
  • 网络Jurassic World
  1. 今年1月,万达收购了传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment),后者联合制作了《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)等影片。

    In January Wanda bought Legendary Entertainment , co-producer of film hits such as Jurassic World .

  2. 其夏季大片《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)——恐龙系列中最新一部——将衍生出续集。

    Its summer hit Jurassic World , the latest instalment in the dinosaur film series , will spawn a sequel .

  3. 上周,肖娜还受电影《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)中迅猛龙形象的启发为环球影业制作了万圣节妆容教程,宣传《侏罗纪世界》DVD的发布。

    Last week she created a Raptor inspired Halloween tutorial for Universal for the DVD release of Jurassic World 。

  4. 而这一次在《侏罗纪世界》中,DNA先生是全息拍摄,并由导演科林·特莱沃扮演。

    Well he makes his way back into Jurassic World , only this time he 's included in a holographic display , and played by none other than director Colin Trevorrow .

  5. 这家未上市的中国企业集团将斥资35亿美元收购传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment),这家美国媒体公司曾出品《侏罗纪世界》和《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》等卖座的大片。

    The unlisted Chinese conglomerate will pay $ 3.5bn for Legendary Entertainment , the US media company behind films including Jurassic World and The Dark Knight .

  6. 今年,大连万达(DalianWanda)斥资35亿美元购得好莱坞制片公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)的控股权,后者曾出品《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)等卖座大片。

    This year Dalian Wanda paid $ 3.5bn for a controlling stake in Legendary Entertainment , the Hollywood maker of the hit films Godzilla and Jurassic World .

  7. 该电影在美国共斩获2.38亿美元票房,超过了今年由环球影业(UniversalStudios)的《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)创下的2.08亿美元纪录。此外,该电影在全球其他地区还收得2.79亿美元票房。

    The film grossed $ 238m in the US , higher than the $ 208m mark set this year by Universal Studios " Jurassic World , and an additional $ 279m around the world .

  8. 《长城》是传奇东方(LegendaryEast)的首次大考,这家好莱坞电影公司曾制作过《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),于今年1月被中国亿万富翁王健林的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)收购。

    The Great Wall is the first major test for Legendary East , the Hollywood studio that made Jurassic World and which was bought in January by billionaire Wang Jianlin 's Dalian Wanda Group .

  9. 环球的《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)位居票房首位,国内票房近6.47亿美元,全球票房16.5亿美元,Imax影院票房表现尤佳。

    Universal 's " Jurassic World " was the No. 1 draw , taking in nearly $ 647 million , for a global total of $ 1.65 billion , and Imax theaters did particularly well .

  10. 相比之下,票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo的数据显示,美国去年排名第一的制片商环球影业(Universal)拥有本土五分之一的票房(得益于其最卖座电影《侏罗纪世界》)。

    By contrast , the lead studio in the US last year , Universal , had a share of one-fifth , according to Box Office Mojo ( helped by Jurassic World , which was its top-grossing film ) .

  11. 如果你已经看过夏季票房的热门影片《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),想必知道它表面上是一部以转基因恐龙主题公园为背景的动作大片,其实却很容易看出来,它对动物驯养的本质进行了细腻描述。

    If you 've seen the summer box office hit , " Jurassic World , " " you know that it is a sensitive portrayal of the essence of zookeeping thinly veiled as a blockbuster action film set in a theme park of genetically engineered dinosaurs .

  12. 而今年,只有4部影片取得了这个成绩,分别是《侏罗纪世界》、《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》、《头脑特工队》和环球影业的动画片《小黄人大眼萌》(Minions)。

    This year , only four movies did that : " Jurassic World , " " Age of Ultron , " " Inside Out " and Universal 's animated " Minions . "

  13. 王健林是美国电影业最大的中国买家,他收购了曾出版过《侏罗纪世界》以及《黑暗骑士》的传奇影业以及美国影院连锁AMC。

    Wang has been the biggest Chinese dealmaker in the U.S. film business , buying Legendary Entertainment - one of the producers of " Jurassic World " and " The Dark Knight " - and U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings .

  14. 2015年,备受期待的《侏罗纪世界》终于上映了,这是侏罗纪系列自2001年以来的第一部续集。

    In 2015 , the much-anticipated Jurassic World was finally released - the franchise 's first sequel since 2001 .

  15. 《侏罗纪世界》中的男星,36岁的克里斯·帕拉特蓄着一副下颌帘式的胡须,这款胡须贯穿两侧的耳朵。

    Jurassic World actor , Chris Pratt , 36 , wears the ' chin curtain ' , which meet ear-to-ear 。

  16. 7月27日,《侏罗纪世界》首张电影海报发布,动漫展观众得以先睹为快。

    On July 27 , the first teaser poster for the film was released , giving Comic-Con attendees a first look .

