
  • 网络Dwarf;dwarf Rabbit
  1. 有一只黑寡妇蜘蛛,一条巨蟒,一条响尾蛇标本,一只猎鹰,一只侏儒兔。

    He brought * a black widow spider , a python , a stuffed rattler , a falcon , a dwarf rabbit .

  2. 今年10月份,其中的一些侏儒兔还将被放归道格拉斯县境内。

    Some of the rabbits will be released into Douglas County , perhaps as early as October , Hays said .

  3. 而目前仅存的两只雌性纯种哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔都是那些最初被捕获的侏儒兔的后代,它们也生活在该动物园内。

    The last two Columbia Basin rabbits , both offspring of the original captured rabbits , are at the Portland zoo .

  4. 现在,哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔的命运如何完全依靠于科学家们实施的一项杂交繁育计划。

    The fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related Idaho pygmy rabbit .

  5. 下个月,生物学家就将得知,该计划中有多少雌性侏儒兔已经怀孕以及今年将诞生多少杂交的兔宝宝。

    Next month , biologists should know how many females are pregnant and how many crossbred babies will be born this year .

  6. 这就意味着,剩下的这两只雌性侏儒兔&露露和布莱恩,是目前已知的世界上仅存的两只血统纯正的哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔。

    None is thought to exist in the wild , which means the two females Lolo and Bryn are the only known purebred pygmy rabbits left in existence .

  7. 生物学家们计划在下个月内在侏儒兔栖息的地方修建人造的地洞,为这些侏儒兔的放归做准备。

    Biologists plan to build artificial burrows in shrub-steppe habitat within the next month in preparation for the release , said Beau Patterson , a state biologist in Wenatchee .

  8. 世界上最后一只雄性的纯种哥伦比亚盆地侏儒兔最近不幸死亡。

    The last male purebred Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has died , leaving just two females in a captive breeding program created to try to save the endangered species from extinction .