- Jurassic Period

The latter mainly appears in Liaoning and Shandong Provinces with older age of magmatic body ( mainly during Jurassic period ) and with younger time ( minly during Cretaceous period ) of mineralization . The time differences are larger than 20 ~ 120 Ma .
Dinosaur Died Off in the Jurassic Period
Jurassic Park had broken all box office records .
A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist 's depiction .
Its summer hit Jurassic World , the latest instalment in the dinosaur film series , will spawn a sequel .
Application of the EMI Image Logging Technique to the Jurassic Reservoir of West Sichuan
Well he makes his way back into Jurassic World , only this time he 's included in a holographic display , and played by none other than director Colin Trevorrow .
The term " butterfly effect " was made popular by the film of the same name , as well as by the earlier Jurassic Park .
It is demonstrated that GR log is a significant indicator for studying the Jurassic palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment .
Organic petrological analysis , Eval-Rock pyrolysis and 13C NMR analysis have been carried out on shale , carbonaceous shale and coal samples .
Moab Giants , a new dinosaur exploration park , should open just in time to feed on the frenzied fans of " Jurassic World " this summer .
A specific coal specces ( cannel ), which is up to 4m is thickness , in discovered is the No.
Silurian-Devonian and Jurassic thermal events in the Ordos basin , china : evidence from K-Ar dating on illites
The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T3-J.
In the Yanshanian period , with continuous NW-directed propagation of the front of the southeastern Guangxi thrust nappe structure , the Jurassic-Cretaceous foreland basin also migrated continuously in a NW direction .
When asked about the science that provides the fictional basis for the Jurassic Park movies , most Americans ( 54 % ) say that it is not currently possible to create dinosaur clones from DNA found in fossils while 28 % believe that it is currently possible .
If you 've seen the summer box office hit , " Jurassic World , " " you know that it is a sensitive portrayal of the essence of zookeeping thinly veiled as a blockbuster action film set in a theme park of genetically engineered dinosaurs .
Two hand-me-down film properties drove this year 's results : The best-selling releases of the year are likely to be the seventh chapter in a " Star Wars " franchise that began 38 years ago , and the fourth entry in the 22-year-old " Jurassic Park " series .
The period from mid-Jurassic to Late Cretaceous is a period with the highest paleotemperature ( 120-180 ℃) for T_ 1 f in NE Sichuan Province , and also the most important period for TSR reaction .
The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Mineralization is closely related with Jurassic PUNTA Coles super unit hornblende monzonite-diorite rock mass , and locates at the preferred target of the aeromagnetic anomalies .
The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous activity produced basaltic and basaltic andesitic lavas ( 146Ma , 137Ma ), followed by gabbro intrusion ( 135Ma ) and aplite dyke ( 129Ma ) .
Due to the variational thickness ( 0 ~ 14m ) and the tune-thickness ( only 8m ) of the coal layer in Jurassic coal field of Northern Shaanxi province , so the traditional method on coal layer thickness interpretation that based on folium theory is inapplicable .
These facts indicate that the Dabie Orogenic Belt was uplifted rapidly before the early Jurassic ( 205-180Ma ), and went through a long period of tectonic calm during the Jurassic .
It demonstrated that Triassic-Jurassic source rocks ( e.g.coal and mudstone ) in Kuqa Depression generated gas relatively later , which mainly occurred at the late stage of Himalayan Period ( after 10 Ma ) and main gas peak was in the last 5 Ma .
The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .
Jurassic sedimentary boundary between the Junggar and Turpan-Hami basins in Xinjiang
The High-Quality Coal-Rich Belt and Its Structural Factors in Huanglong Coalfield
New knowledge of the Jurassic strata in Qingzhou area , Guangxi
The Jurassic sedimentary facies and oil-gas distribution in western Sichuan Basin
Carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs ; Jurassic and Cretaceous .