
  1. 工作赚乐财,谈论长知识。

    By work you get money , by talk you get knowledge .

  2. 这里需要的是一个能让孩子们长知识的地方。

    The world needs a place where kids ` brains can grow .

  3. 护士长知识需求调查分析

    The Analysis and Survey of the Knowledge Requirements of the Head Nurses

  4. 自我教育是使自己聪明和长知识的有效方式。

    Self ? education is an effective way to make ourselves intelligent and learned .

  5. 小学阶段是长知识、长智慧,养成良好心理品质和行为习惯的重要时期。

    It 's an important period for acquiring knowledge and wisdom ,, cultivating good habits and psychological character in primary school .

  6. 当你刷着牙跳进浴缸里是,你就会看到这些长知识的窗帘。

    Whether you 're brushing your teeth or jumping into the tub you 're bound to look at these smart shower curtains .

  7. 高等院校是文化与信息传播的重要基地,也是学生长知识学本领的场所。

    Institutions of higher learning is an important base of culture and information dissemination , a student , long knowledge , the ability of the place .

  8. 中职学生在校学习期间,是他们长知识长身体的黄金时期,也是他们世界观、生观形成的关键时期。

    Of vocational students in school during the length of their body length golden age of knowledge , is their world view , outlook on the formation of a critical period .

  9. 这篇评论文章发表的前一天,央视网上发表的一篇文章列出了中国严重空气污染的“五大意外收获”:雾霾让中国人更团结、更平等、更清醒、更幽默、长知识。

    The commentary came a day after an essay posted on the website of China Central Television outlined the ' five surprising benefits ' of the country 's severe air pollution ( in Chinese ) : it unites people , makes them more equal , raises citizen awareness and knowledge and leads to an elevated sense of humor .

  10. 让科学给你长点知识。

    Let the science temper your knowledge a little bit .

  11. 若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。

    It is futile to develop perverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons .

  12. [结论]浙江省农村卫技人员学历低,工作年限长,知识老化,期望得到继续医学教育以取得更高学历,更新医学知识,提高实际业务水平。

    Conclusion : The rural health professionals in Zhejiang Province have little educational background and out-of-date knowledge during their long working experience . They need to have continuing training for newer knowledge to improve practical ability .

  13. 手机软件研发项目,是一个脑力密集型的高科技领域,具有很多其它公司所不具备的特点:人员素质高、工作成果周期长、知识周期短、工作过程难以流程化等。

    Mobile phone software development project , is a brain-intensive high-tech fields , has many other companies do not have the features : high quality , long work cycle , knowledge cycle short , work hard to process , and so on .

  14. 这一年里俺长了不少知识,更多的是体会到上一辈育儿的艰辛,父母对我们的疼爱。

    I have learnt a lot in many aspects since I have Chester , more toward an understanding of the difficulties that our parents had to raise us , their love and their sacrifices .

  15. 第二阶段长理性,学习知识;

    In the second phase , developing the power of reason , learning knowledge ;

  16. 我的受到良好教育的爸爸花了很长时间广泛传授知识,却几乎没有施舍钱财。

    My educated dad gave a lot by the way of time and knowledge , but almost never gave away money .

  17. 文化程度高、有并发症、病程长、高血压相关知识得分高的自报患者对自身病情更加了解。

    Those people with higher education-level , complications , longer course of diseases and higher-score of hypertension related knowledge knew better about their own diseases .

  18. 这时的学生正处在长身体、增知识、明事理的关键时期,各方面的可塑性都很大,是培养他们学习习惯的最佳时机。

    So all the students of this time is in the significant time of growing , learning and knowing and they have great plasticity so that it is the best time for them to have good learning habit .

  19. 建议:减轻护士长的非护理性工作,为护理长提供更多的继续深造及学习的机会,加强对护士长管理知识、心理知识及专业知识的培训,提高其积极应对技巧。

    It is suggested to pay more attention to the cause of stress , reduce the non-nursing work and provide more chances of further study for head nurses . Intensive education of management knowledge , psychological knowledge and professional knowledge should be carried out to enhance the active coping capabilities .