
  • 网络Jurassic- Period;the Jurassic period
  1. 展示恐龙骨架、化石和侏罗纪时期。

    Exhibit dinosaur skeletons , fossil and the Jurassic Period .

  2. 第三纪和晚侏罗纪时期沉积的弱胶结粉细砂层在我国东北、南地区有广泛的分布。

    Weak cemented fine quicksand layer deposited at the Tertiary Period and Jurassic Period is widely distributed in China 's northeast and southwest regions .

  3. 一亿五千二百万年前:泛大陆裂解分离中侏罗纪时期,泛大陆全面裂解。

    The supercontinent of Pangea began to break apart in the Middle Jurassic .

  4. 侏罗纪时期北美洲常见的非常大的四足食草恐龙。

    Huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur common in N. America in the late Jurassic .

  5. 对中国东部侏罗纪时期地壳增厚和岩石圈显著变薄的现象,提出一个新的形成机制假说。

    A new hypothesis for explaining crustal thickening and significant lithospheric thinning in the Jurassic in eastern China is proposed .

  6. 已灭绝的上侏罗纪时期原始有牙鸟,尾巴羽毛长,骨质中空;通常被看作是所有鸟类的祖先。

    Extinct primitive toothed bird of the Upper Jurassic having a long feathered tail and hollow bones ; usually considered the most primitive of all birds .

  7. 尽管,这两种物种早在侏罗纪时期就已分道扬镳,而且,到了白垩纪后期,已出现了许多种的鸟类。

    The actual split between the two groups , though , had happened much earlier , during the Jurassic period and by the late Cretaceous there were many species of bird around .

  8. 研究人员获得了一个侏罗纪时期的蟋蟀化石,它的翅翼保存完好,甚至它的发声器官——相互摩擦的双翼,都清晰可见。这一切使得研究人员可以拿这个灭绝物种同现存的59个蟋蟀物种进行比较。

    The researchers got hold of a bushcricket fossil from the Jurassic period with well preserved wings . Even the stridulating organs , which insects rub together to make noise , were visible , which allowed researchers to compare the extinct cricket to 59 living species .

  9. 以合肥盆地侏罗系高精度层序地层研究为基础,对其层序地层构成及格架特征进行了精细研究,结果表明合肥盆地在侏罗纪时期为一前陆盆地。

    On the basis of Jurassic high resolution sequence stratigraphic researches in Hefei Basin , this paper discusses the sequence stratigraphic framework and inner structure of the foreland basin . The results show that Hefei Basin is a foreland basin in Jurassic and exhibits seven main isochronous surfaces .

  10. 进入燕山期,随着桂东南逆冲推覆构造前缘不断地向NW方向扩展,侏罗纪&白垩纪时期的前陆盆地也不断地向NW方向迁移。

    In the Yanshanian period , with continuous NW-directed propagation of the front of the southeastern Guangxi thrust nappe structure , the Jurassic-Cretaceous foreland basin also migrated continuously in a NW direction .