
qǐ jià
  • basic/beginning price
  • raise the price
起价 [qǐ jià]
  • [price rise;raise the price] 〈方〉∶涨价;提价

  1. 旅馆的双人房间一宿50欧元起价。

    Hotel prices start at € 50 a night for a double room .

  2. 每瓶6英镑的起价不算太贵。

    Prices starting at £ 6 a bottle won 't break the bank .

  3. 起价为单人1,095英镑,包括机票、旅店住宿和各种出游费用。

    Prices start at £ 1,095 per person , including flights , hotel accommodation and various excursions

  4. TheOne外形小巧,起价600美元,事实证明,它受到了中国家长的青睐,两年就销售了逾8.5万架钢琴。

    With a compact design and a price starting around $ 600 , it has proved to be popular among Chinese parents ; the company sold 85000 units in two years .

  5. 新款macpro电脑起价2499美元,较老款低300美元。

    The new Mac Pro starts at $ 2499 , or $ 300 less than the prior model .

  6. 苹果的iPadAir比上一代平板电脑薄了20%,起价499美元。

    Apple 's iPad Air is also about 20 percent slimmer than the previous generation of tablets , starting at 499 US dollars .

  7. 在本周的全球移动通讯大会(MobileWorldCongress)上,一款非合约版起价只有122美元的手机引起了大家的关注。

    It is telling that one of the devices garnering much attention at this week 's Mobile World Congress is a phone that will start at an unsubsidized price of about $ 122 .

  8. 新款iPadmini的起价仅499美元,有无线局域网和蜂窝网络机型可供选择。

    the new iPad mini starts at just $ 499 , and it 'll be available in both Wi-Fi and cellular configurations .

  9. 这款文胸是在eBay上以起价500英镑(相当于800.30美元)。

    The bra is being auctioned on eBay with a starting bid of £ 500 ( U.S. $ 800.30 ) .

  10. 10月19日发布的iPhoneXR起价749美元。

    The iPhone XR , which will be released on Oct. 19 , is starting at $ 749 .

  11. 第16届年度午餐拍卖于当地时间5月31日至6月5日在eBay网站上进行,起价2.5万美元。

    The 16th annual lunch auction starts Sunday with a $ 25,000 minimum bid on eBay , and continues until Friday .

  12. 新款铝制外壳MacBook起价1299美元,最高2000美元。

    The new aluminum MacBooks start at $ 1,299 and range upwards of $ 2,000 .

  13. TwoTog羽绒被内填充的是匈牙利鹅毛,现出售夏季和冬季两种款式,起价为140英镑。

    The Two Tog duvets are filled with Hungarian goose down and are available in summer and winter versions . Prices start at £ 140 .

  14. 西北大学凯洛格高管领导力学院(KelloggExecutiveLeadershipInstitute)主席道格拉斯o科南特对领导力的精辟见解备受各界珍视,他单场演讲费的起价为4.5万美元。

    Douglas Conant , chairman of the Kellogg Executive Leadership Institute at Northwestern University , delivers highly prized insights on leadership at prices starting at $ 45,000 per speech .

  15. 由艾伦•马斯科投资的电动汽车制造商特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)已经开始在官网上接受ModelS的订单了,这款车型的起价为7万美元。

    Tesla Motors ( tsla ) , the groundbreaking electric-vehicle manufacturer founded by Elon Musk , takes orders for its model s sedan , which starts at $ 70,000 , on its website .

  16. 2009年芳是起价四万九千九百七十五美元建议零售价为300马力的V8豪华模式。

    The2009 XF is priced starting at $ 49,975 MSRP for the300 hp V8 Luxury model .

  17. 该车的起价为57400美元,与同样款式的奥迪A6的售价持平。

    Prices will start at $ 57,400 & about the same as for a similar-sized Audi A6 .

  18. 同样重要的是,苹果的新产品阵容将使最便宜的iPad起价首次降至300美元以下。

    Just as important , Apple 's new holiday lineup lowers the entry price for the cheapest iPads to below $ 300 for the first time .

  19. MotoX的起价为200美元(约合人民币1226元),在对它进行了近一周的测试后,我觉得我挺喜欢它。

    I 've been testing the Moto X , which starts at $ 200 , for nearly a week , and I like it .

  20. 谷歌眼镜售价1500美元,苹果手表起价349美元,但是要和iPhone5及以上版本配合使用。

    Google Glass is $ 1500 , while the Apple Watch starts at $ 349 and you have to have an iPhone 5 or higher for it to work .

  21. 它的Phantom2无人机是有四个水平旋翼的直升机,起价为859美元(约合5330元人民币),而像“悟”Inspire1这样的高端机型起价为2900美元。

    Its Phantom 2 drone , a copter with four rotors , starts at $ 859 , while higher-end models like the Inspire 1 start at $ 2900 .

  22. 苹果说,它将销售一系列平板电脑,从去年推出的、售价299美元的iPadMini到起价499美元的新款iPadAir。

    Apple said it will sell a range of tablets starting with last year 's iPad Mini for $ 299 , up to the new iPad Air , which starts at $ 499 .

  23. 满足这种需求的硬件甚至不会很贵,基于英特尔(Intel)和AMD微处理器的服务器目前起价不到1000美元。

    The hardware to do this need not even be very costly , with servers based around Intel and AMD microprocessors now starting at less than $ 1,000 .

  24. 苹果曾宣布,在4月3日在美国开始发售iPad之后的28天内,销量就达100万台,iPad起价499美元。

    Apple had announced 1m sales in the US alone in the 28 days after it became available there on April 3 for a starting price of $ 499 .

  25. 在美国,iPhone两年期合约机的起价为199美元,较早型号的iPhone两年期合约机售价为99美元,或是由无线运营商免费提供。

    In the U.S. , the iPhone starts at $ 199 with a two-year wireless contract , while older models are available for $ 99 or for free with a two-year contract .

  26. iPhone7将会在9月16日开卖,定价将会和去年款持平,起价650美元。

    iPhone 7 will go on sale on September , 16 . Pricing of the iPhone 7 is likely to stay on par with last year 's models with prices starting at $ 650 .

  27. 这款文胸是在eBay上以起价500英镑(相当于800.30美元)。拍卖将持续到2012年10月28日。

    The bra is being auctioned on eBay with a starting bid of £ 500 ( U.S. $ 800.30 ) . The auction continues through October 28 , 2012 .

  28. 以18.5万美元的起价来看,V12VantageS的定位可以说是很不错的。

    With a base price starting around $ 185000 , the V12 Vantage S is well positioned .

  29. 帝亚吉欧发言人说,该公司计划今年晚些时候在全球推出HaigClub,起价在每瓶65美元左右。

    Diageo said it is planning a global launch for Haig Club later this year , with prices starting at around $ 65 a bottle , according to a company spokeswoman .

  30. 相比之下,起价349美元的AppleWatchSport和起价549美元的AppleWatch都不算特别贵,而购买一款包金裹银,起价1万美元的AppleWatchEdition也不算特别疯狂的举动。

    That means the Apple Watch Sport ( starting $ 349 ) and Apple Watch ( starting $ 549 ) are inexpensive by comparison , while the gold and silver Apple Watch Edition models that start at $ 10000 aren 't crazy purchases .