
  • 网络proboscis;Proboscis monkey
  1. 长鼻猴几乎只能吃红树林的树叶。

    The proboscis monkey eats almost nothing but mangrove leaves .

  2. 在此栖息的十种灵长类动物中,红毛猩猩与长鼻猴是婆罗洲特有的。

    Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey , which live only on Borneo .

  3. 长鼻猴不是这里唯一奇怪的生物。

    Probocis monkeys aren 't the only strange creatures living here .

  4. 本属的种类可归入具甲鞘的腰鞭毛虫类,兼具动、植物特征。在此栖息的十种灵长类动物中,红毛猩猩与长鼻猴是婆罗洲特有的。

    Members are dinoflagellates with Both plant and animal characteristics . Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey , which live only on Borneo .

  5. 旧域猴;长尾猴;狒狒;疣猴;叶猴;短尾猴;山魈;白眉猴;长鼻猴。浣熊;长鼻浣熊;环尾猫熊;蜜熊;某些领域包括熊猫。

    Old World monkeys : guenon ; baboon ; colobus monkey ; langur ; macaque ; mandrill ; mangabey ; patas ; proboscis monkey . raccoons ; coatis ; cacomistles ; kinkajous ; and sometimes pandas .