
  1. Historic:有历史性的crushonsb.:喜欢上某人century:世纪Penelope从20世纪起就对他长相思了,tight:紧密的,亲近的break:打破既然你和Nate那么熟,也许她可以打破单相思了。

    Girl : Penelope 's only had a historic crush on him since the 20th century . - Hazel : Since you and Nate are so tight , maybe you can break that .

  2. 智利的赤霞珠和长相思白葡萄酒特别好。

    Look especially for its Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc .

  3. 来自家族式酒庄的长相思单品种葡萄酒。

    An all-Sauvignon dry white bordeaux from a family estate .

  4. 如果选白葡萄酒,智利或新西兰的长相思最好。

    For a white , Chilean or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is a winner .

  5. 这款长相思霞多丽有着深黄的颜色。

    Our Blend has an intense yellow color .

  6. 爱德华:只和我长相思守过一生是不是还不够?

    Edward : Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me ?

  7. 长相思清爽、草香、芬芳、起泡、轻盈、直白——无数形容词都适合这种白葡萄。

    Refreshing , grassy , aromatic , scintillating , light , direct -- there are myriad descriptors suitable for this white grape variety .

  8. 新西兰的长相思白葡萄酒、雷司令、夏敦埃、黑比诺和卡本内葡萄酒博得了世界葡萄酒熟行们的交口奖饰。

    New Zealand 's Sauvignon Blancs , Rieslings , Chardonnays , Pinot Noirs and Cabernet Blends have won acclaim from the world 's wine experts .

  9. 在琼瑶浆,长相思是瓶装明年年初,而霞多丽是允许一个短暂时期的年龄。

    The gew ü rztraminer and sauvignon blanc are bottled early the next year , while the chardonnay is allowed to age for a brief period .

  10. 神树长相思是一款极易配餐的葡萄酒,不论是与香浓的奶油酱汁、海鲜、鸡肉、烤猪肉还是卡萨沙拉搭配都能有很好的表现。

    Root : 1 Sauvignon Blanc is an extremely food-friendly wine that pairs beautifully with rich creamy sauces , seafood , chicken primavera , grilled pork and Caesar salad .

  11. 到了后,他打开冰箱,想倒点酒喝,结果看到冰箱里除了有一瓶长相思以外,还有一份叠得整整齐齐的《伦敦晚报》。

    On arrival , he opened the fridge to help himself to some wine and inside he found , alongside a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc , a neatly folded copy of the Evening Standard .

  12. 1946年后,为香港大中华影业公司和上海大同影业公司导演了《长相思》、《乱世的女性》等影片。

    And later after 1946 , he directed two films in the Hong Kong China Film Company and finally the Shanghai Datong Film Company which were , An All-consuming Love and Women in Trouble Times , etc.

  13. 描述:这款酒由三种波尔多葡萄组成,长相思给她带来简洁清新,塞美容带来凝脂圆润和口中的无限回味,蜜斯卡黛让她更加丰富复杂。

    Description : this wine is a mix of3 grapes from Bordeaux : the Sauvignon gives its freshness and livelinessce , the S é millon fatness , roundness and length in mouth , and the Muscadelle its complexity .

  14. 并有铸刻铭文,每句仅三至四字,例如:“长相思”、“毋相忘”、“常富贵”、“乐未央”等。

    Most of the decorative patterns were of geometrical forms , supernatural figures , or fowls and animals , accompanied by inscriptions of only three or four characters with such meanings as " eternal love , " " never to forget , " " wealth for ever " and " everlasting happiness . "