
  • 网络Rise of the Planet of the Apes;Rise of The Planet Of Apes;Rise of The Apes;The Rise Of Planet Of The Apes
  1. 《猩球崛起2》讲述了上一部十年之后的故事。

    The film picks up a decade after what happened in Rise of the Planet of the Apes .

  2. 《猩球崛起:黎明之战》被标记为PG-13级(强烈建议家长指导观看)。

    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) .

  3. 以最近上映的两部影片为例:《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》中,人类与拥有超级智能的猩猩为统治地球打得难解难分;

    Take two movies that are currently showing for example : In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes , humans battle with super-intelligent apes for world domination .

  4. 翻拍的《猩球崛起》三部曲第三部口碑不错,为这个广受好评的系列大片制造了完美的高潮,片中史诗级的动作场面与细腻的表演相得益彰。

    The third part of the rebooted trilogy has drawn praise for offering a fitting climax to a critically-acclaimed blockbuster franchise , balancing epic action with nuanced performances .

  5. 在马特•里夫斯炉火纯青的执导之下,《猩球崛起2》可谓是一部充满智慧、节奏紧凑、惊心动魄的巨作,其特效水平也达到了一个全新的高度。

    Under Matt Reeves " masterful direction , the film is an intense and exciting blockbuster with brains , and the special effects have been taken to another level .

  6. 但是在猩猩的外衣之下,《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》却是一部沉重的电影,让我在看过之后不断思考一个沉重的问题:为何会有战争?

    But Dawn of the Planet of the Apes , underneath its gorilla suit , is a heavy movie that left me wondering heavy questions like Why is there war ?

  7. 但是在“猩猩”的外衣之下,《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》却是一部沉重的电影,让我在看过之后不断思考一个沉重的问题:“为何会有战争?”

    But Dawn of the Planet of the Apes , underneath its gorilla suit , is a heavy movie that left me wondering heavy questions like " Why is there war ? "

  8. 影片既刻画了角色的内心矛盾,也刻画了外部的冲突。《娱乐周刊》评价道:“就像凯撒和他的同伴一样,《猩球崛起》系列电影不断进步,变得越来越有内涵且人性化。”

    It 's as much about internal as external conflict , with EW commenting that " like Caesar and company , the films seem to be getting more intelligent and human as they evolve . "

  9. 这些争执在本质上是关于是否应当只在族群内部保持团结,还是应当与其他族群合作,它为《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》赋予了精彩的寓言色彩。

    The arguments - in essence , about whether the boundaries of solidarity should stay within the tribe or extend beyond it - give " Dawn of the Planet of the Apes " a nice allegorical heft .

  10. 作为一部讲述种族冲突的后末世影片,《猩球崛起2:黎明之战》讲述了人与猩猩在新世界中争夺地盘的故事。

    As a post-apocalyptic story of interspecies conflict , in which two tribes fight for their place in a new world , Dawn Of the Planet of the Apes proves itself as more than just a prelude to the main event .

  11. 《猩球崛起》在大灾难的阴影下仍然留出了生机勃勃的一线希望,这有部分是由影片本身的独创性激发出来的;但是,尽管影片题为“黎明”,片中仍然描绘出一幅阴暗、惊悚的未来景象。

    And while " Rise " found room for exuberance in the shadow of catastrophe - partly because it seemed so justifiably excited by its own ingenuity - " Dawn , " its title notwithstanding , paints a darker , scarier picture of the future .