
  • 网络Bad Teacher
  1. 你可能有博士学位,但是是一个坏老师。

    You could have a Ph.D and be a bad teacher .

  2. 她的用户名是坏老师

    Her profile name 's bad teacher .

  3. 令我非常困惑的是,人们并没有认识到这一点,尽管绝大部分当过学生的人都能分辨出好老师与坏老师。

    It is utterly confusing to me that people do not recognize this , despite the fact that pretty much anyone who has been a student can tell the difference between their best and worst teachers .

  4. 遇到了坏老师吗?

    Did you have a bad teacher ?

  5. 坏消息是老师想见我们。

    The bad news is the teacher wants to meet with us .

  6. 那个男生表现很坏,对老师极不尊重。

    The schoolboy is badly behaved , and spits in the eye of his teacher .

  7. 他鼓起勇气才敢把那坏消息告诉他的老师。

    He jacked up his courage before he told his teacher the bad news .