
qǐ róng
  • raise;nap;tease
起绒 [qǐ róng]
  • (1) [raise]∶用起绒机或梳毛机加工形成绒毛

  • (2) [tease]∶用抓、搔的办法使[布的表面] 起出绒

起绒[qǐ róng]
  1. 对某些织物说,例如起绒织物包括灯芯绒、平绒和棉平绒等,外观的改变比起织物的破损还要重要。

    Changes in surface appearance are often more of a problem than is fabric rupture in pile fabrics such as corduroy , velvet , or velveteen .

  2. Tencel纤维纬起绒织物产品开发及性能研究

    Product Development and Performance Research of the Fleece Fabric with Tencel Fibre

  3. 在经过评价一致性检验和评价结果分析后发现,SE方法对起绒织物的绒面效应的评价,是一种行之有效的方法,有一定的实际应用价值。

    Through testing the evaluation outcome , we find SE method is effective and this method have practical application significance in evaluating the raised textiles .

  4. 对用于PU革基布的T/C65/3558tex转杯纺起绒纱的纺纱工艺进行了优选。

    The processing on spinning T / C 65 / 35 58 tex fleece yarn was optimized in this paper , this yarn was used as PU leather base cloth .

  5. 改性有机硅柔软剂JK-112在涤纶经编起绒织物上的应用

    The Application of Organosilicon Softener JK - 112 on Warp-knitted Raised Fabric of Polyester

  6. 气流纺低捻起绒纱生产实践

    The Production of Low Twist Hairy Yarn on OE Spinning Frame

  7. 浅谈我国起绒织物的发展

    Preliminary Discussion of Development about Raised Fabric in our Country

  8. 起绒草花的头部曾经用来作什么?

    What were the head of teasels once used for ?

  9. 全棉起绒帆布男女童套装

    100 % cotton flannelette canvas suits for boys and girls

  10. 落麻针织起绒织物的开发

    The Development of Knitted Raised Fabrics of Ramie Droppings

  11. 涤棉转杯纺起绒纱的生产研究

    Duvetyn-Yarn Production of Polyester and Cotton by Rotor Spinning

  12. (毛状物或衣服)不起绒的。

    ( of hair or clothing ) not brushed .

  13. 狭幅起绒机织物及绳绒织物仿羊绒腈纶机织绒线

    Narrow woven pile fabrics and narrow chenille fabrics cashmere-like acrylic machine knitting yarn

  14. 涤/棉装饰布夜光涂料起绒立体印花工艺研究

    Technology of Stereoscopic Printing on T / C Furnishing Fabrics with Luminous Pigment

  15. 高新技术在起绒织物开发中的应用前景

    The Future of High Application in Raised Fabric Development

  16. 起绒针布特点是钢丝采用进口钢丝。

    This product is adopted wire of style bending .

  17. 双层双梭口制织经起绒织物上机图

    Draft plans for weaving warp pile fabrics by double-layer double - shed warp mounting

  18. 涤棉转杯纺起绒纱纺纱工艺初探

    Preliminary Discussion on the Spinning Processing of Polyester and Cotton Blended Rotor Fleece Yarn

  19. 未起绒1:3衬垫针织物的线圈几何结构性能

    A study of loop structure and properties of 1:3 plated fleecy fabric before raising

  20. 防紫外线精纺毛涤混纺织物性能研究与风格评价金风砂起绒织物,仿麂皮起绒织物

    Performance study and handle style evaluation of ultraviolet-resistant worsted polyester / wool blend fabric

  21. 经编针织物起绒针布的维护

    Maintenance of Velveting Clothing of Warp-knitting Fabric

  22. 起绒织物活性染色的水洗工艺

    Washing process of reactive dyed pile fabric

  23. 起绒非织造布的生产技术及其应用

    Production Technique and Application of Napped Nonwovens

  24. 麂皮型微起绒真丝绸的开发与生产

    Development and Production of suede-like silk

  25. 纯棉起绒布印花

    Printing of Pure Cotton Raised Fabric

  26. 棉制,不割绒的纬起绒织物,毛圈机织物及狭幅机织物除外

    Crosscutting machine Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton , other than terry and narrow fabrics

  27. 影响人棉布砂洗起绒效果的主要因素是膨化剂、柔软剂和打冷风处理;

    The factors that will influence the raising effect are mainly the swelling agent , softener and cooling .

  28. 缠结的未起绒的毛状物;这套衣服皱了且没有起绒,好像被睡过的一样。

    Snarled unbrushed hair ; the suit was wrinkled and unbrushed , as if it had been slept in .

  29. 上学前,孩子们会用起绒草做的扫帚清扫街道上的落叶和垃圾。

    Teasel brooms in hand , the children storm thestreets , sweeping up dead leaves and garbage before school .

  30. 优化后的纺纱工艺保证了起绒纱纱疵少,起绒效果好。

    The defects of the fleece yarn were decreased and the effect of fleece was ensured by the optimum spinning processing .