  17. 但是需要注意的是,《侏罗纪世界》的这一成绩是加上了中国的票房,而《星球大战:原力觉醒》在明年的1月9日才会正式在中国上映。

    However , the dinosaurs had the added benefit of China , where " Star Wars " won 't open until Jan. 9 .

  18. 它现在已经超越了《侏罗纪世界》的16亿7000万美元的票房成绩,成为了全球影史第三大电影。

    It has now shot past " Jurassic World 's " $ 1.67 billion global gross to become the third biggest movie ever .

  19. 《侏罗纪世界》里看到恐龙宠物园里的一些倒霉小孩吃了亏认识到不能太靠近恐龙的鼻子时,我们也同样放声大笑。

    In Jurassic World we laugh as some hapless kid at the dino petting zoo learns not to get too close to that blowhole .

  20. 这一次,我们看到的是两兄弟,扎克和格雷来到侏罗纪世界拜访他们的阿姨&营运经理克莱尔·狄琳。

    This time we follow two brothers , Zach and Gray , who are visiting Jurassic World to see their aunt , Operations Manager Claire Dearing .

  21. 该电影上映首个周末的票房收入就达到了将近2.4亿美元,这一成绩也打破了《侏罗纪世界》所保持的纪录,超出其接近3千万美元。

    Revenue from the opening weekend is nearly 240 million dollars , beating the previous record holder , " Jurassic World , " by about 30 million .

  22. 这一次,我们看到的是两兄弟,扎克和格雷来到侏罗纪世界拜访他们的阿姨——营运经理克莱尔·狄琳。

    This time we follow two brothers , Zach and Gray , who are visiting Jurassic World to see their aunt , Operations Manager Claire Dearing . 3 .

  23. 目前透露的影片细节很少,但肯定和侏罗纪世界里发生的事件余波有关——意外的事情发生了——恐龙们跑出来吃人了!

    Plot details are kind of scarce , but it 's certainly going to deal with the fallout from the events of Jurassic World where - surprise ! -

  24. 《侏罗纪世界》中一开始向我们展示的龙蛋就跟《侏罗纪公园》里约翰·哈默德所遇到的龙蛋一样,暗示了随之而来的惊恐。

    Jurassic World hints at the horrors to come in its opening scene by showing us an egg much like the one John Hammond marveled at in Jurassic Park .

  25. 今天,在期待已久的大片《侏罗纪世界》中,侏罗纪公园重新开张,变成了功能完善的恐龙胜地。而观众们也终于有机会再体验一回魔幻的恐龙岛。

    Now the park has officially reopened as a fully functioning resort in long-awaited new installment Jurassic World , giving audiences a chance to relive the magic of the dinosaur island .

  26. 霸王龙在《侏罗纪世界》首次露面时,正在被喂食一只山羊(跟第一部里一样),旁边有一只燃烧棒。

    When we first see the Tyrannosaurus rex in Jurassic World , it 's being fed a goat ( just like in the first movie ) with a flare next to it .

  27. 侏罗纪世界的一个导游告诉我们,在制作新的大门时,有从原来的大门上取木材,并且保持与原来的大门相同的风格。

    A tour guide in Jurassic World informs us early on that they used wood from the original gate when crafting the new version , and they kept it the same style , too .

  28. 从全球来看,这部电影首周末票房为5.17亿美元,仅次于今年早些时候上映的《侏罗纪世界》的首周末5.25亿美元的成绩

    Internationally , the film grossed 517 million dollar and is second to " Jurassic World , " which had a global total of 525 million following its first weekend of release earlier this year .

  29. 同时,只有三部好莱坞大片成功挤进2015年中国电影票房销售额的前十名。它们分别是《速度与激情7》、《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》以及《侏罗纪世界》。

    Only three Hollywood productions , ' Furious 7 ' , ' Avengers : Age of Ultron ' , and ' Jurassic World ' , made it into the top 10 at the Chinese box office in 2015 .

  30. 内部共有七大主题景区,分别为功夫熊猫盖世之地、变形金刚基地、小黄人乐园、哈利波特的魔法世界、侏罗纪世界、好莱坞和未来水世界。

    There are seven theme scenic spots inside, including Kung Fu Panda 's Land of Awesomeness , Transformers : Metrobase , Minion Land , The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , Jurassic World , Hollywood , and WaterWorld .