
  1. 《赵氏孤儿》又名《程婴救孤》,是中国第一个获得国际大奖的戏曲剧目。

    " Chinese Orphan " is the first Chinese opera to ever win an international prize .

  2. 这个剧近乎十足的因果报应大团圆:恶棍被千刀万剐,孤儿重获荣华富贵,程婴的牺牲也得到了报偿。

    The play closes with ample poetic justice and universal jubilee : the villain is cruelly done to death , the orphan recovers his lost property , and Ch'eng Ying receives rewards for his sacrifice .

  3. 该剧的主人翁是赵氏门下攻人程婴,他割舍了自己的亲生骨肉,拯救了孤儿的生命,最后哺育孤儿长大,向恶棍报了冤仇。

    The hero of this play is CH'eng Ying , the family physician of Chao , who sacrifices his own child to save the life of the orphan and finally instigates the orphan to take vengeance on the villain .