
qǐ bīnɡ
  • dispatch troops;rise in arms;start a military action
起兵 [qǐ bīng]
  • [raise troops;rise in revolt] 出兵;兴兵

  1. 晋阳起兵是中国古代历史上一个重要的历史事件。

    Jing Yang Mutiny is one of the greatest events in ancient Chinese history .

  2. 他们曾起兵对抗我父亲

    Men who fought my father .

  3. 但是没有船一切都无从谈起我父亲拥有舰队麾下铁种深谙水性他们曾起兵对抗我父亲

    My father has ships and men who know how to sail . Men who fought my father .

  4. 六国旧贵族也乘机起兵,企图恢复旧国。

    The old nobles of the six states also took opportunity to rebel , attempting to revive their countries .

  5. 前者是清朝的奠基人,以十三副铠甲起兵,开创了后金政权。

    The former is the founder of the qing dynasty to the thirteenth of armour started , we have gold power .

  6. 在其恶名达致顶峰之际,只要他动一动嘴皮子,成千上成的布尔人马上就能起兵造反。

    At the peak of his notoriety , said that tens of thousands of commandos would rise up when he gave the word .

  7. 由上述史实看来,王位由禅让而得与起兵争夺而获都无甚关系。

    As far as history is concerned , it doesn 't matter whether the throne is obtained by demise or by the war .

  8. 几周后,士族豪强袁绍起兵讨董卓,一时间全国又陷人内战混乱之中。

    Within a few weeks there was open rebellion against Dong Zhuo the whole country was in the chaos situation of civil wars again .

  9. 此后,南方由于外乱威胁解除而爆发内战,孙恩、卢循起兵。

    But this relief from external threat was followed by a series of internal disturbances . First , Sun En and Lu Xun launched rebellions .

  10. 孝明帝正光四年(523),六镇起兵,北魏陷人分裂和内战。

    In the 4th year of Zhengguang ( 523 ) during the Emperor Xiaoming 's reign , six towns rose to rebel . The Northern Wei was disunified and plunged into civil war .

  11. 304年(永兴元年),刘渊开始起兵。很快发展到五万人,定都于离石(山西离石),建国号“汉”,自称汉王,胡、汉各族很多人归附他。

    In 304 , he launched a campaign to overthrow the Jin government and soon his armies expanded as much as 50000 . Establishing capital at Lishi ( now Lishi in Shanxi province ) .

  12. 多明尼反叛者曾经贿赂摩根一百万美元,让他背叛卡斯特罗,他佯装同意,广泛散播消息说他要起兵反抗,引诱这群反叛者陷入圈套。

    When he was offered a million dollars to turn against Castro , he played along , broadcasting the sounds of a fake uprising to lure a squad of Dominican invaders into an ambush .

  13. 沛县衙里的文书萧何和监狱官曹参知道刘邦是个好汉,便经常暗地与他来往,商量准备起兵反秦。

    Xiao He and Cao Can , respectively secretary and prison governor of Peixian County , admired Liu Bang and had secret contacts with him , urging him to help overthrow the corrupt and tyrannous Qin Dynasty .

  14. 北府兵将领刘裕起兵镇压了农民军,并通过北伐树立威望,最终取代东晋。

    Later , General Liu Yu of the Beifu troops suppressed the peasant uprisings and gained prestige through a number of northern expeditions . At last , he established his own state to replace the Eastern Jin .

  15. 此时正在流亡中的汉皇室后代刘备也起兵欲兴汉室,率荆州的残余势力与江东的孙权结合。

    Meanwhile , Liu Bei , the descendant from the rulers of the former Han , although in exile , striving to restore the power of Han , led his remaining soldiers to seek support from Sun Quan .

  16. 公元501年,萧道成的族弟萧衍在襄阳起兵,攻进建康,结束了齐的统治,并称帝,建立梁朝。

    In 501 , Xiao Yan , half-brother of Xiao Daocheng took the advantages of this disturbance , led an uprising in Xiangyang ( now Xiangfan City , Hubei ) , seized the capital Jiankang and named his dynasty Liang .

  17. 公元191年,袁术的部将孙坚起兵将董卓逐出洛阳,董卓逃至西安。公元192年董卓被其护卫吕布所杀。

    In 191 the army of Sun Jian , under the command of Yuan Shu , drove Dong Zhuo from Luoyang west to Chang , an , and in 192 Dong Zhuo was assassinated by his former body-guard Lu Bu .

  18. 他把自己看成是复国使者,到处宣讲他的平等主义和清教徒思想,而他的追随者都是些无业者、市井无赖和劳苦大众。1850年,他们从广西省起兵反对清朝政府的统治。

    He saw himself as a kind of messiahs and preached a social egalitarism and puritanism . His followers were unemployed , desperados and the poor , and they started to rebel against the Qing governmental institutions in 1850 from Guan-gxi Province .

  19. 后汉高祖做了11个月皇帝就死了,其侄刘承佑(隐帝)继位后,忌杀大臣,天雄节度使郭威被迫起兵反汉,隐帝被杀。

    Eleven months later , Emperor Gaozu of the Later Han passed away and his nephew Liu Chengyou ( Emperor of Ying ) carried out the line . The new emperor was always suspicious of and put his ministers to death which caused the garrison commander Guo Wei to lead an uprising .

  20. 大业七年(611),在山东首先爆发了王薄领导的农民起义,接着各地农民起义风起云涌,贵族出身的杨玄感也起兵反隋,统治阶级内部出现大分裂。

    In the 7th year of Daye ( 611 ) , a peasant uprising led by Wang Bo broke out in Shandong , which was followed by many others all over the country . Yang Xuan-gan , an aristocrat , also rose in revolt , which was a sign of split within the ruling class .