
  • 网络late jurassic
  1. 侏罗纪晚期的北美洲的一种食肉恐龙。

    Carnivorous dinosaur of North America ; late Jurassic .

  2. 剑龙是一种草食性恐龙,生存于侏罗纪晚期,即1.5亿年前,大多出现在北美洲。

    The Stegosaurus was a herbivore that roamed what eventually became part of North America during the Late Jurassic period , around 150 million years ago .

  3. 民和盆地侏罗系为完整的断陷湖泊充填沉积序列,从侏罗纪早期到中晚期沉积范围逐渐扩大。

    A intact fault subsidence basins sedimentary sequence was formed in Jurassic in Minhe basin . Sedimentary area is gradually spread from early Jurassic to middle-late Jurassic .