

    Research and Implementation of Cooperative After-Sales Service Management System for Automobile Industry Chain under ASP Model

  7. 中国汽车产业:SCP范式的分析

    China 's Automobile Industry : an Analyzing of SCP Model

  8. 然后分析研究了基于SaaS模式的汽车产业链协作平台。

    Then give the analysis of the automotive industry chain collaboration platform based on SaaS model .

  9. 汽车产业是世界性支柱工业,而随着加入WTO我国的汽车制造业发展迅速,到2003年底产销汽车均已突破400万辆,成为世界第四大汽车生产国。

    In 2003 , China has become the 4th largest country of automobile manufacturing in the world and both the output and sales of vehicles were more than four millions .

  10. 加入WTO,中国汽车产业由于政策所带来的销售优势将由于市场的开放、外资介入汽车销售领域而逐渐消失。

    After admittance into the WTO , the market will be more open and foreign capital will come into automobile sale 's market . So the advantages of China automobile industry coming from government 's policy will disappear .

  11. 加入WTO后,国家为汽车产业所筑起的关税和非关税壁垒将很快消失,中国汽车产业将面临全球化的竞争环境。

    After entering into WTO , the tariff and non - tariff barriers that Chinese government has set up to protect the automobile industry will disappear rapidly . The automobile industry in China will face up to the global competitive environment .

  12. 通过对我国汽车产业的现状分析,利用产业组织理论的SCP范式对我国汽车产业的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效进行深入剖析;

    By the analysis of the actuality of the auto industry , it expatiate the structure , conduct and performance of the market in use of the SCP pattern .

  13. 从SQ集团公司入手,通过与汽车产业行业比较分析,描述集团公司现行财务控制模式存在的主要问题和主要成效。

    From the SQ group of auto industry , through comparative analysis , described the current control mode of group company financial problems and major achievements .

  14. 根据Sybase数据库的结构特点,开发了工商管理信息系统的应用数据库。为国内电动汽车产业的提供专利保障。

    According to the characteristics of the Sybase database construction , authors develop the applied database of the information system of industry and business management .

  15. 在此基础上分析了我国自主品牌汽车产业发展的宏观、微观环境,并通过SWOT分析了自主品牌发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    Based on the analysis mentioned above macro and micro environment of independent brand automobile industry was analyzed as well as the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats were analyzed by the method of SWOT .

  16. 影响我国汽车产业竞争力的因素分析:一个UECM模型

    Impact of Determinants on the Competitiveness of the Auto Industry : A UECM Model

  17. 本文通过实证和规范研究论证自主GVC模式是中国汽车产业升级的可靠路径。

    Based on empirical study and standardize research , this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry .

  18. 结果证明,FDI对中国总体汽车产业TFP的影响是正向的,而中国本地的汽车企业不但没能吸收外资企业的外溢效应,在发展上还受到了外资企业的阻碍。

    The results showed that FDI effected the general TFP of Chinese auto industry positively , while the local auto firms in China had not absorbed the spillover effects of foreign firms and were hindered by MNEs in developing .

  19. 汽车产业链ASP协作平台是针对我国汽车行业信息化落后,信息交流缓慢的情况而建立的信息交流平台,旨在消除产业链上企业间信息交流屏障,推动汽车行业发展。

    Since the informationization of automobile manufacturing industry in our county is far behind than that in developed countries , ASP Platform of auto industry chain collaboration is built to eliminate the information exchanging barriers and promote the development of the automotive industry .

  20. 第四部分,要建立适合中国的汽车产业发展模式,就要对我国汽车产业进行SWOT分析,阐述了我国汽车产业发展的优势、劣势、机遇及威胁。

    In the fourth part , since SWOT analysis is necessary for the establishment of auto industry developing mode suited to our country , it illustrated the advantages and disadvantages , opportunities and threats of our country 's auto industry development .

  21. 但是,如果要很好地实现企业之间的产业链协作,充分利用企业的已有系统,就需要解决汽车产业链协作ASP平台与企业内部系统之间的应用集成问题。

    But if the industry chain cooperation between enterprises is realized fluently , and the systems of enterprise are taken full advantage . The problem of integration between the ASP platform for automobile industry chain cooperation and the inner information management system of enterprises must be settled .

  22. 借鉴日本经验,提高我国汽车产业竞争力

    Learn from Japan to Strengthen Our Competitive Power of Automobile Industry

  23. 基于应用服务提供商的汽车产业链协同商务平台解决方案

    Solution of ASP based collaborative business platform for automotive industrial chain

  24. 新时期发展我国汽车产业的融入策略

    Merging Policy for Developing China Automotive Industry in The New Period

  25. 我国汽车产业供应链管理环境下第三方物流研究

    Study on TPL in the SCM Environment of Chinese Automobile Industry

  26. 研读中国汽车产业发展政策

    Study on The Policy for The Development of China Auto Sector

  27. 吉林省汽车产业损害预警机制研究

    A Study on the Jilin Province Automobile Industry Damage Warning Mechanism

  28. 实施技术跨越战略,提高汽车产业自主创新能力

    Implement Technological Leapfrogging Strategy and Prompt Auto Industry 's Independent Innovation Ability

  29. 重庆汽车产业集群竞争力研究

    Study on the Competitiveness of Automobile Industrial Cluster in Chongqing

  30. 论上海汽车产业集群的现状及发展

    Present Situation and Development of Auto Industrial Cluster in Shanghai