
  • 网络Pongidae;Family Pongidae;anthropoid ape family
  1. 猩猩科的大型类人猿。

    Any of the large anthropoid apes of the family Pongidae .

  2. 非洲的小人猿,黑猩猩;较其他猩猩科类人猿有密切关系的一种南方古猿。

    Chimpanzees ; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids . An anthropoid ape of the family Pongidae , which includes the chimpanzee , gorilla , and orangutan .

  3. 无尾巴的猩猩科动物。

    Any tailless ape of the families Pongidae and Hylobatidae .

  4. 为粗壮有力、原产于非洲赤道地区的林栖动物,属猩猩科。皮肤和被毛黑色,鼻孔大,眉脊突出。

    A stocky , powerful forest dweller native to equatorial Africa , the gorilla has black skin and hair , large nostrils , and prominent brow ridges .